I think I love you. This would mean a whole new method of map building, no time spent getting back into the action after flood death, and a constant need to move as a human. i really hope this is possible, though i am skeptical. teleporters help this anyway though, so we can continue to use those if it is necessary.
I believe it's because some flood had to be absolutely blown up to shreds in order for them to stay down once killed, usually a shotgun to the body would do the trick. It would be a very nice trait to have for infected if they implemented it, but let's not get our hopes up too high now.
Somebody give this man a medal. That would be fantastic. I might actually play Infection again if they did that. Though I doubt the floodfection will be much more than a reskin...but who knows.
The problem with teleporters IMO is that they're confusing until you've played the map a few times, and they make the game feel very artificial to me. I want Infection to feel gritty and horror movie-ish; teleporting around a lot detracts from that. I know a lot of good infection maps put them to excellent use, but when I get roped into an infection lobby and spawn to see a bunch of teleporters in front of me, I'm already pulled out of game. Maybe it's just me though. Another possible tweak for floodfection - about a variation on bro-spawning where you can spawn your fallen comrades out of yourself? That would be another way to get all the action right around the human strongholds, and force them to keep moving or die. I'll tell you, if I shot a couple flood warriors and knew they might pop back up on the spot in ten seconds, AND bring a buddy or two with them, I'd already be running.
A live stream of the EuroGamer Expo is going live in about 13.5 hours. Is this that campaign session that was announced a few days ago, or something else?
i'll settle for valhalla. im just getting a little tired of such maps, like i complained in an earlier post. but hey, i suppose it is tradition!! dat new flood... dat Complex... ehh
I agree completely about the teleporters, but its the most efficient way we have of distributing the infected. The Bro-spawn would be interesting, I would like to see that as a normal feature of infection.
There is one thing that Halo 4 is missing: A Covenant-themed map. Hopefully 2/3 of the unknown maps will be Covenant.
I have to agree with Elite as well. All the maps look great so far, but the themes of the maps all feel rather similar. Needz moar variety. Halo 4 is definitely looking ****ing sweet though. I can't wait
That would be awesome. Midship remakes could actually look like Midship. Plus, I can see curvy pieces being both difficult and fun to use. It would certainly make for different types of maps.
and also, the more i think about it, the more salty i am about valhalla. don't get me wrong, of course its a classic and a good map. butt**** i am just sick of playing the same damn base-to-base BTB maps over and over and over. you know damn well its going to be the only thing voted for in BTB every single time. could they at least put a winter skin on it or something to make it a little more fresh? /complainy
yea i agree it looks amazing and i hope that happens, but just judging from how people vote in past games........
At least its not blood gulch. valhalla has lots of elevation change in it unlike that damn canyon. I know it will be voted for quite a bit, but it is a fun variation of the 2base map, so I'm okay with it. not to mention it doesn't have the heavy vehicles like reach's blood gulch did, so there wont be that draw just for the wraiths.
Agreed, Valhalla is the closest I ever want to get to a true canyon map ever again. I would have liked Sandtrap, but Valhalla is totally cool with me. And honestly I'm glad it's not Longshore. That was never really a BTB map anyway.