Other threads have been locked when they posted the info/video hours before the main discussion thread... Yet this one posted it way after the main discussion thread and is still current been discussed there.... Where do i discuss this video D: But just in case it doesn't get locked. I didn't think you could enter the asteroid at first but I've changed my mind it looks plausible. -At around 0:23-0:24 in the middle of the prefab building there is obviously a hole at least 2 meters deep going into rocks possibly going deeper into cave system. Aka reason for it not been deletable. -At 0:16 the map looks pretty small if just counting the surface of the asteroid, If there is 3 main areas "Asteroid surface, Space area, Underground" it seems like a decent size. -At 0:24 when the chick comes in she fly's up from half way down the asteroid meaning kill zones allow you to go that low, If you can go that low outside there is potential to go that low inside the asteroid. (possibly all way around the asteroid with hole at the bottom but that's a bit to much conspiracy for one post)
I'm pretty sure it is a cavern, but it's a cavern inside one of the asteroids on Impact. 1. Whenever the video splits into 4 different shots, both the bottom two are of Ravine, so since they've only revealed one other forge map, it makes sense that the top two should be of the same forge map (Impact). 2. The rock type is in the same style as that on Impact 3. If you stop the video at :45, you can see a beam of light shining down into the cavern which leads me to believe the supposed tunnel everyone's talking about actually is leading down into this cavern, H3 Sandbox style 4. Looks like the same forge pallette as Impact Not sure if it's been confirmed in the general Halo 4 discussion thread, but I am too lazy to look
That beam of light looked the wrong color for the light on Impact to me. It looked like sunlight streaming down from a sinkhole to me, maybe even with some tint from passing through tree branches. Just speculation regardless.
Ok actually I just picked up on a few more things after watching it again. They actually show a very similar clip full screen at 1:22. If you go frame by frame you can see that it's the exact same location as in :45, just in spartan mode rather than forge mode. And there's no way they'd just randomly throw in a clip of the third forge map like that lol. Also, if you stop it around :23 / :24 you can see the hole in the middle of the building with the very beginning of a rock tunnel leading downwards. That also gives a reason as to why that building is there in the first place- to house the entry to the cavern and kind of give it a reason for the tunnel to be there. Maybe it's a "UNSC Asteroid Dig Site" of some sort? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hmmm.... maybe it's not the natural light from the environment but rather light beaming down from inside the UNSC building?
Okay, that makes sense. That would be a great addition to a map that wasn't quite as good as I had hoped. Still hoping for a much larger, more open map for the third one.
Early on in the video they say that each of the three forge environments has it's own skin for the forge pieces, and the pieces shown during those cavern shots 24, 1:22) are much different looking than all the ones shown on the outside of the asteroid. Look at 1:22 again. It's not just the different color light coming through the rocks. All of the pieces have a completely different surface texture as well.
Hmm they are actually fairly similar but I think its because of the lighting. Also at exactly 1:26, notice how that shaft of light seems like it shoots down through a FAMILIAR LOOKING CIRCULAR HOLE that we may have seen near the start of the video.
concerning the size of the map, i thought it seemed a bit small at first, but i think it might be an illusion. notice how the tunnel pieces seem relatively medium/small sized, but when they enter spartan mode, and walk through the tunnels and the square room piece that connected them, its actually a pretty decent size. we might be being thrown off by the scale of things and how its kinda hard to tell except for when in spartan mode. just sayin.
There's no way the cavern is a separate map. It's gotta be part of Impact. It's too similar in atmosphere to be considered a different one. Asteroid field, forerunner ravine, cavern? I don't think so. Besides why would they show it in a little snippet in the video?
