Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My thoughts exactly.

    I'm really excited about the weapon sandbox in this game, much more depth to it than Reach. I feel like now we can come up with different and unique weapon set-ups for our maps now instead of the all too common sniper/grenade launcher combo we've all grown tired of.

    Also, dat railgun. <3
    #6521 Dax, Sep 26, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Is it too late to mention that the shotty sounds like a confetti gun?
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I think they sound like a shotgun might underwater, then gargling pools of thick liquid. Not sure what, nor do i want to find out. Still, its wonderfully odd.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    God I'm glad to see Valhalla back again. I'm genuinely curious to see how it plays with Sprint, and all the more so since H4 has it as a universal ability. Could go horribly wrong but I'm definitely optimistic at this stage, roll on November.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Someone explain to me what Carta de Oaxaca has to do with Valhalla. That must have been just a giant red herring.
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    I got it..there are 3 As in Valhalla and 3 As in Oaxaca...must be it.
  7. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Promethean

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    ...seems legit...
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Woah woah woah woah.

    Valhalla is back? Link.
  9. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    Here is how it is related.

    Oaxaca is a state in Mexico,
    New Mexico is named after Mexico,
    Thor Landed in New Mexico,
    Thor is from Asgard,
    in Asgard there is the "Hall of the Slain",
    Better known as Valhalla.

    Seems legit.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    While I love foresty valhalla..a new skin would have been nice..like snow or sand.

    Also 6v6 in that pic :( Not that it's not expected and what they play all demoes as it seems lol.
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm as giddy as a school girl.
  13. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Promethean

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    I'm confused as to why flood-mutated spartan arms naturally look like swords, and why no one else thought the same thing... I must be missing something obvious... They could have given the normal flood grown hands which could hold other weapons, while still giving a lunge and one hit kill. After all, is the regular sword's lunge even supposed to be a result of anything other than its length? Do zombies rip off their flood grown sword-limb to wield another weapon, or just carry it with their other arm and keep their one hit kill melee? Or is there no other weapon wielding in the floodfection variant?

    Why are the weapon videos as short and choppy as possible? Some of the clips even start out after shots have been fired or the player is weak, as if they want to conceal the kill time of the weapon.

    Also, I wonder what distinguishes the three ARs from each other. I haven't been able to tell if the Storm Rifle and Supressor fire really fast projectiles, or bullet-speed projectiles. I'm not impressed by the weapon sandbox at all, honestly. It's as if they decided at the start that they were going to create a forerunner version of the AR, sniper, rockets, shotgun and utility rifle, with minimal, or insignificant nuances. I don't know enough about the boltshot's two types of fire to say anything about it.

    I've said before that the scattershot's bankshot ability is going to be almost useless in situations where you can't just walk around the corner. If it's as powerful as the old shotguns, the damage done by bankshotting in let's say, a tunnel in Adrift is going to be negligible other than for postponing a shield recharge once you have given away your position, and if it's as powerful as it seems (like a 2-3 shot at AR range) then you wouldn't need to fear just walking around the corner unless they have enough time to throw a grenade by their feet. If they have that much time, however, you can bet that they won't stick around to be hurt by the a bankshot nor direct shot. The last thing you want to do with the shotgun (when they don't yet know to run away) is give away your position/fact that you have a shotgun with a weaker shot around the corner.

    I'll concede that the binary rifle's balancing mechanism of the laser line (if I understood a previous post correctly) is unique and interesting, whether it actually does balance the one body shot capability or not. If it doesn't give players the ability to kill the sniper more easily without a sniper of their own, it will at least let players know more often when to strafe or stick to cover. It makes the possible job of finding the sniper (by following a shot trail) and telling the team a bit easier, which simplifies the game in a way, but the sniper may just be able to mitigate that by scoping with a rifle before switching to the sniper, as well as keeping the reticle only on the backside of an enemy who's looking to one side.
  14. Zero Point

    Zero Point Promethean
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    This is going to be a lot of information that was extracted from the recent sparkcast. It contains some very important and useful information:

    •Regen field isn't as powerful as Halo 3. If you connect all of your shots on somebody inside of it, they can still die. If you miss, their shields have a chance to go back up.

