I wasn't saying I would get rejected for being O- and I am aware that people can only receive O- which really convinced me to lie on a particular question. The first time I donated blood, I was completely honest but this time there was a new question which I felt was trivial. Trivial enough for me to answer dishonestly. I am aware of the questions that are especially important and answered them truthfully. I wasn't in England when mad cow disease broke out, etc.
No. You're not even required to know your blood type when giving blood. It was about something else. I was mentioning that I had O- because I know it can be given to anyone. I accidentally combined that with another sentence in my original comment so I apologize for the confusion.
PPC is serious. I guess nothing considering the 30-day(?) period in which it could have passed and it might have been out of my system. Like I said, nothing big.... At least in my opinion. Thinking about it now, it probably was on the first survey I took. I LIED AGAIN. Oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man.
im AB+ so i get calls every couple weeks to donate my plasma, i guess AB+ plasma is universal and what did you lie about? medicine or like prostitution? not judging lol
Plasma is plasma I thought... But AB+ is the opposite of O- in that you can get any blood but only other AB+s can get yours I think. And I think he is trying to say he lied about weed. [br][/br]Edited by merge: not safe for arachnaphobes Spoiler
@Stouf: Perhaps. I just don't like talking about it. I hate it when people talk about it non-stop like it is the best thing in their life. If it is, then they lack character imo. I dunno, just a pet peeve of mine. Sorry for being so indirect. lol.
it's detectable, doesnt mean it's exactly harmful to a patient receiving a transfusion, although im not exactly a phlebotomist
[Sigh] he's saying they could've detected it and said something to those around him or at the very least might have been an awkward conversation.
So you're saying I could get high if I got a blood transfusion from a high person? Spoiler I thought furry lied about being gay Spoiler j/k
THC is the chemical that makes you high, when you smoke it, it is absorbed into the blood, and is deposited in the brain. So yes, if the high person gives blood with THC present, the recipient will also get high.
i don't really think that's the case lol thc really only effects you for a few hours, even if it stays in your body for an extended period of time, by the time its in the recipient, i think it wouldn't have an effect