Have you made any tracks, Pac? Checked out Terdzone, Tit. It's nuts, but my time sucked on it. I'll have to practice at it more, I've been playing too much Dark Souls lately . Got another track in the works too, but it's a skill game. So far it's... being built.
was it "flipping out" ? i tried that, it was fun but... the name was misleading. the game felt more like "dont die" is there a way to make it reward for number of flips instead of time spent riding?
One of the vanilla mini games counts number of flips so I'm sure that could be tied to points/medals.
There's a bunch of example tracks that you can load up in the editor and mess around with, all you need to do is load up the flip-counting one (you're like skiing, I think) and poke around until you find out how it works, and then it should be pretty straightforward to then build your own. Specifically, if you have your track set to a skill game you can go into track settings and pick variables to map to primary and secondary score. All you need to do is create a variable to count the number of flips (this is where you'll need to do a bit of coding), set it to primary score, and bam!
The one I'm making right now isn't Flipping Out, it's more of a platformer type skill game. I originally had the points based on flips for FO, but it was too hard and, after multiple iterations, decided time was the best way to go, just didn't bother changing the name. I could always do a variation of time/flips I suppose. But seriously, the amount of messing around I had to do to get the bikes speed to increase, the spotlight to follow the bike precisely, and the times to register properly on the leaderboards was a lot longer than I'd anticipated it would be. I'm thinking about doing some mini tutorials on some of the things I've discovered about Evo's editor, because they're not really outlined very well in the official tut's from Redlynx.
Holy christ the community kicked off well. Some of the stuff on the highest rated Section of Track Central is ridiculous. Haven't had a chance to improve any of my old times because there's too many amazing tracks on TC.
They updated Track Central to be more detailed in the way it is organized, so you no longer are constantly given the same results every day and can actually find other new ****. The more recent tracks I've been seeing have really blown my mind. Is anyone here able to beat any of these "ninja difficulty" tracks that people create? im referring to tracks like this one: Trials Evolution Custom NINJA - MRC Descent : Platinum & 0 Faults! - YouTube and other similar ones where you have to do crazy upside down flip driving and backwards wheelies uphill. ive been able to do some of the stuff, but ive never completed a track yet. edit - completed a couple of the easier ones. working on making a sort of "training track" for ninja stuff so i can practice them. also, Pac... your scores aren't lookin so good lately
Holy crap, I couldn't finish that track in a million years. That is insane. :S I've actually not played this game for ages as I've been busy with other things and it kind of slipped to the back of my mind. I had a few tracks in the works last time I played it, but, again, they've just been lost to the importance of other tasks. No idea when or if I'll get back to Trials, but it's kind of ironic that I was waiting for it for ages, there was a massive build-up to the release day, then after about three weeks I forgot about it.
new trials DLC tomorrow 100 new editor objects, 36 new tracks, and BMX mode yay, something to do until halo 4
Definitely buying it. Great amount of content for only 400 msp. Too bad I have 310 currently and have to buy 500 msp to be able to buy it. ;_;
wtf... its not on the marketplace yet. theres like 5 different websites saying it would be released today. edit- there was some kind of problem with marketplace yesterday, but it should be out now.
I'm a little over half way through the DLC and I'm already beating titmar in every course I've tried.
most of those are just my first runs on the course after having not played the game for months. so yea, doesnt count. i'll go back and beat your times. also... magic marker is a *****. still haven't completed it. stuck on that one part where you have to bunny hop from a steep incline to a steeper hill climb
And what I've been playing non-stop? They were my first times as well and I haven't played trials since the first week when it came out. Just admit I'm the better trials player, it will save us some time.
Oh, snap! I haven't played this game in a while. Might have to get back to it, one day, especially since there's 100 new editor items. Do any of these new items include logic relays and such?