Pretty sure I saw a clip where a guy sticks someone with it and gets a medal. Also, if you see one on the ground you can just shoot it to set it off. Pretty sure you could do that with the GL as well. A guy on the waypoint forums that has played the game said that someone was camping lifts with the thing, sticking it to the exit. Good idea, but it'll take some practice to pull off consistently.
This would have been the smart thing. **** 'cannon' or whatevertheshit they call it, customs should have everything.
Question. Are they bringing back dual wielding? Im pretty sure this is a no but im just wondering. and whats this "cannon" you guys are talking about?
canon isn't the problem, time is the problem. putting in every weapon and every vehicle from past games would take a lot of time that is much better used elsewhere.
Melee and swords were just broken entirely in reach. Getting a bulltrue and yet still dying..... Like making spartan stances. Can they really have spent that much time on a game that so much of is just copying things other games did first?
They've expanded the weapon set in certain areas, it's just been refocused on primary weapons to account for the loadout nature of the game.
Lag? @Pegasi The issue I have with that is that the primary weapons fill similar niches. More weapons, but the variety increases at a slower rate. Thoughts?
Agreed. I wasn't really defending their decision. I was only pointing out that it isn't a strictly slimmed down sandbox, just more refocused around loadouts.
It takes a lot of time to design and implement a new weapon or vehicle, but how much effort does it take to add in a gametype or more customization? Unless I'm severely underestimating the difficulty of it, I see absolutely no reason for this lack of options.
I don't think the weapon sandbox is slimmed down at all. Pretty much everything that didn't return has some similar counterpart and they added a lot of new stuff too. Four 1sk ranged weapons with scopes, 3 big damage power weapons, 4 close range power weapons, 4 auto weapons ranging in power, 3 pistol types, 4 precision primary, 3 skill/power without scope. Sandbox is huge. The only thing that's not really there is the beam. Still would a rather seen GL just be another weapon in though.
Just thought of another point in H4s favor. Not trying to make us buy a $300 peripheral device like most other games coming out recently are.
Except 343 said in one video that the reason for a lot of the decisions made was to integrate the MP into the story as a training exercise or something. So it's not just a completely separated feature so the MP has to fit into the campaign something like that.
Just making sure, are you saying solely that the sandbox itself has grown and not that the niche size / weapon has increased? Not saying that there's anything wrong with the latter; just curious.
Am I the only one that doesn't necessarily want a giant weapon sandbox? I'm drawing a line between weapon sandbox and weapon function sandbox here. As mentioned above, just about every addition to the lineup has some sort of weapon that is similar to it. Railgun is like Laser, SD is similar to GL, etc. I'm not saying they're bad or copies, but they aren't necessarily a new function like the introduction of the Nade Launcher or Brute Shot. I'd rather they have less total weapons involved with more unique functions then spend the time to make twice as many weapons that do half as many different things. It seems like a waste of time to me to make 3 utility ranged rifles in a game like Halo. I'd rather they keep one, and work on new ideas that mesh well with the Halo sandbox. Get rid of the clutter, if you know what I mean. Ideally, I'd like to see: BR (Utility Ranged) SMG (CQB Auto) Pistol (Utility CQB, maybe) Beam Rifle (Sniper) Plasma Rifle (Slow Utility CQB) Plasma Pistol (EMP Utility CQB) Rocket Launcher (Explosive) Nade Launcher (Explosive EMP Utility) Needler (Homing Utility) Railgun (Chargeup Utility) Brute Shot (Knockback Utility) Sentinel Beam (Beam Utility) Energy Sword (Melee) Shotgun (CQB Power) As much as I love things like the Carbine and standard sniper, I don't think it's needed. Personally, I feel like these weapons create just as diverse a sandbox with much less clutter. Mayyybe a few more iffy additions, like the Incineration Cannon, Plasma Launcher or LMG, but really, I would be fine with this. Let the new games add something completely new instead of a replacement for an existing weapon.