The Promethean Temple By Redy93 and REMkings Hi everyone! A couple of months ago, Redy and I decided to forge a Linear Infection map together. After a while I came up with the idea of a Babylonian looking temple, combining this with the new announced Promethean Knights from Halo 4. Thus, this map was born. The story behind the map will be explained in more detail in the final thread, but it comes down to this: a group of explorers are shipwrecked. They got stranded on this beach, with a strange temple in front of them. They wouldn't be explorers if they didn't accept this unresistable invite so they approach the temple. Little they knew unfriendly priests were observing them from behind the ruins... Here are some pictures to give you a clue. In this map Redy and I implented a new concept I created for Linear Infection maps, a concept I will fully release in Halo 4 (as well as in a map I created in Halo Reach, but that map is not as good as I wanted it to be. I might release it anyway.) The concept is called The Fellowship Feature and the only one who knows about it yet except for Redy is Elliot. I will not explain it just yet, but one of the pictures below gives you an example on how you can use it in your map.
Finally Nice map you guys have there. Clean and appealing forging/aesthetics. You guys managed to forge a fresh theme for linear infection, especially the waiver of FX is something I really enjoy in infection mapmaking. The holdout areas don't feel too forced like they usually do and you did a great job with the holdout times. I really enjoyed the teamwork aspect to reach some places and the hidden weapons you can find there. You could try to make them a little more obvious however, if you don't have anybody that is aware of these places in the lobby/human team, noone would find the weapons .. but that's not really a problem since you don't need these weapons since there are enough other weapons on the map, which kind of bothers me. As a human, I never had the feeling of being in danger, I always knew where zombies were, where they attacked from and that the only thing I needed to do in order to survive, was shooting people in front of me. As a zombie on the other hand, I never felt like I had a different path to go rather than: spawn, walk streight into a teleporter, look out for the humans, kill/die. The biggest problem I had with the map was the turret on the first holdout area. When I was the random guy spawning up there, I had no motivation at all to leave the turret again, even after the door opened. I just stood there and killed 20 zombies before one of them finally managed to jump up to my platform. To get up there, he even had to jump off his zombie buddy's head, I could have easily prevented that by simply leaving my turret for a second and kill them. Either delete it, ir lower the platform and cut off some lines of sight
As LD said, i will repeat, but with capital letters just to make it clear. FINALLY! Yes, believe it or not, i have been waiting on this map to show up in this section. So lets just start : I have played this map a few times too, with or without you guys, but not enough to really get to the end of the map. Nevertheless i can see some great things implemented. Like you have to work together to get the rockets at picture 3, or the turret that helps the people down under out, i guess without him it would be way harder. But, if the gunner stays there he can gun down quite some more infected, so what is his motivation to move away? It his hard to get there as infected eventually, so maybe lower the platform a bit if possible, only a advise though. (It still is quite an good idea) As an infected i had some problems getting through the door at picture 4, in the top left corner, i couldnt move through, and i had to crouch, but that might just been the lagg pushing me back But i didnt really get to play the map that well, wich im sure you are aware of, right REMkings? -_- (friggin' laagg) So i hope i can play this much better in the future.
Promethean priests. That's why all the elites have spec ops armor, so they resemble Promethean knights. That's okay because we're going to delete and remake most of it anyway. Everything you can see on the pictures will remain the same no matter what though, so don't worry. I thought about that, I actually made a zombie teleporter to force him to move on (because it would be impossible to kill the zombie in time) but it didn't work yet. I'll fix it, so the human will die if he stays there for too long. The framerate lag could prove to be an issue if it happens again next time. (It happened in our latest test as well.) We'll think of a solution. Thanks, we really tried to do that! And thanks for the tip, some of them are not very obvious indeed. You should really see my sketches for Halo 4 though, I have SUCH detailed set ups for the teamwork aspect. (I could make them in Reach too but it's worthless to do that only now. That map I was talking about has it, though.) And the reason why there are so many other weapons is because I/we try to reward players for using teamwork, but not force them to use it. That's something that works in e.g. Aihab, but wouldn't work in this map, because of the way it's set up. I'll try to make it more enjoyable for zombies and less overlookable for humans. About the turret: read my reply to SpartanPeter.
There are more tricks on this map than it actually shows in the few/wispy images. But for notice that, the only way is playing more than 2 times on it, or probably pay much attention on the overall space. That was a scheme that Rem had worked up as a feature for some maps as well, and I created the perfect aesthetic layout for both phases and especially the 3th one. There are more surprises to come, this preview is just a cocktail for now.
Just saying, when you post the actual map thread don't included the modded gametype that makes zombie players always be elites. Other than that, this looks awesome. I'm excited to play it eventually.
^^but that ruins the theme! I haven't played this map but I'm just curious, what's with the UNSC crates on an unexplored area? Did they bring those? Also the UNSC barriers. They're facing the ocean, which seems like humans were trying to defend this temple. That doesn't really make sense, but those details aren't really important. What's important is that the map plays well, and is fun. It looks fun, but I can't really say my opinion besides those visual things that were bothering me.
If the fellowship feature refers to using teamwork to advance (let alone survive) via switches or interactive elements, it's something I've been trying to implement in an infection map since Halo 3 (but never did because hey, those maps were never completed due to unrelated glitches). It's a pretty big design concept in Counter-Strike: Source zombie mode. In any case, glad to see someone using it.
Yeah, it kind of is. I consider teamwork the most important aspect of Infection, especially in Linear Progression maps since that's the Infection mode that focuses most on teamwork. But I'll go into more depth whenever I release a map that fully uses this feature. (Which will probably be in Halo 4.)
This map looks awesome! Make sure to invite me for some testing! Also, you should make some of the objects floating, because lot's of the promethean structures have floating parts, which look really cool.
It will become difficult to get this map done by next Wednesday, we might have to take our chances and post the current map on the forums. Hopefully we can still work on it a bit..