Ok so a cool idea I got right when I saw Erosion was to make a BTB infantry based map where one team starts near the grifball court area (not in it) and the other over the water by the stalactites. I think that would be cool and definitely doable.
Am I the only one in here that only watched the first forge video and doesn't give a **** about the others?
Probably. I can't even begin to guess what justification you have for that stance. If you forge, you should be interested in what they're doing with forge.
I was. I almost pissed myself before I watched the first video, but then I saw everything that's new and well, not much is new and even less of the new stuff is interesting. So I guessed that the only new things I'd see from the new videos would be new forge playgrounds and you guys don't seem to be very happy about these. Same old ugly halo reach pieces, shadows that will most likely cause even more framerate, new features nobody needs ... the best thing I've seen so far are the pallets
The jury was still out on how much was new after that first video, though. That's the part I don't get. The first vid was very much not a forge showcase - they showed almost nothing of the palette and map they were on, let alone the other two maps and their palettes, and they only showed a few new features. Of course, we now seem to have learned that those new features may be all there is, and the palettes may be all basically the same, but we didn't know that before the new videos came along.
You shouldn't take the changes for granite. They could've not changed anything you know. So be glad they did. I think it's fine and I'm just happy to have different environments to forge in.
I miss the old Forgeworld already. Hopefully someone will make a remake of it so that we can forge on it in H4. /sarcasm Guys, it's not all that bad. Although I'm not exactly sure why 343 decided to limit the new objects to certain maps (why not reskin them and allow them to be used everywhere?), at least we have new objects, skins, and terrain. I'll leave final judgment until framerate issues are determined. I would lol if they were worse than Reach...
Halo 4 Forge Mode - Serious Building Techniques - YouTube [br][/br]Edited by merge: Certain Affinity are developing Forge mode. Which is probably why some decisions seem a little strange. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Look at how much budget he has left after the map is made. Does that seem like a lot more than he would have on Reach?
Please anyone who watches this realize that he was not trying to make a great map, he was trying to show what can be done with the new tools in a matter of about 20 minutes (aprx.)
@Shoe. Lolz, whoops. @whoeversaidCAaremakingforgebefore Again, lolz whoops. I meant Certain Affinity, but how does CA making the decisions affect their strangeness? Am I missing something?
Good point, I'm sure someone somewhere has done the math, But his only using buildings/bridges/flat walls as floors nothing really complex. Just at a random guess i would guess that buildings take less budget because budget is dictated by frame rate? And 1 building<20walls to accomplish same thing with each multi textured wall casting there own shadows.
I'm somewhat disappointed by the landscape variety in the levels. I was hoping there would be similar areas to what we had in Forge World so that I could recreate some of my Reach maps and actually release something this time around.
...yeah if anything there is actually quite a lot of landscape variety. It's just spread out over 3 maps instead of 1 giant one.
No, I mean what parts of Forge World was he interested in seeing that he didn't see a replacement for in H4's worlds?
Well, I built one I'm particularly fond of using the water in the gap between Alaska and Montana. I know the ravine is similar, but it looks too small from what I've seen. I also used the overhanging rock near the Coliseum, just below the Quarry.
Do you mean directly below the Quarry? Or by the waterfall? I tried using that ravine once, but it didn't work out. I could never get the height changes to go smoothly. I would like to have that sandbar-type thing back, but it looks like the closest I'll get is Erosion, and that's not even close anyway.