Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Again, only in Halo 3.

    And again, I personally feel that making the DMR less generous would be a preferable path, but I've yet to get a feel for how the game plays without pinging so I won't say that with any degree of certainty right now. Dubious though, definitely dubious.
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    By all means, continue posting videos. I think i can safely say we appreciate all of the footage you have found.
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Fair enough. Forgot to slash that out as I changed some stuff around in the post. But seeing that I didn't, I'd like to point out that I thought that was a good idea for keeping ranged combat from becoming too dominant (although it would also be nice if the netcode didn't eat your bullets too, so I guess hitscan is the lesser of two evils). Looking at the H2 BR, it was still harder to keep a burst-fire weapon trained at a longer distance, and CE was played almost entirely on small maps, sans Sidewinder, Blood Gulch and Hang 'em High. Not to mention a 3sk was never easy.

    That's true. But larger maps can't be disputed; we've seen footage of them. Just compare Haven to something like Wizard. The maps have been getting bigger at a steady pace. Based on gameplay, it looks like Haven is almost as big as Rat's Nest.

    Considering Haven was labeled good for CQB combat, I'm skeptical of 343i's definition of CQB. Those long hallways and side to mid sight-lines don't make me think small, CQB map. From what I've seen a lot of fights have played out without much melee (except Adrift) or grenade interference. It's looking more and more like those scope battles and longer range non-scope battles are becoming the norm. Look at the new precision weapon, the Light Rifle: Designed to truck in scope range.

    I don't like that idea. I think the gunplay looks phenomenal in Halo 4, but I don't think it will play out as well as it could if the maps are so huge. That, combined with the DMR's ease of use make for a fairly shady sounding combo IMO. I'm skeptical. Like I have been since we've first started getting info.

    But I'll have to wait 40+ days to really know for sure. But until then, I'm content to be skeptical. At least, until forge news is revealed which will hopefully win me over like it did with Reach.

    Also, I just realized by watching those vids exactly how far Thruster sends you. Wow.

    I'm picking Thruster for sure now.
    #6584 That Scorch Guy, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  5. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    They could've at least make it look like his entire arm was part of the claw like in previous Halos. Now it looks like a normal-ish arm with a claw thing at the end.
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I really hope this is it for the large maps though. Time for some smaller maps plzzz.
  7. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Halo 4 Regicide on Complex - YouTube

    Did anybody else notice the respawn timer on this non-objective game? They said they would remove it, but I guess they saw the problems with insta spawn...
  8. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    At this rate there won't be any small maps and they will do away with 4v4 team slayer and all matches will be 6v6.

  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Is Infinity slayer officially 6v6? Or did they just do this for the builds to get more people playing at once. Because everything they've shown so far can handle 6v6. Honestly, if they make that the standard, I'd be legit annoyed. That right there is way too much codification.
  11. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I honestly think 4v4's are too small for all of the maps shown. I find the 8 man FFA games to be crowded enough on a 4v4 map in previous titles. I generally play a lot of FFA, seeing that I can never get a full party to play with :)/), and I see no problem with cramped FFA gameplay on any of these maps. That leads me to believe they are all designed to support 6v6 team as opposed to 4v4 team, which should start to show some strain under an 8-man or so FFA. At least, in my experience.

    Not having a single solid 2v2-4v4 map is disappointing. I know Reach didn't really have one, but Zealot came close at least, and Prisoner came closer if you're gonna count DLC. I don't see how they could support a Doubles playlist unless 2 of the unannounced maps are small-sided, and it doesn't look like any of them will be.

    Still, I don't like this trend. 6v6 starts to create cluttered teams and a lot less reliance on individual ability as opposed to team positioning. I always though that the mix of the two in Halo was a very nice trait. Skepticalness +1.
    #6591 That Scorch Guy, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  12. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I don't think it has been confirmed but I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I don't see myself playing much Infinity slayer. I'm really hoping the "classic playlist" they mentioned is halfway decent and should be 4v4 because thats the one I'll probably stick with the majority of the time.

