
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by glassse, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. glassse

    glassse Promethean

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    Installations on both sides of the coastline and into the cliff face make this a nice medium to big team map. Several fort areas allow for multi team play for several game types, including capture the flag and territories. Lots of cover for DMR and sniper firefights.

    #1 glassse, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  2. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    I think the concept is very nice but it needs more asthetics. i dont like the random crap hanging off the edge of the cliffs and the stuff that.
  3. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    Dont get me wrong when I say this, but this looks like a noob made this. I can tell you want to add more asthetics but you dont know how so you took the easy way out.(glad to see you didnt use buildings that show me you want your own thing here) I think you need to get with someone who can help you more with map design and your asthetics. Something that may also help is taking a walk in other forgers maps and see how they did things. I'm not trying to dis you on your map I just want to get you to forge great maps that people would love to play on is all
  4. glassse

    glassse Promethean

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    It's supposed to look like it is built into the side of the cliff, the tower on the right is a spiral staircase that goes around a tree. Here is a better shot of it.


    On the left is partially covered walkways that extend from the cliff and have support beams going down to the beach and along the cliff wall. The bridge that comes out doesn't have a support beam and seems like it hangs but they have better technology and too many beams on the beach block the warthog from having a clean path through.
  5. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    Don't entirely agree, but I can see what you mean.

    2 things that would make this better are more aesthetics and more evenly distributed structures.

    It seems as if you placed certain things in areas for no apparent reason. Just wondering, is this supposed to be a close quarters or an open map? It looks like a mix of both. If you meant it for one of the other, you still need to spread stuff out.

    Now for the looks. I can see that you attempted some aesthetics, and it is great that you did, but your issue on this map is that it doesn't have a theme. Most maps you see lately have a theme their map is based around. What I mean by theme is that they use a certain choice of pieces that are used in a certain way and in certain places.

    I've noticed you haven't posted a weapon list. It would be immensely helpful if you posted one, and even more helpful if you posted a weapon map as not many people include one.
  6. fpsQUADRAsnipar

    fpsQUADRAsnipar Promethean

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    1. When you place each structure, try to predict what kinds of firefights and skirmishes would inevitably happen and how it would happen based on the map structures and weapon layout.

    2. Decide on a focal point, where everyone must eventually have to pass through which can be presumed as the center of the map.

    3. Another thing I noticed is that, you created closed areas, within a large map, that has difficult access to the other structures even with vehicles. However, if you separated the different sections of the map, to make a separate map of each, you can see more of an even map structure. Give that a try!
  7. glassse

    glassse Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback, guys, I see what you are saying. I feel like a lot of people that make forge maps do arena style maps, and a lot of them have really nice aesthetics because they are spending their budget on detailed tiling or using the objects as texture mapping to make it look really cool inside. Single, multi-room arenas are perfect for 4v4 matchmaking, it is fast paced, there is that center that everyone comes back to with side rooms just for spawning, pickups etc. There is also the 'town' style multiplayer map though, where structures are placed more how they would appear in real life, built over time in places that conform to the terrain. Think tactical maps of CoD or even Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon where there is a building you can go in where it is confined, but then a big parking lot with another building across the way. The parking lot would be open for sniping and long range, but the buildings would have the confined encounters. That is a little more what this map is about, less about big detailed walls and more about little nests, vantage points, tactical positions etc. With the budget as it is I think if I went more detailed on the aesthetics I'd have to simplify the structure and scale it in.

    So here I was going for a futuristic military research outpost with a headquarters type building where the warthog and mongooses are parked, some scout type areas with the walkways along the cliff and the tower further up in the rocks (there is a sniper rifle up there), then the platform that comes out into the water is the science deck. Here I'll admit seeing the above view I could have dressed it up a little more, but if you walk under the two antenna I added some sound effects to make it sound like they are transmitting (hidden explosives). Then at the far end there is the glassed off area which is supposed to seem like it corresponds to the science deck somehow with the matching antenna, but it is where the neutral flag or bomb goes and also the rocket is there. There is also a hidden base in the cave I didn't post a picture of, which makes 4 zones that are configured for 4 team play, each with a flag, territory, team spawn point etc.

    I placed man-canons as well as one teleporter so that getting around is faster than you think. It basically forms a circle around the water, and if you remember there is a sandbar that goes across from where I put the HQ building with the mongoose/warthog to the cave, but if you want to go to the science deck you just follow the path (there is a man-cannon along the path that lands you safely on the opposing beach, where rocks have been placed for immediate cover.) From the science deck there are rocks so you can climb back up to go to the building. A man-cannon on the beach takes you down below the tower to where the science deck meets the beach, and another cannon takes you up the cliff to the tower. A teleporter by the cave puts you on top of the cliff above the cave where you can follow along to the walkways or tower.

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