I agree with Sir 8Ball. Nothing I've seen yet has really stunned me, and most of it seems like something they could have done in DLC for Reach rather than a whole new game and third iteration of forge. I'm a little letdown, pending a more detailed and advanced forge showcase (that we may not get until the game ships). Too bad. Literally the only things I've seen so far that are impressive to me are the lighting effects (though I really worry about how that will affect performance) and the trait and grav zones - and the latter I think will have pretty limited use for competitive map-makers, except for the inevitable flood of maps set partially in space with large zero-G areas in them. Expect to play about a thousand of those in 2013. I don't agree. There have been lists of requested features and upgrades posted on this and other forums, and few of them would require fundamental changes to how forge works. I'm referring to things like: - Time of day settings (or a simple day/night setting) - Better and more subtle FX - Weather FX - More lights, and ones that can be used without hurting framerate (to be fair, this and the previous one may still be coming - but if so they haven't shown it off at all) - A much wider array of natural objects that merge with the default map perfectly, so we can do a little terraforming - A broader palette in general - Object re-skinning (not necessarily custom - could just select a few different themes and have all the map's objects re-skinned to match) Etc. etc. There are tons of things they could do that would greatly broaden the capability of forge without changing what it is and how it behaves. Now, it's possible that they've done some of this stuff and just haven't shown it off - but if that's true, why not show it? Most of the features above would be more impressive than object magnetism and duplication, yet they've shown those new features twice now and given us nothing from the above list. My big fear right now is that H4 forge is exactly what it looks like: Reach forge in three new (but smaller) environments, with mostly re-skinned objects that we're already familiar with plus a few new ones, and cool lighting/trait zones. I would love to be proven wrong on that, because that's not exactly mind-blowing advancement compared to the differences between Halo 3 and Reach's forge modes.
*Gets on Halo:Reach and starts forging maps because he thinks everyone is going to go back to forging in Reach and forget about Halo 4's forge*
I wouldn't go as far as staying on Reach to forge. I think Halo 4 forge definitely looks good enough to stay with.
Hey, I'll be honest about one thing: if they fix the framerate problems (or reduced them by at least 50%) I'll be fine with this forge being mostly the same as before. There are so many cool map ideas I had to junk, so many aesthetic features I had to replace with bland gray, because of FRL. That improvement alone would sell me on H4 forge. But they're (somewhat understandably) not talking about that at all.
I was just messing around, but yeah man, I hear you. Removing FRL would be one of my highest interests in H4. I'm a bit skeptical of forge because of how little effort was put into showing it off and from what I've seen from the vids..I hope I'm wrong about it, though.
The biggest issue I have with Halo 4 Forge is that they've seemingly made zero effort in allowing people to create a unique look for their maps. The new lighting system is great but that won't help making Forge maps look different from each other. This puzzles me since this was probably the biggest issue with Reach's Forge.
Pretty much this. I personally love the aesthetic texture/color on H:CE maps, where there are focused on one color, and the rest of the colors were either shades of the color or great compliments of that color (i.e. damnation, prisoner). Plus the texture was plain and simple.
I hate to say it, but i agree with Nutduster. I don't think anything else is going to be different besides the lighting, trait zones, and new environments. This isn't a bad thing, at least it's not getting worse than Reach. Biggest thing is how much better framerate is going to be with the new lighting system in place.
I can understand not being impressed by the lack of features, pieces, or atmospheres but I'm just a little curious as to why you'd want to go back to reach forging. I'm assuming you we're just joking when you said that Basically with all the same pieces and similar features, I'm assuming forging on H4 will be just like Reach just with a bit new pieces, features, and terrains. So really it's just like reach just with a few new improvements. Unless you really just love Forge World, then I can see why you'd stay on Reach.
I just don't understand why it appears like they completely botched the whole "unique environments" thing. Would it really have been that hard to have a completely unique skin for the exact same pieces on the different maps? They had years to do it and it would massively help the longevity of forge. The most important thing about forge is having non-forgers feel like these are real maps and be able to recognize their surroundings. Tough to do when they all look the same; space background or sky doesn't make much of a difference.
Rewatch the video, there are 2 parts where they show an area with objects that have more of a rusted look. I would assume if the prefab pieces are reskinned like that on the 3rd environment, all of the pieces would be. It'd look like **** otherwise. (it could've been a SFX but I doubt it.) Also, these pieces aren't overly textured like in reach. Merging things together shouldn't be as difficult.