    Edited by merge:

    +1 on everything you said.
    Also, the smackdown contest got me thinking that they should do a 1v1 playlist made up of community made maps. So many great maps have been and can be made for 1v1's. Although host, connection, and tryhards would plague it.
    #6592 GrenadeGorilla8, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm betting doubles will be focused around community variants (suckface), because that's largely what they've been doing. They dumped a ton of crap in the Halo 3 one and there were a decent amount in Reach Doubles. People are getting the game early so they can make maps and I'm betting they'll be making lots of doubles maps.

    Also, at your last comment: I think what you're saying is 6v6 rewards individual play less, but I disagree with that. Look at CoD..it's always one or two good players, or a 2 or 3 people working together that wreck house in games. Same with Halo BTB..the top couple players do 80% of the work. When the games are smaller, one weak link can crush your whole team. 4v4 still allows for a 1-2 man show, which can be fun but come up against a solid team of 4 and you will need to work together to beat them. 6v6, well you're less likely to come up against an entire team of 6 people working well together, it's harder for them to communicate effectively even if you did, since there is so much chatter and so it will likely devolve into games where people break off on their own or in small groups rather than working as a solid unit.

    4v4 is the golden number :'(
  14. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Ahh yeah, you're right, I had it backwards: Instead of 6v6 highlighting teams, it's more the individuals with little to no cohesion, unless they're really good. My mistake. (no sarcasm BTW)

    Still, I stand by the opinion that 4v4 was the best balance between the best of both individual and team skills. Small enough to see individuals change the game and still allow for team cooperation. It is the golden number...

    At least we have Forge/Customs. Still, the MM standard has a huge impact on what people play.
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Oh no, I definitely agree on everything else..just figured you mixed up words on the 6v6 comment.

    Also entirely OT but I had to post this somewhere and I've been posting too many pictures on FB:


    So much epic I don't even
  16. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Exactly why I like BTB. It's more complicated and thus more rewarding imo. 1v1 basically means if someones better at then you lose but more people you add more skillsets are acquired for your team, 4v4 with communication can easily coordinate the team.

    But BTB that coordinates perfectly is deadly. But its really rare and been able to view the battle field seeing who's good at what and which players prefer which playstyle from all 16 players and figuring out what I have to do(to cover my teams weaknesses or push there strengths) where and when to give my team the win is so complicated challenging and fun

    Also when your the guy with 80% of the kills feeling like your 1v8ing getting compliments from both team after game is ego boosting to the max.

    I'm just hoping there is a good BTB centric vehicle map (Valhalla wasn't really imo)
  17. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    6v6 the new TS standard? **** yeah, it's about time they bumped up the player count.
  18. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Promethean

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    Maps wish list:

    1. Vertical map,(sword base, countdown, Prisoner, penance-esque)
    2. Some sort of treacherous, float-ey map with lots of cool tac jumps
    3. One map with some crazy choke point (like sword base) - not really for competitiveness, more just for the sake of have one map with a giant cluster****
    4. I dunno, some map that I don't even know that I wanted.

    One of which are covenant themed, and three of which are Human themed. I've had enough forerunner aesthetics for one game.
  19. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    From where I stand, BTB is more simplistic. Coordination on the level of 4v4 coordination is probably impossible as you could not hear each other if every weapon and player was called out as they are in 4v4. It's already loud and chatty with 4 people calling out 5 or so PWs and 4 other players. Imagine 7+PWs, Vehicles, and 8 other players? Not happening. It's an entirely different playstyle. Different callouts take priority, and different tasks are assigned to players.

    Different people get roles in BTB (driver, sniper, all purpose, support, objective etc.), where as 4v4's have to be more versatile and well-rounded to perform well. 1v1 precision duels are more common and mean more in 4v4s. Weapon control is more important in 4v4, though vehicle comes into play in 8v8 and map control is a constant.

    Different gametypes are different, and carry different skillsets with them.

    I also find 25+ in 4v4 more rewarding than say 35 or 40+ in BTB, but that's just me. Opinion.
  20. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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