This map is a tight close quarters combat canyon with multiple levels inbetween the rocks. you can 1v1 on it but i recommend playing with alot of people for best results.(4-16 players) i have uploaded a later version to forge hub before and i have now finally completed my map. the power weapons are placed at the top of the map. there is a sniper at the very top, a shotgun in the middle, and a spartan laser, plasma launcher, and a concusion rifle. there are also 2 granade launchers at each side of the on the top. the reason for this is because all the initial spawns are at the bottom so theres instant mayhem and a race to the top at the beginning. there are plenty of other smaller weapons spread around the map but i forget how many. sadly, the map does have frame rate lag, its not too bad and i have tried fixing this by being more efficient with peices and deleteing some things, but sadly it is still there. you can play team slayer, rumble pit, multi team, crazy king, capture the flag, king of the hill(not sure what the diffrence is with this and crazy king), and infection would be fun on the map but i have not done anything to make it compatable with it. crazy king is also cool to play on the level because there is one hill that goes through all the levels along with plenty that dont. people at first think this level is too random, complex, easy to get lost in or hard to get around in, but after a game or 2 it will be easy to get around in. when i made this map, i tried to make it as accesable as possible, with multiple ways of getting up and down, with grav lifts and walkways to get up to higher levels, along with rocks to climb too you will soon find it easy to get from bottom to top and top to bottom in less than a minute. when i made this map what i did was made the basic shape of it and just started adding on to it bit by bit, making more paths walkways each time i went on it. anyways, if you like close quarters combat this is the map for you. i would enjoy any feedback you have to offer or a rating out of 10. although i will not be making any more changes to the map. i hope you all like the map, have fun! as you can see in the picture above all 5 power weapons are at the 5 atenas located at the top of the map. in this picture you can see the shotgun(left), spartan laser(middle), and the sniper(top right). this is cool because it makes it like a race to the top for the power weapons.(initial spawns are at bottom of map) This picture gets a sorta good look at the multiple levels of the map p.s. to any of you who are wondering why all my old posts are missing from the thread its because one of the mods combined my old thread with my new one so i decided to delete all the old posts because they contained invalid information about my map, and i dont want people who are looking at this for the first time to be confused. thats all.
I gave the map a quick look around in forge and there are a few things you should know. 1. There is a lot of z-fighting on the platforms on the map, where 2 parts overlap and then flash as the textures fight for dominance. This is easily fixed by moving the parts up or down a bit. 2. I don't think the tag MLG can really be applied here. MLG maps (in fact most competitive maps) have varied lines of sight and types of areas, not just a collection of CQC areas and roofs. In general, there weren't many actual areas around the map, mostly just a collection of tiny hallways that people will likely get lost in. You may have thought this was a really spectacular map, but overall don't be surprised if others don't share that opinion here. While I'm sure you spent a lot of time on this, in general players will want a more defined play space, not a maze-like one where there are only CQC lines of sight.
Look, man, all Shoe was trying to do is give you some pointers to improve your map. Everybody could improve in one way or another. You or your map aren't perfect. -Z-Fighting: He wasn't saying you should move the pieces enough to create unleveled platforms. You can click down on the left thumb-stick to move it just enough for it to stay flat and get rid of the fighting. IF I decide to actually download and check it out, I'll provide more feedback.
Z-fighting may not matter to you, but you made the map for others to play on, and it bothers a lot of players. Z-fighting is so easy to fix without making any structural changes that not doing so puts out a visual message of laziness. You may not be lazy, but not fixing Z-fighting sends a message to players that you are. Also, if you don't want any feedback you need to mention that ahead of time. On Forge Hub people tend to post maps that they want (and expect) feedback on, so it is rather frustrating to go through the time to give this feedback only to have someone try to refute every piece of it. If you don't want feedback, that is fine, but you would be better off posting it in the Casual section where feedback isn't as commonly wanted or to put it in big bold text on your thread so no one does so by accident. I also can't rate it because I don't know if I am supposed to consider it a competitive map or not. If it is competitive, and in comparison then to all other competitive maps, this is about in the 2 range. If this is simply a casual for the lols map, then the experience is subjective and I could not say until I had played it, though from a totally laid back standpoint I'm sure it can be pretty fun.
