Use This Map Variant: RAO PuzzleMap 1 Use This Game Variant: RAO PuzzleMap 1 Use This Map Variant: RAO PuzzleMap 1 Use This Game Variant: RAO PuzzleMap 1 Awesome Pics. Below: Start Blocked In Find A Way Over Ride For Fun Jump In Find A Way Up Long Jump Lost Don't Die More Jumps Find A Way Soccer Death Stay Up Top Don't Over Jump Stay Near The End Sweet View o8o Logo I made this map for everyone to play and try to beat. Its a fun and awesome game so try it out. Everyone says its hard at first but once you keep doing it over and over you get the hang of it. Its hard but fun at the same time so you don't want to quit. You want to keep trying till you get to the end. If you beat this map please let me know. I will be glad to hear from you and if anyone needs any help at all just feel free to hit me up anytime. I'll give you hints and tips on what you need to do next to beat this awesome game. If you have beat this map and you thought it was hard then you have not seen anything yet. Try out my new game RAO PuzzleMap 2 Here is the link: RAO PuzzleMap 2 Send All Videos For Completing The Game To o8oEvil4lien666 To Be Added To The List! Here is a list of people that have completed RAO PuzzleMap 1: o8oEvil4lien666 o8oMaxx2079 DanteCondren Limit Broken TR StonedSmiter ZeCrazed44 Terry2144 qpVirgnRapiztqp spektator GoofieNewfieBru drunking fighte TR StonedSmiter Nemesisr32 o8oSo SiK Dude Pretzel XDeltaSnipeX xXSPARTAN909Xx bdan44 MoB V2 Fast ChoosyB34 gee1993
Ya I made it a bit hard but its lots of fun. And you might get lost a min. but it pretty much explains itself once your in the game. So you will stay on track and have lots of fun. Also people are saying I should show all pics of everything. Should I show all the pics. or just leave it like it is? Please let me know what you all think. I just did not want to get in trouble for to many pics or make it look bad or something. So let me know what you all think ok, Thanks
Ok I can show all the pics. but are you sure that would be ok with like 20 pics or more? I have a lot of pics for this game, so should I show them all or just maybe a few? Ok I added all the pics now so you can just look at them now. So how does that look everyone? Hope thats ok I did that and if not just let me know. Enjoy everyone and let me know if you need any help with these awesome games. I'll be making part 3 here soon so get ready!
Thank you Flymingo, and yes I put tons of hours into my maps so I hope you enjoy them and everyone else. If you find any mess up just let me know. Also I will be having part 3 come out here very soon. I'm still fixing a few bugs like keeping people in the puzzle and a few other things, lol
Thank you and I have made a part 2 here at this link: Go there and download that puzzle map. Its way harder and lots of fun. Let me know what you think of that map and if you can beat it or not. Thanks
i already downloaded it im gonna try it today ow yeah and one thing when you are at that place with walls in the air i wouldnt make that so open because you go very quick the wrong way at least i did i tried to search an other way but youll hear soon
I know but I put up signs to try to help its just they don't give you enough of them to show everyone the way. So I'm sorry for that but I try my best and if anyone gets stuck or lost I'll be more then glad to help them out. Also with wall jumping its hard to show the way its just you have to know what your doing. Since I play puzzle maps all the time its easy for me to find my way but for those new to the game I do understand. So I am sorry and Yes I will try to make my new maps a bit more easy to know the way. I'll do my best and thanks again for downloading and hope your all having fun. Talk to you all soon and mesg me anytime.