Cerity Created by [user]Rorak Kuroda[/user] Recommended Players: 2 Required Gametype: Smackdown Hello there hubbers, we've got quite the treat for you. This week's map is a symmetric gem from none other than Rorak Kubroda Kuroda. Upon first glance, Cerity is a smooth and polished map, which maintains an open and atmospheric motif. But if you look deeper, as I'm sure all you competitive minded players will, you'll see that Cerity is also a stellar map for highly competitive play. Offering many different options to pin your opponent down and get that kill, this battlefield is certainly one of the more interesting maps in our tournament. Featuring a circular movement system and plenty of cross-map DMR fights, Cerity definitely keeps players guessing and checking, constantly moving across the map in an effort to maintain dominance on the two, fast respawning, snipers, and the risky custom power-up. The bottom floor becomes a somewhat dangerous position, allowing smarter players to trap their enemies and finish them off, without becoming a complete death pit. Clearly, this map is going to encourage some interesting play styles and strategies. Cerity stands as a great competitive map, for those entered in the tournament, and those who simply enjoy gorgeous aesthetics and delightfully smart map design. Download and enjoy, ladies and gents, and get some practice in before your big matches. Download Cerity Smackdown Rules Smackdown FAQ
This one feels a little too simple in layout sometimes. Granted I've only ever played against the creator of the map which that coupled with his sheer ability to rape me royally I'm sure made the map slightly less enjoyable >.< On another note, this map looks really nice. Seeing several iterations of the map in its development I can safely say that this has definitely improved and is another good choice for a symmetrical tourney map. Nice work Kuda :]
The look you have going is impressive, RK. Piece usage is absolutely amazing. I'm sure the map's great too, but I'll hold off until I can take a look at it ingame. Too bad you're not in to play on it I would have been cheering for you
I remember running on a map like this a long time ago, mainly because of the bank/ramp jumps and the open atrium. It's definitely a nice map, nice design and near-flawless object use.
I like the general aesthetic of the map as well, the block 1 x 1 thin ramp going up just looks cool to me for no apparent reason. So I recall something being said about continuing with monthly features outside of the contest? Or am I mistaken?
The map is probably one of the best looking maps I've seen on the game, but it's gameplay is terrible. I didn't like any lines of sight you got on the map, there were no points to control, and the snipers respawn way too fast. Not to mention out of all the games I played, there was constant spawn killing...
Would you mind giving a few examples of lines of sight you didn't like, and why? I tried to design the map around the idea of having small windows of long lines of sight to make sniper gameplay a little more interesting, and also to speed up the game a little bit by forcing those choke points. I'd also love to get the films of the games where you experienced spawn problems.
I've got a couple of games with sky which I accidentally spawn killed him, but you'll need to message IHaveGoodReflex for his perspective of our games to see what he was doing to either force spawn me there, or just know I would spawn there (I don't think you can view his perspective from my footage?). It's when I spawn in the sniper spawn rooms and walk forward like 1 step off spawn (as people usually do, and I had to keep telling myself not to!) he'd snipe me from the bottom of the walkway to custom. If you planned the map for that gameplay, fair enough... but I didn't like the gameplay it created. It felt like it was forced gameplay of either really short DMR battles, or really long/narrow sniper battles. It doesn't leave much for an alternative style of play beyond being a good sniper (I'd have to mention, I'm ****ing terrible with a sniper rifle at the moment), so I had nothing to go on with that map other than try to force a short - medium encounter. Unfortunately, due to the sight lines not revealing much of the map, you really can't plan to lure your opponent into an area without them knowing you're pulling them in... you don't even know where your opponent is half the time and you just keep running around in a circle until one of you decides to change directions or maybe cut through the middle or stand still.
Aside from those accidental spawn kills that you mentioned with Sky, that's exactly what I planned, lol. And while you may not have enjoyed it, I'm really glad reflex took advantage of the spawn-control aspect of the map. Just as previous maps have promoted other types of play, I wanted my map to benefit primarily the players whose sniper and DMR reactions were spot-on. As compared to previous smackdown maps, it's a bit unorthodox, which is why it was used in a later round. I certainly don't mean to try and dismiss what you're saying, because you have valid points, but those points were all for the most part intentional. It's possible to lure your opponent into a situation where you have the advantage, but if he's smart, he'll never let that happen, because those situations are not common on the map and avoidable if you play cautiously. It's much more oriented around predicting player movement across specific lines of sight, and being able to react accordingly. The circular nature of the map is what requires it to have these long lines of sight, because if you happen to not find your opponent for an extended period of time as you're both moving in a circle, you need only stop and look down one of the long sightlines in order to find him. The custom powerup tends to break that cycle as well. Sorry that it wasn't your cup of tea, but I am happy to hear that the map worked as intended.