I'm not sure if Shoe addressed this (for I am a lazy reader), but Z-Fighting does effect the map's performance, frame rate-wise. I still haven't seen the map, but by the sound of it, it seems like it might suffer from frame rate lag. I could be wrong, though. Just another reason why you should fix the fighting.
I'm confused as to whether or not this is the best map ever. On an unrelated note, both shift keys and elementary school were created for a reason. It's much easier to read when you use knowledge from one to make use of the other.
z-Fighting = bad Smooth Platform =good Z-Fighting is bad because it make things laggy and uneasy to the eyes. It basicly makes it more uniform and neat besides having a disco party at random spots.Take pointers from people who been here awhile and know how to forge because there is a reason we give feedback btw I think you can do way better, I played this today and It played horrible, unless there is a custom gametype. All Mlg gametypes dont work here
That's what I thought you said first time I read it. OT - I, like many people I'm sure, dislike the main focus on maps being pieces like 1x3 or 1x5 flats. I think it looks nice here and there, but having them everywhere just isn't the best. You should care about looks because looks are what draw people to the map. What makes yours any better than anyone else's map at first glance if you didn't include aesthetics on the map? Gameplay wise, it seems like you'd have to play quite a few games on this to get the scheme of things around the map. What I assume you aim to build is a balanced, fun map that people can understand quickly and with narrow layers of catwalks across the entire map, it seems things could get quite confusing. Another thing: add a weapon list! Finally, try not to be so cocky about your map, regardless of if you end up making a feature-worthy map. People are most likely going to have something to say about it.
I can whole-heartedly say this map is not for MLG. There doesn't appear to be any control or order in the pieces you've placed, and while I am usually a huge fan on multi-levelled arena playspaces, this doesn't really qualify as one. As Shoe has rightly said (Either in this thread, or the other) a typical map requires varied sightlines and regions in the map that provide a significant control point. This would succeed more as a casual map to play (I'm not saying the map isn't enjoyable) but it shouldn't be considered or compared to a competitive map... especially not an MLG competitive map. However, there are a few things you can learn from this map; you know you can create a fun and unique environment to play in. You know you should always fix Z-fighting before releasing a map. You now know you should try to create a map without framerate issues (Slowness on screen in looking around, blurryness etc... if you're still unsure what it is, set a phased grid inside the mountain on paradiso, then change it's physics to normal and see what performance lag is!! lol) A further tip that I've just picked up on from your last picture is, you shouldn't set any weapons to any other physics beyond normal. The Plasma Launcher (The covenant explosive weapon you couldn't remamber) is in the background and fixed against a wall. When a player dies, the weapon will stay fixed in the air permanently as part of a bug. If it's phased, the weapon returns to it's spawn location and cannot be picked up again (whether it still has ammo or not) which can be frustrating when you kill a player who still has four rockets in a game. Anyway, I wrote a guide a fair while back about competitive maps and how you should tweak them to ensure they are at the best they can be. It uses examples from Halo 3 mostly (As at the time of writing the article, players didn't really understand the Halo Reach maps fully) so you'll need a bit of insight about the example maps while reading the article. Competitive Map Refinement - Take a read through of this and familiarise yourself with the HKL, HDL and GDP locations within your map. Check for PRs and make sure all of the locations aren't scattered around randomly. A good competitive map has a balance of low activity and high activity areas.
Major lol. Anyway, I haven't actually played the map, but based on the pictures I can agree with Stevo. (By the way, I never noticed that thread before, so I'll have to take a look at it.) Another tip, or rather, a personal preference, is to stray away from using prefabricated buildings that Bungie provided. It usually signals a little laziness, except for some rare situations where the creator uses them well (which has happened before). It's usually better to build your own structures from scratch. While this may be more time and money consuming, it will be better in the end. Also, shoot me an invite and I'd be glad to play this with you.
