Looks pretty sick. One question: Why is there a prefab building that you can't move though. It's a forge map.
That we know of.. He never put his cursor over it, so we still can't be sure that it isn't able to be removed
Yea, but at 5:49 he goes into the menu, hits "delete all," and the building is still there. So I'm pretty sure it permanent. Don't know how I feel about this map, especially that building, but at least the new features are going to open up all kinds of possibilities. I really hope the third forge world is massive. Otherwise I am going to have to shelve a couple of my new ideas until 5...
He could have been far enough away that it didn't highlight it. And they said if you had any items set to lock and hit delete all, the locked items would remain.
yeah, but at the begginning of the video, his budget said 0/10,000 which means that he has placed no forge objects, though we clearly see the prefab building
Not that big of a deal to be honest. There is a whole other asteroid to forge on that has no buildings. Btw there are some floaty rocks between the two asteroids that look jumpable.
2 large terrain based areas with a gap in between them. It's going to be Montaska maps all over again.
Damn it. Not this again. Hopefully the map specific palette has some bridges, ramps, and blocks, not just lights + huge prefab buildings. It seems like we've been seeing a lot of those..
I don't have a good feeling about halo 4's forge. I don't know it it's just me, but I'm not even slightly impressed with what I'm seeing.
I'm less impressed than I was for forge world, but I also get the feeling that there is a lot more we can do with these maps than we have so far seen. Remember, these videos are aimed at casual forgers, not at sites like Forge Hub. I still think there will be a lot we can do with the terrain and parts. Still, hoping for a more sprawling expanse either for the third map or as DLC later.
I'm very much in the same boat. I think it's because the jump from 3 to Reach was so great, that the Reach to 4 transition feels underwhelming.
Yeah. In all truth, it's not like they ever pumped us up about a really incredible new forge mode or tried to over blow it. They only have had 2 forge videos, neither of which have been the most exciting or designed to make the most waves as compared to the Forge World ViDoc. I suppose as long as there is new terrain and some new parts as well as a few improved features I am fine with it. At least we aren't losing anything, just gaining less than we had hoped for, even if those hopes weren't founded on fact.
we're gaining about as much as i had hoped for. theres not really much more they can do with a map editor without making it a map creation system. which just wouldnt really suit the game very well if you ask me
Pretty sure the third Forgeworld map is shown in the top right at 00:44. It looks to be in a big cavern. Kinda neat.