    •Auto Sentry can look 180 degrees. Dies when you die.

    •At one point, Auto Sentry used to follow you around. Now it just stays in place.

    •Auto Sentry tracks (attacks) holograms

    •Holograms appear red on radar at all times and red with reticle.

    •Game is faster paced than Reach

    •They initially started with the BR and DMR being 4 shot weapons, and but they were ultimately toned down along with the rest of the sandbox across the board to match the traditional pace of past games.

    •BR's recoil depends on how fast you fire, but you can learn how to readjust between each trigger pull.

    •Aim assist and bloom were toned down on DMR significantly. DMR and BR are vastly different from their previous iterations.

    •ALL weapons no longer get knocked out of scope when you're shot at. Instead, your camera 'flinches' while in scope, and this depends on the weapon you are using. The stability mod just controls how bad your camera shakes while you're being shot at.

    •Binary rifle has 6 shots total, but only 2 shots before you can reload.

    •There's a bright laser for when somebody is zooming in with the binary rifle (like the spartan laser flare from Halo 3).

    •"Bi-Ri" has large reticle from the hip and shotgun-like spread, so can't run around 1sk no-scoping unless it's in extreme CQB.

    •Armor mods only affect how you play and not who you are as a player. They emphasize that it behaves very differently than how it sounds on paper

    •Shield recharge mod recharges your shield ~15% faster than regular, but it still takes 5 seconds out of combat before it will recharge as regular shields do. Doesn't do anything if you're still in combat.

    •Nemesis tells you location of person who killed you for a few seconds after you respawn and then goes away.

    •Banshee has more health. It had 330 HP in Reach and has 475 HP in Halo 4

    •They changed how the vehicles take damage, which they say happens in 'buckets'. Different parts have different health that contribute to its overall HP

    •Scorpion Tank's top speed and acceleration are faster. Cannon shells are slower and hdrop over distance.

    •All turrets (vehicle and mounted) are more powerful.

    •Warthog and Mongoose are sturdier, heavier, and more stable

    •Some games have preset loadouts and those will change based on the game's lifespan and rate at which people unlock stuff

    •Can only spawn with 1 pulse grenade in loadout (2 with grenadier mod) vs 2 frags or plasmas.

    •Pulse grenade has to land on ground before it activates in a sphere. It does constant damage in a few waves and then builds up to explode on a final wave. Can be used for area of denial.

    •Binary Rifle, Scattershot, and Incinteration Cannon are the 3 weapons that do the disintegration effect on players.
  15. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Where did you get all that info from? Not discrediting it just want to find out more and verify it.

    I love to hear turrets are more powerful and human vehicles have more damage resistance

    But because I was heavily into BTB and vehicles and in Reach the vehicles had "bucketed" health and each bucket had Hp regeneration but the total hp pool didn't, And you could destroy a vehicle without damaging all the segregated buckets individually.

    So I'm curious did they just change the numbers? Or when they said "They changed how vehicles take damage" where they referring to Halo 3's vehicles without buckets just a slow regening health up to a cap (like health bar in reach)
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its marketing ploy with the intent of building hype. They aren't meant to be boring informational videos detailing the specifics of each weapon.
  17. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's from the new podcast.
  18. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    •ALL weapons no longer get knocked out of scope when you're shot at. Instead, your camera 'flinches' while in scope, and this depends on the weapon you are using. The stability mod just controls how bad your camera shakes while you're being shot at.

  19. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    It sounds fine imo.
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Yeah Im a little annoyed about not getting knocked out of scope. I hate noobification changes to the gameplay sandbox that you cant turn off.

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