Tristan, I think you have great potential as a Forger, you just need to listen to the people who have been doing this since the beginning. Flyingshoe is a great Forger, and his opinion about your map is valid. Z-fighting is an annoyance to every player, and if you have it, no one will want to download your maps, and thats not good. I have not yet downloaded this map yet, but from what I have seen in the pictures you have posted, I think you have great potential and should keep right on working at it. Take what any one offers as advice and run with it, it will only make you better. Shoe gave me advice when I first started posting, and I have become much better at what I make, tho I havent posted for quite some time.
I think you have to even out the weapons more than anything. With a plasma launcher, 2 shotguns, a snibberz, an energy sword, 2 grenade launchers, 2 concussion rifles, needle rifles, dmrs, plasma pistols, and magnums placed in this map, there is no doubt you should rethink the weapon layout. I, like many people here, am glad that you're taking all this feedback so well. Take some of this feedback and make a brand new map in Halo 4. I think that would be your best option. Don't start a map now because there's less than a month before Halo 4 is released. If anything, plan a new one for that game.
There's no need for two map threads, so I've combined them into one. Any updates should simply be added to the original map thread. Thanks!
Oh, ok. That sorta confused me for a minute there. Even though i would have liked it better if you just deleted the old one. But this works too. And i think this is more of a casual map.
Just out of curiosity, isn't the title of the thread supposed to be just the name of the map? Not sure, so I won't report it, but if anyone else can confirm, please do. Then again, there have already been about 20 mods in this thread..
I can sympathize with whoever made this because my first map (which I posted five years ago) was terrible, but I'll start by bluntly saying that this is not a great map, and no decent forger see this as a good map. This isn't because you are a bad forger, it is simply because you are inexperienced in providing a map that other people besides yourself will enjoy: 1) The map is, well, messy (you seem to have randomly scattered objects without any consideration for placement or layout) 2) The map is encased in wall coliseums which some people (though not everyone) consider a "cop-out" option. Also it doesn't look great aesthetically. 3) Judging by other comments here you seem to have Z-Fighting problems which not only look terrible but can cause frame-rate lag. 4) Even though you constantly stress the map is "close-quartered" there are virtually no line-of-sight blockers on upper level. In order to improve, I recommended checking out the featured maps section of this site, downloading 3-5 maps to study and emulate for your next creation. Soon you will improve dramatically. I went from making maps much worse than this to having two on Bungie favourites with over 130,000+ downloads. Feel free to add me on Xbox Live (GT=PatchworkZombie) and I'll be happy to discuss this map with you.
Thanks for the feedback. But i just want to mention this is not the first map i have made, this is actually the newest map i have made, and that all the comments up to rightsidetheory's comment are from the older version of the map, i have fixed the z-fighting along with other things. I have also tried to stress that that this map was just a concept i wanted to try out. I do not usually do maps like this, i actually consider my self to be a pretty skilled forger. I do agree that this map is messy and random but that was sorta was what i was aiming for in this map. I was never aiming for a featured map or anything, i was aiming for the concept of a bunch of rocks with platforms in the middle and just make it accessible as possible. Which i did. Anyways i dont have a mic but i can borrow my friends sometime and we could play and discuss the map.
Please don't act stuck up, because that's the way you're coming across here. I won't stick around to insult you, but rather to inform you of the problem. Cool?
sorry about that, i had no intention of coming across as stuck up or full of myself. i do realize that im not that great of a forger, especially compared to other forgers on the website. i just think that im not that bad, im pretty good at contructing maps but my weak points are things that every map needs such as balance(with weapons and stuff(i had that problem with this map more than any other map i have made)), spawns, spawn times(i dont even do anything with this), and making things more even(that problem was mostly with this map). anyway i realize im not that skilled in making a good even map that everyone will enjoy equally, i think i just like to experement more than anything, just try out ideas or just start building and see where it leads me, i dont usually plan out my maps before i make them, i just start building, so in that sense im not a good forger. i just like to have fun with it. if you check out my other level called duelists arena that is on my file share its a pretty good example of my "experementing". P.s. i could make a more even map if i wanted, i havent made much of them but if you want to check out 1 that i made in less than an hour that i have on my file share its called infrata, its pretty small and not that great but its pretty good for making it in under an hour.