We neeeeeeeed a covie map, seriously. For the most part, the maps do look pretty solidly varied but still no covie map in Halo would be a shame. However, on the subject of Flood movement speed: I am very excited. From the looks of that, the flood speed was turned up a decent amount, yet the game didn't look skatey and they could still strafe fairly well it seemed. With those movement settings, Solace played a lot smaller and I have a lot more hope for classic playlist/customs to play well on default maps without sprint.
I can't really see the covie map being a big map..and there has to be a covie map right?...right??! But I'd say one more small-ish map, one more medium map (that may be straight up gigantic).
What are the chances that rumors of getting forge info today are true? There can only be two reasons they've waited this long to give us more info. 1. They have something completely mind blowing to show us and just wanted to build some suspense 2. They know we'll be pissed when they show us they haven't done anything else to update it. Please be #1.
cmon forge news!!! please be a vidoc that shows all 3 environments and pallets... and blows my ****ing mind.
3. They just don't give much of a crap about forge since it's not the thing that sells copies of this game to like 98% of the people who buy it. So whatever they're going to show us - good, bad or indifferent - it's just highly de-prioritized in the hype-building campaign compared to basically every other aspect of the game.
So i was just watching the old RTX halo 4 forge Horse demo. at the end of the match between jack and geoff, jack has to fly into the floating RTX. which looks like it is made out of blocks. but when I looked again, they kind of looked like blocks with ladders on them.. maybe they added in ladders so we dont need to make our own with shield walls.. that would be cool.
I don't count spire, aside from the fact that it sucks, because it's not completely covenant. I'd love to see a btb map decked out in purple as much as zealot or some similar map