And here we go : Halo 4 News - Ragnarok Trailer (Mantis Gameplay) - YouTube Wich answers my question, how it will be hijacked. But it was obvious, the spartan jumps on the back and plants a grenade, or beat it to dead. For now the mantis looks OP Imo. They should at the goliath too, an second mech
Can anybody say OP? But seriously, nothing against bringing it back as a vehicle in Custom Games, or even another BTB map, but the fact they had to introduce this massive OP walker to a fan favorite and a classic just pisses me off to the next dimension. If one of these is in play, it looks like the Banshee is pretty much pointless. No. Just too out of place.
Lol In the best case scenario, the giant robots will De-emphasize top control, which is extremely necessary for this map. It wasn't as bad in halo 3, but now we have more effective utility weapons and we don't have power drains that were used for retaking top control. - A different subject: I really hope you can spawn in these for a custom gametype. Playing mantis slayer on a large-scaled map designed for it sounds like the coolest thing ever.
I hope they made different animations for the Mantis being killed. It'd be cool if instead of just exploding it would fall to it's knees or topple over like Spartans do when they are killed. On another note, I noticed a Scorpion tank in the video too. Does that mean each team has a Banshee, a Mantis and a Scorpion? That's alot of vehicular mayhem to be had. Maybe the tank is Neutral.
I think the tank* was just there to show how powerful the Mantis is. * insert words "Half-destroyed" before and "that was looking in the wrong direction 50 feet from the Mantis" after.
I dont know why I didn't think of this. MGS is one of my favorite game series ever. You could recreate the final battles from 1 or 2 when Raiden fights a ton of them.
HA. Neutral tank. I laugh at your ignorance! Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! have you even played boneyard? neutral tank gets blown up in the first five seconds because no team can ever take control of it. why? because it's a ****ing tank and everybody wants it.
He was not saying it was a good idea, he was suggesting it as a possibility of what they may have done. The douchiness was pretty uncalled for.
ok fine. I think I owe him an apology. Sorry Paints but I still don't understand why 343 would do it if it's generally a bad idea. I mean, the tank can't get away fast enough without being hijacked and blown up.
It was just a thought. Yes it wouldn't make sense but then again, Bungie did it. Just because something doesn't work doesn't mean people won't do it over and over again. Personally I don't think there will be one, as there wasn't one in the 9 minute gameplay video or on the original map.
I don't think the mantis is necessarily on that map. They said when they were releasing exile that the vehicle set is just to show off certain vehicles. Probably true for all maps we've seen
Agreed, sure I would love to drive that thing, but that thing is overkill. I reckon that it wont have a lot of Armour compared to a tank , so that may be a balancing factor. But it's still OP. On a other note, alongside the Mantis with all the anti air weapons and vehicles, I wouldn't be surprised if aircraft become dead on Halo 4s launch. What the game really needs now is more and better quality aircraft. Sure, a mech is absolutely awesome and I would look forward to facing it. But the I feel the Falcon is near rubbish compared to a Hornet and a Banshee gets ripped to shreds by not just the Mantis, but near everything!
I doubt the mantis will be much more overpowering than the standard hornet in halo 3. The difference is 343 will probably throw a mantis on every big team map just for the sake of having it there.
So far it has only been on Valhalla. Meltdown would not handle one, and so far they have shown no more than medium level vehicles on Longbow and Scorpions on Exile. I don't understand where these assumptions come from. Agreed though that the Hornet looks equal or more powerful than a mantis, as each have similar weapons yet one can fly.
Mantis seems like a CQC vehicle and all maps seem to be CQC for vehicles so it does look a little bit OP but have to wait and see how it turns out. I actually thought the tank in middle of boneyard was awesome idea. Idk about slayer but in objective games gave another side objective, Sure most times it got blown up but that's whats to be expected so if you happened to outfight a 8v8 team fight and got the (damaged) tank, Basically a generator defense mini game every respawn and if you could pull that off you deserve a advantage in game. Or one flag best example one team could go for the flag while other team goes for the tank. Flag stolen but now you have to get past a tank OR Flag defended but now you have to defend against a tank. Or do you split up team and go for both? Keeping in mind there is sticky launcher/rocket launcher on map you can go for to beat tank if you don't want to directly get the tank(do you go for that instead of split up team even more!!), Choices/diverse tactics=good thing imo.
Shoe, that's just random speculation, based on the fact that they decided to put mechs in Halo. Does anyone else find it funny that the spartans themselves are like tiny mechs and they now drive larger mechs?
What the hell did you link to? I got like 6 pop ups for scams and adds as soon as I clicked on that. Please remove.