Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    not necessarily...
    maybe i'm crazy but i swear i noticed common pieces between both Ravine and Impact, and they both seemed to be the same off-white color. its possible that our third map will also be the same. i think its just like some of the pieces are unique to the maps and some are not. i think the lighting in the maps is whats gonna differentiate them... not sure if im upset about that til i see all the pieces though..
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    No, you're not crazy. They didn't show a whole lot here despite the length of the video (lots of showcasing of a select few prefab pieces, like those corridor objects). But when they show the on-disc variant there's a lot of objects that are very familiar from Forge World, and at least a few of those were on Ravine in the same basic look also. I'm wondering if these "three different palettes" are going to be that different at all, really. Might be a lot of the same objects - maybe reskinned, maybe not even that - and a few particular pieces custom to the map that are supposed to give it a more unique feel.

    If that's really the extent of it, I think it's a letdown. The degree of customization some of us want out of forge (basically the ability to create unique atmospheres and looks every time we make a map) is still a dream at best.
  3. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    I have a feeling that a lot of kids are going to be upset when they can't have a tree as their centerpiece, that is assuming the third map doesn't have any trees on it.
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Guys go back to the RTX footage and look again. The pieces look the same. The reason you could mistake the stuff on ravine from RTX as Forerunner is because the human stuff is more forerunner-ish now. So I don't think we are getting different object skins but rather some variation to the object list.
  5. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    I understand that, but at one point in the video he says "This map has a UNSC palette." I don't think he just means a few different pieces, but the skins do look rather similar...I don't even know.
  6. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Yes, we have seen some returning objects already. Let me name a few : Brace tunnel, Brace large, Bunker round, Strut, Cover, Bridge, Window etc. That are somethings i have seen during all the forge video,s. Some of those look pretty much the same, but reskinned.
    It looks like instead of gray, they have chosen white as the primare color for the forge pallete. But i must say, the lighting is amazing and forging in space is kinda awesome. But im worried Ravine is way to small.

    But this still keeps many questions unanswered. (Time of day? as an example)
    Any speculations on what the next map might be? The theme is set to be covenant i think, and what i hope is one of these three enviroments : Snow, Sand!, Swamp. An desert piece of land or a icey glacier would be awesome. But to be honest i dont think its one of those, i really hope so though. We all have our own dreams i guess..
    #7106 SpartanPeter, Oct 9, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  7. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Well, I think all of the pieces from Reach will be on each map, along with new unique pieces for each map. If the third map's a downer, then there's always DLC. Remember how awesome Sandbox was as a forge map?

    PS: If you look at the floor of Relay you can see the new Wall Coli's. Meh.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    As I posted before, at about 40 seconds you can see what looks to be another forge map in a (possibly) cave like setting. This could just be part of Ravine though, but it was definitely underground.
  9. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    I hope that caves on Ravine...not diverse enough to be the third map.

  10. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    I think that cave could be on Impact. and the grifball coli could be on ravine. Or maybe it could be underground in the 3rd environment..

    Also i noticed that you can make it so vehicle use is turned off in the trait zones. so you can place a vehicle inside that zone to make it so it is basically scenery rather than a usable vehicle.
    no more blocking it with Cones or pinning it down
    #7110 Marcass2021, Oct 9, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  11. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Yeah. Want a minigame or puzzle where you have no weapons? Not a problem now.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    It's entirely possible that the pieces used on Ravine were meant for this map and they just happened to be the first pieces skinned, and Ravine the most completed/least interesting to show off, so they showed it off with these pieces on it. They send multiple times that it was an early build and in no way final. A lot of the pieces on relay have glass in many, many places and I don't think that'd work well for Ravine. Maybe the difference is they just remove some of the glass? Or maybe the heavily glass pieces are the unique ones? I just find it odd they wouldn't both to reskin at least some of the pieces with an entirely different skin. We shall see I suppose.

    Ah okay I see what people were saying about 40 seconds where there is the little square of likely Ravine. Hmmm..well those pieces are a little more grey than white it seems.

    Edit: Man, I forgot that video pretty quick...guess there goes my theory lol.
    #7112 chrstphrbrnnn, Oct 9, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  13. Zero Point

    Zero Point Promethean
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    At 7:55, is that a custom map picture of Relay on Impact?
  14. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    My god it looks like it. I mean, it says Relay and it's totally looks like a part of that map they demoed. I don't see why it would be a picture like that to represent the default canvas.

    I'll very be happy if we can set those.

    Also, is it just me, or would there probably have been some FRL on Relay if it were in Reach? I mean, he flies over the whole thing in Forge with all of the spawns and stuff and then plays on it without a problem. I don't think that would have happened so smoothly in Reach. It's all open top with a lot of cross-map sight and some decent aesthetic piece density.

    Fingers crossed that it runs much more smoothly...
  15. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    You are right, that is in fact an custom map picture. Hmm.. It would be kind of awesome to take our own custom map picture, it would sure look more professional in my opinion.
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Impact - Select a variant of this object type?
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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  18. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Map lighting? Day/Night?
  19. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Ticky has an good one here. It could also be the specific forge-items for that map. Like if you tap it, it shows all the forge pieces of this forge enviroment.
    But still, im siding with ticky, that could indeed be day/night.
    Wich would be awesome.

    EDIT : Then again, would time really matter in space?
    #7119 SpartanPeter, Oct 9, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  20. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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