some disappointing news for sure. heres a video from a link i found in that thread too: Halo 4 Ragnarok Infinity Slayer Gameplay [NYCC] - YouTube in case anyone was wondering what mantis rape is gonna look like, there you go ugh... =\ although it does seem like the other team sucked and had no attempts at a coordinated effort to bring him down in the beginning. easily walked his way to a kill frenzy before i paused the video and posted this post.
No assault gametype? They've randomly messed up a lot of gametypes with weird tweaks, but why would they absolutely drop Assault? I don't see ANY reason to do that.
I don't recall it being voted for very often in reach. that would be why they dropped it. Kinda sucks though cause some Assault based cutome games were awesome.
VIP may be a new gametype called Extraction. Assault may be optioned under Grifball. No flag drop is stupdiface. No more new vehicles. Gametypes: * Capture the flag * Dominion * Extraction (new one) * Flood * Grifball * King of the Hill * Oddball * Regicide * Slayer
That is ass backwards. Lol I thought they had given us a solid number, and had one more to deliver after the Mantis? Or did they release information about one and I missed it. Any information on Extraction? Gameplay clips, a break down, etc
I had thought two was coming but he seemingly confirmed that it was not the mammoth (which I didn't think it was). Now, he only checked the vehicles on Meltdown, but I can't see any map Mammoth would work on otherwise (it didn't even on that map). So I guess that's it. No hornet. No specific mention of chopper, falcon, etc. Haven't gotten a full list yet. Yeah I know it's stupid if it's under GB..but at least it's there. No video of the map or the gametype yet, he said he's take video requests tomorrow (this was about 17 hours ago) so maybe we can expect something tonight?
Please enable us to shut off Sprint. Please. Or am I just a noob and it's been confirmed that you can?
I think he took the thread down or something because people were asking him questions he didn't want to answer. Half of his post were him complaining about other people.
This is no longer a Halo game. It is a game that "feels" like Halo. Not necessarily a bad thing, just putting it out there.