Halo 4 Abandon - Small Haven - Small Adrift - Small Solace - Small/Medium Complex - Big/Medium Exile - Big/Medium Ragnarok - Big/Medium Longbow - Big Meltdown - Big ??? - ??? VS. Halo 3 Guardian - Small Epitaph - Small Construct - Small The Pit - Small Narrows - Small Snowbound - Small Isolation - Small/Medium High Ground - Medium Last Resort - Big/Medium Valhalla - Big Sandtrap - Big
Did you measure those maps in spartan meters? Some could argue in lengthy essays against your classifications of the maps
Already went through CEA last month, got started on Halo 2 up until the kump inside the city then went to ODST, currently on Bucks mission.
The problem I have with H4's 'small' maps is that they aren't...small. Haven clocks in just a little smaller than Rat's Nest. Look at the outer ring. There are no really small maps like Midship, Guardian, Prisoner, maybe even Zealot, etc. And those are usually my favorite maps. Couple that with the fact that just about half of the starting maps look like they could support BTB and maybe only 1 (Abandon?) could support Doubles and it's beginning to look like small-sided MM games are coming to an end.
Tried to measure by how they played or seem to play, in terms of doubles, 4v4 etc. You're right though, but hey, arguing in lengthy essays is kinda this thread's thing.
Who else is hoping that the last map will actually be able to support 1v1s? I'm tired of watching 1v1s on Sanc...
I can't recall any launch map that was tailored to 1v1s, and I don't really see a point when they're much easier to make in Forge. Still waiting for the arena styled covie map. And for those that didn't find a good vid of Meltdown: New Halo 4 Map Meltdown! Brought to you by IGN! - YouTube This map has got to be my favorite so far.
Not specifically tailored to 1v1s. I mean playable for 1v1s and not Sanctuary bajillion weapons style.
Chill Out is probably the closest thing to a 1v1 that we'll get in Halo. The game was meant for team-based gameplay after all. Still, I wouldn't mind a map that tailored to player counts less than four.
That last map HAS to be covie or this game is a sham. The only good Covie maps are arena maps. Therefore, it has to be a covie arena map. Wait..damnit, there isn't anything clause that says it has to be good. Or that this game won't be a sham... But lol no, IMO Covie arena is a great final map. 4v4 styled maps are more versatile than the larger maps and therefore make more sense to have more of (bang for their buck). Four BTB maps and potentially the ability to add Complex in there too (that will play crap as a 4v4) is a very good selection of BTB, especially considering that they're all very good looking maps. Plus, I'm sure there'll be a forge map or two thrown in there near launch. However, I wouldn't mind a Covie themed Lockout/Guardian style, that's be cool. Or Covie Pit.
Covie-Pit. lol But I agree, the final map being a classic arena styled covie map will really satisfy me. Along with all those MLG dudes that I'd imagine have been pretty disappointed with the maps so far.
They apparently have the cartographers working on stuff with the game early or some ****, so there will be "forge" ""maps'" not too far into Halo 4's future. Edit: @Shanon: Yeah, I thought they were "working closely with MLG to have stuff ready for launch"..what the hell are they gonna play? Maybe MLG has been making their own forge maps? Lmfao.
I really wish they were, but from the looks of it, my matchmaking will mostly consist of BTB, doubles and hopefully a 4v4/5v5 playlist that will consist of stripped-down settings. We're just gonna have to wait and see what MLG does. As far as I can tell, the competitive community looks more enthused with H4 and its settings than the days of Reach.
Not saying they wouldn't. Just saying it's kinda shitty if 343's "working with MLG" was giving them early access to forge their own maps. There should have been a map or two by default for them to use as well. I was more just saying that in Reach and so far in 4, it almost seems as if forge is the cop out. "No small maps? Forge them", "Don't like our dumb weapon set ups? Change it in forge even though you still have to play this terrible set up in MM" I can only agree with it being used as a cop out when it's stepped its game up. With better looking pieces, framerate gone and multiple canvases then sure, say "just go Forge your 4v4 or 2v2 maps". However, without having seen much of anything about Forge and having very little faith that all the framerate issues are completely gone and that Forge has been pushed to the limited multiple times in testing, I just can't see it working well (the same way it didn't in Reach).
unless sprint is disabled, i dont see small maps working out very well... thats probably why the maps are all larger. imagine sprint + thrusters on a map the size of midship. you could be across the map in like 2 seconds flat. but yea....
Eh, crossing the map isn't that relevant in slayer. Sure midship flag might not work with sprint, but sprint on those smaller maps would probably just speed gameplay up a bit more. Arena maps are designed so you can generally help a team mate out from most places on the map, so having sprint added in there doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna be back in the action too fast off spawn. Plus designs like midship don't employee too many long, open stretches (other than car), so your sprinting would be generally more quick burst, rather than straight up gigantic area crossing. Now that they've also added sprint-stop when you're shot, there should be a bit less sprint punching which is one of the only things I'd have a major problem with in a smaller map with sprint. I think it could be fun. Also: love that picture.