That all comes down to matchmaking and poor presentation or implementation, There isn't much of a difference between Halo 2 and 3 matchmaking and it is well within reach's capability's to not have much different between 3 and reach matchmaking(if they choose to have AA's pickups like equipment, meaning less loadouts, and using post-tu reducing bloom) But it is a difference in matchmaking which is a huge part of the game but that's just presentation the actual game mechanics aren't that different I understand (at least partly) why the matchmaking system is different and worse but do you understand what I mean when I say the core game mechanics aren't that different if they where implemented well?
Yes, the core hasn't changed that much more than it has in any of the other games. Sure, a few things like spartan height were stupid and there only for canon, but for the most part game mechanic changes come down to preference and I won't debate much on those. I don't particularly like the DMR or slower movement/lower jump and because the game is tuned to this, it doesn't feel quite right when sped up. Still, a lot of this is presence. But, the developers wishes (demonstrated very heavily through their forcing of the loadouts/AAs in reach) were for Reach to be what they put out day 1. That's where a lot of the hate on Reach comes from and the comments about it being so casual. The TU changes and the removal of the "big stuff" happened too little too late, wasn't popular enough in their opinion and they all but removed it. Hopefully Halo 4 will do a better job of balancing the new with the old.
Wow, I go sketch for an hour and there are two more pages of posts... As for the bloom thing, I was providing SWAT as an extremely exaggerated example. If you catch four players with their pants down in any game, you should be able to take a picture and post it to Facebook, if you understand my analogy. Point being, bloom is still a negative (but it's far worse in SWAT). Speaking of which, I'm testing a new variant of SWAT with no bloom and some other changes for balance purposes /shamelessadvertising
I still like to think Bungie knew better and MS pushed them to release the game so they didn't have time to organize AA's as pickups and stuff but that's probably just my inner Bungie fanboy talking. I thought Bloom was returning in 4 just much less of a impact. Quick Google search on videos I looked up they where on DMR(like 50% bloom) and AR. I also noticed the little 4 letter tag thing above your team mates head flashes when there low on shields i think, Which is a nice touch.
If I did a live stream when I get the game just walking through forge and custom game settings would anyone watch it?
most of it would be self explanatory, or you could figure it out yourself, forge tips and mechanics would be nice though.
Was only offering because I get my copy 17 hours before the earliest in the states. so if anyone wanted to see what the custom game options were before they were cemented into cancelling/picking up their pre-orders
OK, I could go back and reread his posts to see if my interpretation of them was reasonable, but since we both agree on everything else I don't think it's important enough. It just didn't seem to me like he was talking about an objective line that signified when they started catering to casuals, rather when they tried to cater to casuals a lot more. Chrstphrbrnn's discussion related to this, and I'm glad that he pointed out how the the late TU and pickup AAs weren't relevant in that discussion. To Mocknizzle: If you go to the FH advanced search and look for "bloom" in posts by me in the thread Halo Reach Discussion (show as posts), you'll probably see explanations that you haven't seen before. Of course, some paragraphs in those posts will need to be skipped. Actually, you should skim as quickly as possible, and start from the oldest first. EDIT: unfortunately, there is no quick way to read just the bloom parts, because I post about different things in each post/throw around the keywords like "bloom" and "random". I also saw a couple of pretty bad walls of text that need revision as well as seperation. TBH, I don't feel like revising them or handpicking those bloom parts for one person, even though I made errors in phrasing which could be fixed. I suppose I wouldn't recommend that you read them unless you have a lot of time to skim.
I don't think most people preorder a game when they're not sure if they really want it, and I doubt a live stream at that point will change anyone's mind. At least that's the way I feel.
I know, I just figured I have the opportunity so I may as well offer it. If people don't want it then meh.
i dont think he's trying to change anyones mind or anything, just show people all the forge and customs stuff almost a day before most other people get it. id probably watch it.
I pre order a game if the company/game franchise has a big legacy and from what I see online. It also depends on how recent my last game was... so at the moment thats like a year. Halo = biggest franchise I know therefore my pre-order was set in concrete way back in June.
Bloom is negative when it doesn't work properly: Pre TU Halo Reach. Bloom is positive if they actually get it working for it's original purpose: To stop shot spamming. SWAT sucks ass without Bloom, but it also sucks as with Pre TU Bloom.
I think it just needed to be toned down, not removed completely. I find it weird that u had several weapons free of bloom while the majority were left untouched.
Halo 4: Spartan Ops Interview with David Ellis of 343 Industries - Up at Noon - YouTube hahaha look at Ryan McCaffrey's stupid face. god i hate this guy david ellis kinda looks like Penguinish
What if David Ellis is Penguinish I wonder if I'm one of the only people who would get Halo 4 even if the multiplayer was literally just a picture of **** simply because I love the halo story so much, the campaign would be worth the 60 bucks...