Sector 7

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, May 22, 2008.


So, from the pics or from playing, how'd you like Sector 7?

  1. [1-2] Lack of creativity, no 1337 wepuns

    3 vote(s)
  2. [3-4] It was alright. I guess it looks nice, but nothing special.

    3 vote(s)
  3. [5-6] Nice job. I like the merging, but it could use a few improvements.

    6 vote(s)
  4. [7-8] Very, very beautiful. I played it, and it plays amazing. Great job.

    4 vote(s)
  5. [9-10] Absolutely perfect. I hope your others are this good.

    5 vote(s)
  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    \.~``~..~``~..~``~..~``~..~``~..~`Sector 7`~..~``~..~``~..~``~..~``~..~``~./​

    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    here's one of Team GridNaux and beingTOOnosey's oldest maps. We created this as our first perfectly morphed/merged, beautifully made, and all-around sexy map. Symmetrical arena-style combat with you and a friend is always guaranteed to be fast-paced and unpredictable. So, give it a try, and let me know what you think of it. Any improvements or suggestions are gladly accepted by either of us. Post them here, send them in a PM, or message me via Xbox LIVE. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this next installment of Team NoseyNaux brilliance.
    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    A few pictures for your viewing pleasure:
    In the middle of this picture, you can see some beautiful merging done by my Forging partner. We just slipped a Double Wall into the corner and make a triangular shaped BR post on opposite corners of the map.

    This is a little better look at the center. It's from fairly close to the ground as you can tell, so you can't get a perfect view, but you can see what it'd look like in-game. Here, I'm coming down from the center platform onto my helpless victim. He got smashed.

    In the base-level middle of the map, there are two Open Single Boxes. The center fence-looking walkway that I'm standing on is the horizontal tunnel that hosts both the Mauler and the Overshield. Don't fret, though. The Overshield is not placed at the start. We did this so that we could incorporate the Overshield without having an immediate rush to that spot and resulting in one person getting an easy kill at the game's start.

    Ok, this is a shot of the Overshield end of the tunnel. You can see just the bottom of it. I held it up a bit so that one couldn't slip around the corner and notice it. Also, it is possible to stand in the Open Box without picking up the Overshield. This is a small opportunity for the Overshield abusing players.

    And this would be the Mauler Spawn. I noticed after holding the Weapon Holder behind the back wall in order to keep the purple from throwing off the map's color that the Mauler was significantly less visible. For this reason, I threw two Active Camos in there to draw one's attention. They're not capable of being picked up, but they add flavor.

    Here I am about to slaughter this poor guy again. Under that little structure, one can pick up one of the two Regenerators on the map along with one of the two Spike Grenades. The drawback is that you must crouch in order to get those. Risk your life, or rush to save it. Your choice.

    Now, it was said by a few folks that this map was open. I took a picture from the view of someone standing flush to the very back wall of the map. Here, you can see that it's just a few steps to the middle of the map. Again, this is for tight-cornered, 1v1 combat. Thanks a lot, guys.

    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    Weapon Set:
    (4) Assault Rifle - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    (2) Battle Rifle - 20 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    (4) SMG - 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    (1) Plasma Pistol - 30 Second Respawn
    (1) Covenant Carbine - 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    (1) Mauler - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip

    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    Equipment Set:
    (7) Frag Grenade - 10 Second Respawn
    (2) Plasma Grenade - 10 Second Respawn
    (2) Spike Grenade - 10 Second Respawn
    (1) Bubble Shield - 60 Second Respawn
    (2) Regenerator - 90 Second Respawn
    (2) Flare - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Overshields - 90 Second Respawn - Place at Start: No

    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    Please note that the picture that is embedded shows the map without a ceiling. The map itself is impossible to get out of, because it has a ceiling. I removed it for that picture so the viewer could see the map as a whole.
    ____________________________Team NoseyNaux____________________________

    Well, there ya have it. Let me know what ya think. As I said, we're always more than open for advice or ways to improve our maps. This one has gone through at least double-digit stages of improvement, and I'm proud to show this as the end result. Thanks a bunch, guys. Enjoy!

    Super-special thanks to:
    GridNaux- my Forging partner. The reason for 70% of this map.
    Oh yeah, and all those folks that helped us playtest this thing back before it was strictly 1v1. I don't feel like looking up your GT's because you all put gay number in it and I can never remember those, but you're noteworthy=]
    #1 dented_drum, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great. Very neat. But some areas seem a bit bare.
    Also, it doesnt appear that you've really tested what you're capable of with forge. And I dont say that in a mean way at all. What I mean is that, yes it looks great but what really separates this from all the rest. WHat super unique features have you incorporated
    #2 Linubidix, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  3. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is definitely a map I will look forward to playing on. Looks VERY neat, which is a huge + for me. I like the look of the ceiling, makes it give a claustrophobic sense to me. However, the use of all three major grenades can break a map easily. I would advise you to either take out the plasmas. or take out the spikes. There seems to be no way to break this map, another +. I will get back to you soon about this map.

