Forge in Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Camel Carcass, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    It annoys me to see people only focusing on the negative. My main comment is towards but people are saying stuff like, "this game is going to suck because they didn't add in a feature that I wish they would have, I'm not buying is game"
    If they didn't address serious issues like FR lag or the overwriting saved maps problem.. Then I would be ok with complaints.
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I could not agree more, but we haven't seen ALL of the pieces, yet.

  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    So what you're saying is that it's your problem? I couldn't agree more. Brony avatars annoy me, do I demand that people change them? No.

    Again, I'm sorry to sound callous, but if you dislike seeing negativity then stop coming in to a discussion thread, don't expect the entire discursive community to bend around your emotional reactions, when you can't even present a logical reason why they should stop.

    Please find me an actual post like that. Not just saying that they'd like new features, but actually saying the game will suck because they don't have it and that they won't buy the game because of it. Then find me 10 more. If this thread is filled with so much complaining then that should be easy.
  4. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    Cmon stevo, you've made GReAT maps, without the use of prefab buildings. Hopefully they added in new prefabs in the "ravine" category

    Edited by merge:

    They don't use those exact words, but they have that attitude In their posts. Mostly that secretshnitzle guy. And honestly, you should be one to talk. It sounds like it is your problem when you get annoyed by people complaining about other people complaining. And if you dislike people complainingnabout that en don't click the thread
    #164 Marcass2021, Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    So you can't actually find an example of something you claim this thread is full of....

    As for reading in to people's posts and basically inventing a meaning, again, I don't see how that comes down on anyone's shoulders but yours.

    Schintz hasn't posted in here since late July. So you're addressing 1 single user, who hasn't posted in months, and is in fact banned, and so won't even read this. Seems a long way from "you guys complain so much."
  6. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    the outer space map looks the most promising. But I couldnt see much being done on the cave map, t looks so cramped and doest have enough easy-to-build-on terrain, only the giant open space over the water. sorry I dont really know the names.
  7. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    Where did I say this thread was full of that? I didn't that's right. I'm not going to go through all of the pages and find every complaint because I don't have time to, and I don't care enough to prove you wrong. Your stubbornness is more annoying than people complaining about halo 4.
  8. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Youtube is filled with those comments. The typical internet trolls
  9. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    On to forge discussion. Do we know if we can do more than just place weapons and scenery on all of the other maps. Like complex and exile? Those places would be fun to forge on
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You care enough to complain about it and respond for this long, but as soon as you get a chance to prove your point you can't be bothered? Funny that.

    As for me complaining about your complaining, here's a quote which frames my objection rather well:

    "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. [...] We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant." - Karl Popper

    Tolerance is not the same as indifference to everything. Your "discussion" serves no purpose other than to stifle the discussion of others. It is an opinion based solely around denying others their opinion and voice, and thus I have no tolerance for it.

    You're right that there are better things to be discussing than this.

    I agree that it'd be cool if 343 returned to the Halo 3 attitude of giving near every map a usable forge pallet. It was rare, but some people did some really special things on unexpected maps, ones which weren't designed for forge. I hope 343 allow for that in Halo 4. Dedicated, unique pallets for each non-canvas map seems unlikely, but just a standard set of objects on each map which has space would be really nice.
    #170 Pegasi, Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't want prefab pieces... that's the point.
    I was a full list of every type and shape of simple block possible.
    1x1,1x2,1x3,1x4,1x5,1x1thin,1x2thin,1x3thin etc.....
    Through varieties of Thin, Flat, Standard, Tall.
    Ranging to sizes from 1x1 to 10x10.
    I want different shapes / types; Circles, Arcs, Beams, walkways, tunnels, bevelled edge pieces, angular pieces.
    I want circular pieces that fit in the same scalability, so If I want a curved hallway at 180degrees, I simply need to slap a semi-circle 1x1 down, inside a 3x3 Arc.

