Primary precision weapon, that is. (No Magnum or Sniper Rifle) I'll probably experiment with all of them, but end up going with the BR.
I don't know really. I enjoyed the BR, but the DMR also feels better to use than in Reach. So really, I will be using a combination of the two. Maybe even use both in the same load out if possible. Anyways I will be using them more than the Carbine and even the LR. For some reason I didn't particularly enjoyed that gun. On the poll, I will pick the BR, due to a versitility that nothing matches.
Hm. Either DMR or BR. main downside of the BR to me is the lack of long-range, although that could be interpreted as a plus in terms of map forging. DMR has bloom, though.
I think a lot of people who initially gravitate to the BR are going to end up using the DMR if kill times/general effectiveness pan out like they look to. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be rocking the DMR from the start, though I really want to try the LR. I'll be giving all of them a good go, though. It's nice to have options, but I fear it'll end up with one of them being the go-to weapon and getting used by the vast majority. What'll be interesting is if the DMR does turn out to be the most powerful but the majority of people just use the BR because it's a BR. I could genuinely see that happening.
I was thinking the DMR, but I would have to try the others of course although I never have been to fond of covenant styled weapons.
DMR. **** sounds so bawss. Occasionally the Carbine and LR, cause they're cool too. Anything but the BR.
carbine are BR are gonna be the boss sauce, **** a DMR, so tired of that thing cant say much about LR since i havent tried it yet, but i am highly curious
I just realised now mid/long range battles are gonna be awesome! Instead of BANG...BANG...BANG of the DMR its now gonna be all PEW BANG POW POW BANG BRRR PEW PEW from all dem different primary weapons.
damn right!!! we just have to hope that all the tryhards dont settle on only one weapon and ruin the melting pot
Maybe This will make up some peoples mind, it did fr me anyway.. Halo 4 Battle Rifle vs DMR vs Carbine vs Light Rifle [FRAME DATA] by NEXY - YouTube