Pokémon General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Platinum or FireRed is probably my first, except the excessive amount of Hm's in Platinum.

    I would enjoy heart gold, but the pokemon are so underleveled in the game it's rediculous. After 6 badges, you're still finding wild pokemon in their 20's and battling rattatas/koffings against team rocket. It feels like a chore playing up to the elite 4
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I love my soul silver. Its seriously their best title (alongside HG) in my opinion. So much room to roam, so many goals, and all of the new stiff in the revised version makes for the perfect storm of pokemon.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Right, time to pump some life into this thread again, with Black & White 2 being out now for the better part of the work week, who's picked either copy of the game up, and how are you guys enjoying it?

    I've picked up White 2 (because all of my friends picked up Black 2), and I'm at the 5th gym right now. My favourite feature would have to be the habitat setting for the pokedex as it makes "catching 'em all" so much easier. My party consists of Growlithe, Dewott, Whirlipede, Flaaffy and Psyduck, and unfortunately I hadn't planned for the electric gym. So far this is shaping up to be my favourite stepping stone in the series.
  4. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Oh damn didnt even know its out, if i get a chance too im gunna pick up black 2, how is the starter?
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    The habitat setting for the Pokedex is a small but awesome addition to the game. As you said, it really does make catching Pokemon easier than it was previously. Hopefully they'll continue to use this feature in future titles.
    I'm probably going to get my copy at some point this week. Unfortunately due to some very important exams, I won't have much time to play it in. Nevertheless, I've already had ideas for what my final team will be.
    • Samurott/Lapras
    • Leafeon
    • Arcanine
    • Salamence/Metagross/Aggron
    • Heracross/Lucario
    • Altaria/Braviary/Archeops
    I'm still not entirely sure on some of these. I really wish there were some other flying-types available like Pidgeot or Staravia. I was originally going to have an electric-type in the party but ultimately decided against it in favour of using Leafeon. I'll just teach Samurott/Lapras Ice Beam to take out any flying-types that I come up against.
    Salamence/Metagross/Aggron are all last minute filler choices that I came up with. I may just add in an electric-type such as Electivire or something else like Zoroark.
    I'm leaning towards Heracross instead of Lucario simply because I've already had a Lucario on my team before (Diamond). Then again, it's a pretty awesome Pokemon to use so I may just use it anyway.
    In the end though, this game looks awesome and I'm sure it will meet my expectations. If anyone ever wants to do some trading, I'll be open to helping them out once I get a copy of the game.
    #2165 Chron, Oct 13, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  6. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Hey guys, remember when you pick up your B&W2 that you can get a free pokemon (Genesect) from the Nintendo Wi-Fi thing. It's final day is November 12th!

    He's a bug and steel type, with a move that can change it's type based on the type of Drive you give it, so essentially you can have a Bug-Fire-Steel or Bug-Water-Steel, etc. type pokemon. :D

    As for me, I'm only on my 3rd badge, and my team is

    • Dewott - Level 20
    • Genesect - Level 22
    • Lucario - Level 19
    • Growlithe - Level 19

    and I feel like they're all underleveled... what do you think?
    And where would a good place to grind be?
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    It's hard to narrow down to a single place to grind, or at least I find it so, but before I fought the 3rd gym I had thoroughly explored the sewers as well as I could without surf - I feel that prepared me quite well. Just use growlithe if you feel you're going to have trouble.

    As for my team at the moment;

    • Level 34 Growlithe
    • Level 35 Dewott
    • Level 34 Scolipede
    • Level 37 Electabuzz
    • Level 38 Golduck

    Obviously it has some major flaws in the ways of typing and strengths, and the lack of a flying type (I'm saving my 6th slot for one), but I'm happy with how it's turning out so far. Electric type are a bit difficult to handle, but I persevered through the electric gym.Speaking of gyms, I'm on the 7th now, this game is seriously good.
    #2167 pinohkio, Oct 13, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  8. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    EDIT: Nevermind, I got myself a Trapinch :D
    #2168 Gr4phix, Oct 13, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  9. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I've just reached the Elite 4, and my team is something like this at the current moment:

    1. Level 59 Serperior
    2. Level 54 Lucario
    3. Level 54 Zoroark
    4. Level 54 Braviary
    5. Level 54 Haxorus
    6. Level 49 Aggron

    I can't remember the exact levels of everyone, but it's something like this. I just need to train Aggron a bit, then I'm ready to challenge the Elite 4. I have no real problems with any types, but Electric types are a pain to battle because I haven't got any Ground TMs apart from Bulldoze (I really want Earthquake).
    #2169 Flameblad3, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Holy ****, I'm under levelled then.. My average level is 52, I think I'm going to be in for a lot of revives.
  11. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    lol, I just battle every single person I see. I was actually pretty under levelled for most of the game as I was always raising Pokemon at about the same rate, but it's really paid off now. Are there any good grinding places in this game?
  12. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice, this thread is kicking for at least a little while.

    I finished the game (B2) yesterday with:


    Magnezone is a freaking Godsend in this game.

    As for some real business, does anybody want to comment on what team sounds better for W2 Challenge mode?

