I've posted saying I have built one for awhile but never got around to fix it up a bit, but i finally did. .::Multi Tier::. Click For Map Bungie Post To only go to the second level you must stay to the front of the elevator. To go all the way up stay against the back wall. Now for it in action
this could be very useful maybe a better way to get to the second floor without having to stand in a certain spot ya know?
Um just a suggestion, but maybe to get to top floor you can use man cannon, and to middle floor, a grav lift. Just a suggestion. Hope It Helps!
An aesthetically pleasing, working elevator. Nice work. I am currently in the process of building a map based around Swat, and this elevator would do wonders for it. May i have your permission to use it in my map? Full credit for the elevator would go to you, of course. Anyway, nice job and keep up the good work!
very nice i will dl and try to think of kickass maps to use it in i like the gif its a good use of resources
the only thing I have against it is that it looks like the crate rotates while in the lift, you could try using a set of rails made out of bridges, it would be good.
Great idea, i might use it in my next map, if i do, i will put your name in description, and special thanks
i made the rails out of fence walls but i guess the bridges would be better, i just might make a version 2
So what happens when it goes down? Won't it just get stuck on the custom powerups? It can only be used once because of the grav lift at the bottom right? (it will never return to its original placement). That is the problem with custom powerup elevators... You need to worry about the LIFT of the elevator not blocking the lift, or else it will not be able to come down. Many people have done this and it is great for one time uses, but a nice switch to make it go up or down would work alot better, But I do like how you made it look. If you want to talk about new ways to make elevators you can join h3artificer.com
Coyoteboy, it doesn't need to go down at all. The crate simply respawns after it has been disturbed by the lift. It's probably set to a ten second respawn. You could make this into a three level elevator if you employed mancannons to pick up the thrust where the gravt lift stops.