Post your map sketches here! Give and get critique

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DC, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    The Spiker could definitely be considered a power weapon in close quarters combat. It especially takes out shields fast, so it's a good counter to an overshield (or CPU that grants more shields).
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I must say that the only room I'm particularly fond of is the one with the pit. The rest just seem very undefined and simple. With that said, the general set up of the rooms is pretty cool in my opinion. I think you should place the spiker in a different position away from custom though because it's a great counter to it, like Chunk said.
    [​IMG]I think it would benefit the map if you connected to two rooms in the bottom right.
    Red: I would attempt to make those into actual rooms if you can.
    Blue: I think these rooms should have a more interesting layout if you can manage it.
    Green: I like this one.
    #162 Auburn, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  3. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Sure, when I get the chance tomorrow I will get started.

    So make the upper left and bottom right rooms larger?
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wait, this isn't stickied? Gonna have to remedy that.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Oh, yeah. I thought that this thread had it coming for a while now :p

    @Forgewolf + Auburn Maybe more verticality in the rooms and some.. definition? Like different parts to the room rather than just an open floor.

    My new map is coming along rather well, I'm enjoying it. I have the sketch on paper, but the center connections are pretty different from what I have on paper, so I'll wait until I have it done in Forge and then ask for feedback, if that's permissible.

    Or maybe post it in h4.

    EDIT: Screw making it in Reach Forge, I'm just going to sketch it for H4.
    #165 theSpinCycle, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  6. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    If you are already making the map. You might as well finish it. If the map works well, you can go ahead and try remaking it in H4.

    If you are still in the designing stage, It's your call. H4 pretty close after all.

    And Korda what do you mean by stickieing the thread?
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    It will be at the top of the first page forever. Unless a mod unstickies it.
  8. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Here's my little sketch for H4. as well, my first map on it gonna be a BTB one.

  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Reminds me a lot of ghost town. Are you going for that feel or something else, because looking at the forge areas we have I doubt that would really fit any one of them.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, forge constraints look like they'll hit you hard here.

    Is the map complete? Or is there more to the sides that you haven't showed us yet? The street seems to just end into nothing.. Maybe another piece of paper? :p

    EDIT: DC mentioned vehicle circuit. Definitely a thing to watch for. Don't seem to be many options for vehicles here. That is, if you're including vehicles into the map. God knows with H4 scaling.

    EDIT 2: What is Clara Boia? The name of the map?
    #170 theSpinCycle, Oct 16, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  11. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good but some of the stuff is kind of confusing me, are those things in the middle of the buildings LoS blockers?

    But it looks nice i hope the space outside the buildings will make for a good vehicle circuit
  12. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, quite now, Ill change the concept a lot until the launch date, but I just forget to specify more about the idea. It is supposed to be the top of a complex of Buildings, so basically what isnt floor on that sketch is probably a huge downfall or a Hole. There will be balconies everywhere, it will look like a Mirrors Edge Themed map, but at "Night". I'm planing go for that in the Impact canvas, since it is on Space, and if you hide some of the scenario properly, I espect you can get that feel of a Urban Map at night. I hope, at least.

    The map can get some huge changes yet, but Ill still draw a 3D perspective version to you guys get a overall view in the Complex. As for the vehicles, I'm not planing to include any, because of the Theme, but for now, we will see. And with the next drawings Ill show up, you will can get a most detailed look at the High and Lowest plataforms.

    Definetly, they are LoS blockers as random Crates, Pallets and other kind of stuff that we gonna probably get in the forge section in Scenarios. There isnt any street since it is set up in the top of some buildings, with a Crane in the back.

    The map is quite based in this area idea, but at Night.
    #172 Redy, Oct 16, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    That should be interesting. That sort of map usually hasn't worked well in halo in the past, but with the changes to gameplay mechanics it might work well.
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Agreed. This sounds unique. As long as you can keep the map from being incredibly open, it should work fine. Easier said than done.
  15. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I sketched out a design for a map i hope to create in h4. I wanted to go with an x design that can have long LoS aswell as close encounters. An outstanding issue i saw would be the huge LoS blockers that are the insides of the top and bottom of the X. The darkened part would be a 2nd story railing with a structure in the middle, sort of like midship/heretic/zealot. The arrows represent ramps. The arrows at the top right and bottom left are meant to represent man cannons.


    Pretty early design, so i don't know how big I wanna build it.

    Also this thread should be moved to h4 forge discussion when the forum is made
    #175 DC, Oct 17, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  16. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DC, I don't think your map will play very good because of the lack of flow. That's the best way I can describe it. I know you're going for close quarters but without the proper "circular" flow, players will be able to camp in the middle. The man-cannons can help the gameplay maybe but it won't completely solve the problem.

    You can resolve this by blocking more lines of sight but you'll have to make it so a player can continue to walk in a direction without having to turn directly around. Having four dead-ends will really promote camping from the middle in my opinion. I think you could probably have a side path of some sort connecting from on end of the "X" to another (and the second level if you so desire.)
    #176 Furry x Furry, Oct 17, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  17. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea thats another issue i was thinking about, do you think connecting the railing all the way around the x's edges would suffice? so it'd be like a circle with an x in the middle
  18. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that it might be too advantageous for the campers. Not only does high ground almost always win, it would only make the campers move out of the center for the time that they are shooting. I think you could make an elbow going through the boundaries which ramp up to the upper platform. Alternatively, you could make the "bases" have two tiers. You would still have to block lines of sight on the two "sub-bases" and use some clever uses of spawn zones so there is no spawn killing.

    Regardless, you'll have to playtest it and tune it since we haven't actually played it yet. :p
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So heres a little edited version of my previous sketch

    Light Blue is water/death and Dark gray is solid wall
    The yellow dots represent teles and the green dots are possible power weapon spawns, (all up for removing or replacing)

    Heres the version with the levels numbered and ramps labeled:

    heres a 3d view of the central area with the bridge and the tele with the drop down above it, (drop down not visible)

    I know, paint is so old school, but its fun!
    #179 Zombievillan, Oct 17, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  20. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Can you explain that area in the top left corner? I dont understand/see the purpose of having those inclines lead to level 4. Seems like it would be perfectly fine being all the same height.

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