The new forge seems interesting... I want to try it out (dont we all?). So the new multiplayer map sounds cool.
I'm liking it so far... One thing I do miss, which I'm sure has been discussed in this topic, are the dynamic objects H3 had. I miss pallets and weapon holders so much :'( I hope more of them make a return. I jumped like a little girl when I saw pallets in the demo
Can't wait to get fully emmerged in all the new forging possibilties, especially with the Zones for changing player traits. I can see some awe inspiring mini games to grow out of this, and hopefully stunning looking maps. And how could I not be excited about the epic return of pallets lol
So, the Forge that's going to be in Halo 4 is going to be similar to the Forge in Halo 3? That freaking sucks. Don't get me wrong, it looks cool, but I liked the Forge World in Halo: Reach. Small Forge worlds don't let you make anything, short of a small bunker and motor pool, that's it. It was far bigger, and far better. It allowed you to make larger maps.
Larger maps with poor performance. We have seen very little of the forge spaces so far (basically just a quick overview of one of them) but I imagine they'll be far bigger than Foundry - just not as massive as Forge World. Someone who has been hands-on with the one map (I forget who - someone from Rooster Teeth?) said we had nothing to worry about, space-wise.
The Halo 4 HORSE map was also built pretty far out off of the cliff area, which at least shows that there will be a lot of space for floating designs.
If you look at the RTX Horse gameplay, you see that where they showed the forge demo, was only a small island, you really can see that if they get into the banshee. I noticed different islands. I think you guys are underestimating the space we are going to get.
I'm pretty pumped for infection forging (with flood player models hallelujah!!). I sure do hope the turret systems in dominion are forgeable in other gametypes. Would make for an interesting dynamic in infection. And oh my goodness weapon drops better be compatible with infection. I'm just salivating at all the possibilities.
At 5:47 I noticed a menu option called "Dominion". Any ideas as to what that is? Also at around 6:20 in the bottom right there is the phrase "Basic Editing" with what looks like the "Back" button. Do you think you can change editing modes on the fly without having to save by pressing the back button and changing to a new editing mode insted of having to save, leave, and come back in to start doing say capture the flag editing etc.? This small addition would be a tremendous time saver. EDIT: I found this article on the Dominion mode so I suppose it has something to do with options for creating that gametype.
***EROSION - Final Halo 4 Forge Map Detailed Look at all three maps. Enjoy. Halo 4 Forge Maps Overview -
Erosion looks like my favorite so far. That giant green water pit is ****ing awesome and I can see so much potential for interesting natural terrain integration into interior maps.
What I would like to see is flood like palette to really make those infection maps pop. Making a Dead Space like environment on Impact, or a creepy cavern like area on Erosion, etc.
Space forge make me want to make an alien map and the Flood make better aliens the the elites. 343 did a good job