Hi guys, I'm new to the Reach forging scene. Made a few maps on Halo 3 but can't say they were anything special. Had a playaround in Halo Reach Forge when my internet went down and found it much easier with the new tools. Feel quite silly for never noticing them before. Anyway I know I'm a bit late, so I see it as practice for Halo 4 Forge. I've made a map on Forge, It's an Infection type, consisting of loads of little platforms floating in mid-air. Nowhere to camp. Nowhere to hide. With the Survivors Jetpacks and the Zombies Jump Height your only chance of survival is moving. Map: Skyline Survival Gametype: Zombie Jumping Beans Players: 8-16 If I'm not allowed to post this here please correct me. I've read the T&C and I don't believe I'm violating any rules. I know there is another section for this but I seem to be having issues making the thread. Anyway, My Gamertag: Turtlespoon (Same as username here). Always looking to hook up with players, be it for custom games or matchmaking, Just add me with a 'FH' and I'll accept no questions asked. Look forward to getting to know everyone. Thanks. -TS
I'm all up for staying active, I'm still waiting for my thread to be approved. Can't wait to see what you guys think of my map. If it's not against the rules, I'll have a link in here as soon as it's available, if anyone's interested. Yeah someone in the chatbox warned me about berbs. Still confused but whatever floats yer' boat guys. Feel free to fill me in. Anyway thanks for the warm (not to mention quick) welcome. -TR
Hi, I'm SpinCycle014! Paragraph of stuff: Spoiler Yeah, you should post the map here. I also love infection, but campers annoy me. For some help with maps: MAP TEMPLATE! SCREENSHOTS! I like customs, too...but now I'm rarely on. Thats all I'll put in this paragraph of stuff. Welcome to ForgeHub!
Yeah, i would like to see your map. There just are some simple rules you have to get hold off, mak sure to read those. And well.. In my perspective, some people tend to make jokes on the forums and the chatbox, and then they carry those on here. While the new member, you, doesnt have any idea what is going on Dont worry, easy to get used to, i think.
Sweet well as for camping, finding a spot to do that won't be easy on my map... But that's why it's here, so I can hear back about any flaws. I've updated the first post with a link to my map and gametype. If anybody is interested. Peace TS
My name is Berb M. Pyro, and the M stands for Mingo. The joke originated when people started calling themselves by other peoples' usernames in introduction threads..
no, it started when Berb said, "Hi, I'm Berb." Then someone else said, "don't listen to Berb, he's lying." it was pretty funny, actually, well, I guess you just should have been there.
That was later... Hi I'm Berb -> Hi I'm Pyro -> Hi I'm Berb -> Hi I'm Pyro -> Hi I'm Berb -> Hi I'm Pyro -> berb changes his gamertag to Hi Im Berb. Anyway, the origin of Hi, I'm Berb has been obscured in the world of urban legend. It's just there.
Sometimes, I wonder what it is like to be new here .. You come to this place and think it would be nice to introduce yourself, and all you get it a thread like this. I'd be confused, hit myself and leave. That's why I love the introduction sub forums so much. Welcome to forge hub.
what do you expect? we're a group of socially awkward, overly informed internet dwellers with nothing better to do than repost random **** we found on reddit.