I did something similar first semester, either our group could make a ten minute movie about some stupid theme, my group did a four person linked poem (four poems that all flow together). I wrote ten lines and got an A.
/copypasta: An evil king has 1000 bottles of wine. A neighboring queen plots to kill the bad king, and sends a servant to poison the wine. The king's guards catch the servant after he has only poisoned one bottle. The guards don't know which bottle was poisoned, but they do know that the poison is so potent that even if it was diluted 1,000,000 times, it would still be fatal. Furthermore, the effects of the poison take one month to surface. The king decides he will get some of his prisoners in his vast dungeons to drink the wine. Rather than using 1000 prisoners each assigned to a particular bottle, this king knows that he needs to murder no more than 10 prisoners to figure out what bottle is poisoned, and will still be able to drink the rest of the wine in 5 weeks time. How does he pull this off?
They each drink a swill made of 100 bottles each, of the one that dies. Each of the nine remaining drink a swill made of 11 of the possibly tainted ones, if none of them die then the 100th is obviously bad, if not; Each of the 8 remaining try one of the possible 11, if none of them die you only have three bottles in question with 8 people to find out. Now if the question means 10 people will surely die then I guess you do the above and have 7 people drink the tainted one to make sure the three previous deaths weren't false positives? Orrrrr it takes one month to find the poison so the kingdom goes dry for a month and in the fifth week everybody gets trashed on wine.
Hmm, I wouldn't have thought of that to be honest. Did you have some problems like that before or something? Maybe you're just very logical... It would have taken me a bit longer to figure it out. : )
Interesting, but no, you have to use binary code by numbering the 1000 bottles (in fact 1024) in binary notation so: Bottle 1: 0000000001 Bottle 100: 0001100100 Bottle 1000:1111101000 Then label the columns A-J and prisoner A is given wine from every bottle with a 1 in the A column, prisoner B from every bootle with a 1 the B column, etc. Then by matching the dead prisoners to the binary number of the bottle you have the poisoned bottle. but i guess your reasoning would work aswell haha
I like to think I am pretty good at combining logic and creativity whenever I am programming which is why I am focusing on Computer Science mainly. Technically, I am going for electrical engineering and if I end up getting absolutely raped by it, I'll just switch. (I am going to try my absolute hardest though.) Both majors interest me a lot and I plan on pursuing both degrees, along with others eventually. What kind engineering are you majoring in? How's Differential Equations now btw? I remember you mentioning that it was getting difficult before. Hopefully it's better now. lol.