    -cheers! lawl
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, man. The solid truth is that this map was focused solely on playability. We built a box, and went from there. Unlike most of our new maps, this lacks any one specific element that make a person think it to be 100% unique. It plays well, and that was our focus. We saw that tons of 1v1 maps were emerging and decided that we wanted our own. So, here you have it. Also, it took much longer than you'd think to make it. Every thing that can possibly be merged is merged. Every corner rounded, every bump smoothed, but as for true originality in purpose or creation, there is none.

    Finally, any spot that looks "bare" is that way because of the focus we wanted. This map's gone through a bunch- and I mean a crap load -of weapon-changing stages. We finally decided to ditch our mass of CQC weapons for a much more competitive set. In the end, it's paid off tremendously. You live a bit longer, and it takes a little more skill to take out your opponent.

    To chips: The use of three grenade types is not as prominent as it appears. The Plasmas are on the top level. Risking your butt trying to get up there is almost suicide. The Spikes are shown in one of the pictures, and I explained there how difficult those are to get as well. Especially in 1v1, I can see exactly where you're coming from. We tried to throw in all for plenty of action. I definitely can see your point, though. Let me know what you think once you actually get to play it. Thanks, bro.
    #4 dented_drum, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  5. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is what I like in a map. Not having a sense of individuality can actually make a map stand out in the end. As I am not a real fan of 1v1, I may try 2v2. I have already downloaded, but I need to ask you. Have you set up almost every game type possible on this? Or is it just geared towards slayer? In my opinion, I would like to see game types such as CTF (have like, 5 captures ftw), Territories, King of the Hill, and Assault on here as well. Game types such as those may need to be tweaked, but it still would make the map's replay value last longer.

    ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

    ^ I hate thread replies such as these. It shows that the member doesn't have really anything to say about the map, but he/she still posts to get that extra point into his post count. People like loco, need to be told of their mistakes, so it won't evolve and become a habit later. ForgeHub is already having problems like this, and it needs to be controlled. Im seeing map threads being flooded with comments like this, making the map sub-forums become drowned in the mindless electronic heap of **** replies. Loco, I am reporting your post, and I will also report any other posts like that. I suggest other members should report comments like those.
    #5 Chipsinabox, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  6. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice looking map. I am definately downloading!!
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your reply, for that I'll dl.
    Your a bit like me, the last couple maps that I've made havent really pushed forge to the limit but they have extremely good playability.
    I appreciate you taking the time to give a mature response, you've gained some respest.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It was originally supposed to be a Team Doubles-focused map, but spawn-placement got out of hand. It was simply too hard to prevent spawn-killing. For that reason, we regrettably bumped it down to 1v1. Now, I'm almost certain it's still playable for CTF and Assault, but don't expect perfection. I posted this as a 1v1 because all other gametypes were strenuous.

    Like I said, try it out and let me know. I'll gladly edit this bad boy up to your par if you think it's capable of hosting other gametypes, but it's ridiculously small, I'll warn you.


    To loco: Thanks a lot, man! I hope you love the crap out of it!


    To linubidix: Thanks to you too, dawg! I've spent 3 hours of my afternoon getting pics straight, fixing up the map, and getting this thing posted on Bnet and FH. I say it's well worth it to have a few people check out your map and maybe even like it. Thanks for the advice, and I'll be sure to take that into consideration for maps to come *gets excited about new maps*
    #8 dented_drum, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  9. Pokerama

    Pokerama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey i reckon it looks awesome. when do u think u guys shall get some new stuff
  10. oOo FuRyZ oOo

    oOo FuRyZ oOo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks neat, downlloading!
  11. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks pretty cool, looks like alot of fun :D
  12. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm gonna be pushin' Grid to start the next map today, actually. I posted our newest one last night around 1:00 AM, so hopefully that can hold off the adoring fans for long enough. Enjoy, guys!
  13. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DL'd good, but not like i thought it would be. 4/5 though
  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gameplay looks epic, great job
  15. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You seem to amaze me with your forging skills. Your maps are EPIC and this is no exception. A++
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah looks really fun, but maybe a little more cover? I don't know. but you map are turning out to have epicly good layouts.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, thanks a whole lot, bro! A++ is somethin' fierce, man. I'm thrilled to see you guys like our stuff. It's so fun to make it.

    Cover has been a problem with this map. It was originally designed for Doubles but that reason is why we recommend it for 1v1 now. Layouts just piece themselves together for us. We start with a general idea, and then throw down whatever's in our heads. Apparently it works haha.
  18. TyRant Hacker

    TyRant Hacker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks well laid out but the map seems extremely plain... but great job :/

  19. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Small and simple- 'twas the goal, my friend. Thanks for the comment!
  20. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like this map, the fence bridge being the fav.. but I do agree that its a bit small. Originally we were hoping for it to be bigger, maybe 2v2 but it ended up more like 1v1. So overall, its a great 1v1 map, even though it was smaller than planned.

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