    Conkeldurr / Scrafty


    Mamoswine or Krookodile (I need more support early game; Excadrill would bring me a big ground weakness)

    3 Team members are the same, so basically their staples for my next run
    #2172 Korlash, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2012
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I picked up the game a few days ago. I've just defeated the 6th gym and I'm currently going through reversal mountain. My team is:
    • Samurott level 44
    • Arcanine level 41
    • Zoroark level 41
    • Roselia level 40
    I'm saving the two spots for either a flying, electric or a fighting type pokemon. I have no idea what flying type I'll choose. Judging from what Isao said, I might go and get myself a Magnezone. Fighting type wise, It'll probably be a Heracross.

    Anyway, this game's great. I'm definitely enjoying it more than the original Black and White games. Hopefully the post-elite 4 story is worth going through.
  14. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    If I can tell you one thing about the post game... lots of legendaries.
  15. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Magnezone is kind of out of your convenience now. The only place you can catch him was at virbank complex. You'd have to catch him up.

    I believe heracross is on the way if you're playing Black 2. Idk what your last one would be though. You missed out on some decent ones.
  16. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I haven't looked at the competitive pokemon metagame since HGSS. Can someone inform me of the major changes in the newer games? (namely Black/White, Black 2/White 2)
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To add to this, can anybody run me through the process of IV training real fast?
  18. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    IVs are a Pokemon's are invisible values which dictates their stat gains. They are allocated to each stat. When Pokemon are caught or hatched from an egg, they have these static values. These values range from 0-31; 0 being lowest and 31 being highest. When a Pokemon is bred, one of these values is passed down to the Pokemon which hatches from the egg. So, the only way to get perfect IVs (31 in every stat) is by selective breeding; breeding different Pokemon with one another until you get a Pokemon with 31 in every stat. It takes a long time usually.

    While a Pokemon IVs can't be changed, EVs can. EVs (or effort values) are points which add up to contribute to a Pokemon's stat gains which are gained from battling Pokemon. For example, if my Braviary defeats a Sceptile, it gets 3 EV points in the Speed stat. For every 4 points a Pokemon gains it gets 1 point in the stat. However, EV training cannot go forever; the cap to EV gains in any stat is 255, and the total amount of EVs a Pokemon can gain is 510. However, as 255 is not divisible by four (and therefore the last three points in that stat will be rendered useless) the rule of thumb is to train a Pokemon to have 252 EV points.

    So, you need to go to areas with Pokemon which increase the desired stat and just KO them over and over. I don't know if I did a good job explaining this, so here's a link which should help.
  19. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, you remember Kyogre and Groudon, and their abilities (Drizzle and Dought)? Now Politoed and Ninetales have them, and the Overused tier is all about weather now.

    I haven't played competitively since before BW2, but I've heard that the new additions (such as Genesect or Tornadus-T) just break the game even more.

    Basically you have to breed for IV's now.

    In-game I wouldn't bother. Just go for EV training.
    #2179 Korlash, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2012
  20. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    IVs are bred, not trained. If you mean EV training, well, it's pretty easy to do in B2/W2.

    Pokemon can have 510 EVs total, with a limit of 255 per stat (although only 252 EVs are needed to get the maximum effect). Certain EVs are handed out by defeating certain pokemon. For example, Corphish gives out 1 attack EV and Basculin gives out 2 speed EVs.

    4 EVs = 1 stat point

    So say I have a Ralts I want to train in speed and attack. The method I use to do that is as follows:

    1. Give it a Macho Brace (which doubles EVs gained)
    2. Infect it with Pokerus (which doubles EVs gained)
    3. Fly to Route 3 (which has Corphish and Basculin in the pond)
    4. Initiate Basculin genocide with Ralts in the lead position, also slaying any Corphish that happen to get in the way. As long as a pokemon gains experience it will also gain EVs, so you can switch to another pokemon to do the actual fighting.
    4. After an hour or so, call up Bianca with the Xtransceiver and ask her to "look at effort". If she says "it could work a little harder" and that's it, there's more training to be done. But if she adds "I think it's worked really hard on its speed" that means Ralts has the maximum amount of speed EVs it can get and it's time to move on to attack training.
    5. Fly to Floccesy Ranch, which has a bunch of 1 attack EV yielding pokemon (Lillipup, Riolu, Patrat, Pidove)
    6. Due to the earlier Corphish clobbering, Ralts already has a bit of attack EVs so this shouldn't take as long.
    7. After 30~ minutes of rodent smacking call Bianca again. If she says " It's worked really hard, hasn't it? attack speed yadda yadda," that means Ralts has reached the EV limit, with 255 EVs in attack and speed adding up to a total of 510. It's over.

    This actually isn't the most efficient method, though. Due to odd number shenanigans, you can squeeze out an extra stat point by training to 252 EVs per stat instead of 255. Since 4 Evs= 1 stat, the 3 EVs between 252 and 255 are useless and can be regulated to another stat, usually HP.

    I don't personally care about this extra stat just because it's a pain in the ass to keep track of. Because you're training to 252 instead of the max 255, you lose out on Biancas confirmation. This means you'll have to keep track of the EVs manually.

    Here's Serebii's guide to EVs. It covers some things I didn't, and it also has a list of B2/W2 hotspots at the bottom.

    And if you need Pokerus, I can trade an infected pokemon to you, or anybody else for that matter. If you don't have Wi-Fi, then good luck, because the odds of finding Pokerus in the wild is lower than finding a shiny.
    #2180 Inferi, Oct 26, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012

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