So I noticed the other day I was playing with a moderate NAT type, and tried fixing it by going to my router settings through my browser, and Verizon has a pretty straight forward setup, but I still couldn't find any way opening up my NAT. So I'm asking anyone to help out if you can. Ill give you some details My service provider is Verizon and my router is an ActionTec MI424-WR connected to the wall with a coax cord. There is no physical way I could connect my xbox to this, as they are on different floors, and I don't have a wifi adaptor so I use my mac's connection through ethernet, (option in sharing in the settings.) It works fine and I get a nice connection, few bumps here and there but that's expected on xbox live. But I can't play with some of my friends because of the NAT problem, so if anyone could help me out it'd be much appreciated. Its weird because my NAT was open when I used my sisters HP pavilion to tether the connection..If I have to get the Wifi adaptor I will, but I'm doing this for now as I'm saving up for a new xbox, figure if I've had this one since 06 its gunna kick the bucket soon..
I think it's something to do with connecting through a Mac, as I had this when using internet sharing on my Mac Mini. I never found a way around it despite months of searching, so I think you may be out of luck. A wifi adaptor or a wireless bridge are your best bets.
I believe the problem lies with the way you've connected the Xbox up. You're best off getting a WiFi adapter, using the wireless then pumping it through wired again isn't usually a very stable connection, probably leading to the NAT problems. Resetting the router can sometimes help the ANT, I've also heard that signing in, then doing a connection test can sometimes force the NAT to go open. Alos, try fiddling with the ethernet settings on your mac and see what you can get it to do. It's a rip-off that the WiFi adapters are so much extra, but they're worth it, or you could buy a new slim Xbox, with the built in WiFi. I have an elite with a WiFi adapter. Sadly it's not possible to use a 3rd party wifi addaptor, something Microsoft have caught people like you and me in a pickle with, being forced to buy an expensive adapter. Or you could invest in a long ethernet cable, I managed to get a 20m (60ft) cable from amazon for around $5. Hope this helps.
I doubt a reset will help. I had this problem for months on end when I was using OS X internet sharing to get Xbox Live. I think it's something to do with the way OS X handles internet sharing, that it applies a security policy which results in a moderate NAT and can't be changed. That said, if you've got a moderate NAT and are unable to connect to your friends then that must mean they have a strict NAT, as moderate can connect to both moderate and open NATs. You might want to ask them to look at opening their own NATs before you abandon the current setup and shell out on a wifi adaptor or bridge. Hell, I'd probably advise trying a boot camp partition on your Mac before shelling out money for a piece of hardware which will be useless when you get a slim anyway.
I can manage until i get a new xbox since i think its only 200$ the new xbox's come with a wifi connector right?