Curious as to when, or if ever, this map is going to come out. At least a download link would be appreciated. The invis bridge is really unique. I've been tracking this maps progress for a long time, unfortunately it seems to have gone quiet.
As annoying as I find these kind of bumps to be, I wouldn't mind being able to check out this map either. It looks pretty interesting.
Well, ya see, we sorta tore the map apart with plans to rebuild it. then we never finished rebuilding it, so I dunno what to tell you guys. The light bridge was already copied in another map too.
I will add the version of the map, that I believe was the closest to what is previewed here to my fileshare, since I am not sure where the other version is that I had of the rebuild lol. It actually plays quite well, but like duck said I believe they were planning to redo it from top to bottom at one point and we never played it again , but GT: SilentRaine~ just check the Fileshare
I mean, it's entirely possible that the trick was coincidentally discovered by someone else, just as it is entirely possible that the trick was purposefully copied.
It wasnt meh I swears, I am to lame to even know how to comprehend such a device , but I miss this map . I did add the version I remembers to meh fileshare however for those asking for what is previewed here, I believe it is the correct version atleast. Xzamples dont you have a new project in the works that your going to carry over to Halo 4?
Not that I'm aware of? I mean, I have drawn countless FFA maps, but no Slayer Concepts. I did, however have a idea for a map designed for a specific gametype. I was thinking of having a two territories gametype, where each territory spawns in the front of each team's spawn. I could see the game being very competitive, but a simple concept that anyone can enjoy. But that's about it for 4v4.
It sounds nice atleast you should give it a go, I think it would definately be much more competitive than the usual Territories gametype, which is only fun on a select few maps in general. After watching some of the Halo 4 Dominion gameplay I could see a more balanced Territories gametype that isnt one sided being a fun experience. I saw a concept of yours not to long ago, that I believe you had some screenshots of in your fileshare and it looked promising but I will have to browse through my screenshot library and see which map it was. I believe it has a very circuluar styled drop down atrium, but you may have given that one up for the time being.
The whole map looks pretty cool ! But i think taht rocks need to be more natural , they look creepy ....... Hope i could have a game on it soon !
YEAH, DUCK! WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS MAP, BRO?!? There's around 10 versions of this on my hard drive. Duck has the Asymmetrical visual one (part rock, part metal) and I have a Full metal one. I prefer the look of the full-metal one, but theres framerate lag. The rock one has none. If you want another version of it, let me know and I'll fileshare it. Oh, and the rebuild of this map failed because unfortunately the length of the energy bridge required the map to be built in a very specific spot... And Bungie threw down some ****, horrible looking trees which block most of the potential concepts of the map.