    If this is going to be a successful map editor it needs to leave the prefab crap behind because it can't be used, or when it can be used, it's in extremely restrictive ways. They claim to create a limitless Forge Mode, but they restrict nearly everything we need to be limitless - OLN, Budget, Pieces, Performance.
  12. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    All of those would be amazing. But I think they should keep prefabricated buildings in forge. For simple bases and remakes
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    this looks like a nice discussion... for me to poop on!

    "these space dont even look interesting to forge in"

    bwuh? wuh? huh? wha? i'll give you that for Ravine. but even that has a bunch of cool **** like that forerunner structure and the deep ravine area between the rocks. i know this is just a matter of opinion but im shocked to hear it... one thing i would have thought we all would agree on is that the maps are totally forgeous looking and will provide awesome background scenery for maps, at the very least.

    as far as the rest of the argument is concerned, im one of the hopeful and positive people, but as Nutduster said, its true that i may change my mind once its in my hands, if all of peoples fears end up being true. but still, i think even if all the negative things are as frustrating as people assume they'll be, we will still have a few months of great maps and new things before it gets boring.

    the tunnel pieces are lame and can only be used 2 ways? a wall, or a tunnel? im sorry bro but maybe you arent creative enough =P i can think of 3 more things to do with them off the top of my head to do with them besides that. of course, i wont share those things because they are my super top secret artisan forging techniques.

    also, assuming that we dont have framerate issues because of the new lighting stuff, theres a lot of new possibilities that could come from that. c'mon guys, join the cheerleading team. its fun over here! and we have cake and wear skirts and we're hot.
  14. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    For all the limits I still think we can do some pretty amazing stuff in this new forge. These spaces aren't the most easy to work into a map, so I feel when we can make it work they will be the better for it.

    On the side of the new forge mode, I would love it if it was expanded, and I know it wouldn't have been too hard, but I still think it is unrealistic, as really there are very few of us who forge above the newb level, and making a whole new forge system for just a few hundred/ thousand people is a silly reason to allocate the money away from other sources. That is just my opinion though, and I'm really not interested in discussing it again.

    Still, overall I am going to be finding creative ways to use the terrain and structures in the maps in new and unique ways. There is nothing we can do about it, so let's make better maps than they designed the forge system to make! Er, again.

    And agreed with Titmar, the spaces look beautiful and the parts can be sued in so many ways. Pre-fabs are fine with me because I never use the whole thing, same with most pieces. You hide the rest of it under the map and just use what you need from it. I can think of many a use for the Impact tunnel piece not even using the inside of it.
    #174 Skyward Shoe, Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    It's pretty much impossible to build a decent map using most of the budget with walls and floors made from forge objects without framerate lag somewhere. It wouldn't be such a big deal if there was a nice flat surface to work with as a floor. But there isn't that.

    People love Uncaged.
  16. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Ignorance will prevail when educated people say nothing.

    My problem isn't that there is cool maps to forge on(which kinda are but not really mostly) but the fact there unchangeable maps say on impact if those astroids where forge objects THE MAPS WE COULD MAKE D: or just been able to delete them to build there. I want the blankest slate possible then fill the map with as much deletable forgable objects as you want then i can choose to forge around buildings if i want and not be forced to used prefab buildings.
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    so... what if Impact was just a blank space surrounded by stars...?
    i wonder what you'd complain about then?
  18. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    The thing that surprises me is that I haven't seen much complaining about the fact that the budget is still 10,000 (rather than the 1,000,000 seen in the RTX video), and that all the objects (at least the ones you could see in the videos) cost the same & still have the same per-category limits. That was something that disappointed me a little. I was hoping the budget and/or object limits would have had at least a little bit of improvement.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    People are just in denial or something. I do think that's surprising though considering how much gabbing there was about that crazy budget number. I said at the time that my theory was that it was just a bogus number put in there for the demo, and that was probably correct.
  20. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the reason no one complained about the budget, is because there are much more important things to worry about.

    Budget doesn't matter so much to me as FRL, canvases, and textures/ pieces.

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