Been looking at the interactive map on IGN ... it looks pretty tasty. Definitely looking forward to it. Just hope my real life car is in the game so i can mod it a bit and blast around.
Incorrect, the Scion FRS. That's my actual real life car (except its badged as a Toyota in the UK). Even laid out inside like the Toyota is. ****ing awesome. Was driving around in it last night. Winwinwin. So yeah...the game...I absolutely hated it for the first 20-30 minutes. I honestly nearly put it back in the box and sent it back. But then it just clicked that its not meant to be hardcore racing like Forza and should be as arcadey/cheesy as parts of it are. I still detest the menus/gui though. Its ****ing disgusting. And for me its spoiled bits like the decal applicator and applying bodykits (because you can't rotate the vehicle to get a better look). Map is big enough for me, I love cruising about and how you get loads of exp for whatever you do.
Aww yea! What do you think guys, is it worth it? I'm not sure whether I should get it right away, or if I should wait for a used 40€ version or something like that That was unexpected
Is anyone else totally irritated that pressing RB doesn't activate the rear view camera and instead switches view? I've crashed so many times by pressing RB to look back without thinking and accidentally going to a different view. Rather off-putting. Can't change it in the options either
I'm used to that being the change views button, so no I don't find it that annoying. I've never understood why games don't let you change every button. Yes sure it could lead to some horrible control schemes, but only if the user wanted to move invertedly with RS and press B to open the Pause menu.
Why the **** not? I also just got a set of duplicate Loyalty cars. Hmm. Didn't really want a load of cars I already have and I can't really sell them for anything. Also had to ramp up the difficulty to Hard, the medium opponents are next to no challenge. Also: **** Gravity
Is no one else really, really upset you can no longer fine tune the components of your vehicle? Like what the **** **** is this.
yea that pisses me off too. i also hate that you cant share cars in the club if they have locked designs on them, but that is nothing new. i just hate it anyway. shared this S700 Ascari KZ1R to the club... its a lot of fun to drive =) check it out guys Spoiler also shared a Forgehub GTR to the club... my paint skills aren't the best... sorry hey, if you want to see something funny with the AI, find a racer that is roaming the map in single player and stop your car in front of him and hold the e-brake, so he can't pass you. he'll just keep reversing and then driving directly into you over and over again, instead of going around. eventually another guy came along and started doing the same thing, there was a chain of 3 cars that were all too stupid to go around me.
i'm going to buy the game regardless, but I will most likely complain until the end of time about not being able to tune. Like this is what saved me in spec races in Forza 3.
i miss tuning but now theres no need for tuning your car better, just plow through the cones and signs on the side of the road to cut ahead of the pack, get your 'wreckage' bonus, and win =\ Spoiler
Wow, I'm late to the game here. Played the demo like a week before it came out, loved it, then eagerly awaited it's arrival at my local retailer. Played the **** off it for about six days, then decided I needed a break, so I downloaded the Dark Souls DLC and have been playing that since yesterday. Might get back into Horizon soon, though, coz I love painting the cars (I nerded up and made a Prometheus skin for the Bugatti EB110 ). And yeh, I have no complaints about it not being like the previous Forza games because I haven't played any of the previous Forza games . I just like open world racing games and racing in general, and the pedigree of this game was too good to ignore.