Chuck loves the horizontal lines when video files get upscaled. He calls them his "little liney lines".
That's where I found it, yes, but I did enjoy picking out characters I recognize. TMNT Michael Bay Rodger (American Dad) Gundam Zoidberg Duke Nukem Archer Lana (Archer) Tom Cruise (Top Gun) Captain America Captain Falcon Terminator Freakazoid Bit Trip runner Those people in adventure time (Jake and someone or other) Heman Phoenix Right Space Ghost Robin Gay! Seal Johnny Bravo Kick Ass The people from King of the Hill Tobias Fünke (dyed blue) Rossy (the robot from the Jetsons) Harry Potter Loki Hulk Lela Lilu (with multipass) Master Chief katamari dude Steven Colbert riding an eagle Agent Smith Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers Jake and Neytiri (Invader) Zim The Evil Monkey A spitter (L4D2) Marty McFly (in a Tardis) Anonymous Deadpool Jessica Rabbit Batgirl Reddit alien Captain Planet The list goes on and on, I love it! Oh and of course Faith Connors