if it is Sandbox, and it also is another one of our forge environments, i have to say that would be pretty ****ing amazing. I would love to revisit Sandbox's environment and pieces with all the new forge tools. we could bring back classic forge maps, and also have the flexibility to make awesome new **** without the pain in the ass of geomerge and all that nonsense.
These were my exact thoughts when someone mentioned the clue brought up structure in google that looked similar to Sandbox.
I dunno... that cuts out all the nice looking grass, water, interesting terrain to work with, and trees without really bringing something cool to the table. IMO blank forge spaces are dead. now all you're going to see is cool environments with high ceilings. [br][/br]Edited by merge: whatever. but who presses "last post"? I just press first unread.
they've already shown us that we have a grass water boring gray pieces forge world type map. so yea, thats taken care of.
Because maps made on foundry were so much more fun to play on than ones on forge world where every single piece that wasn't natural terrain looked the same as everything else.
You know what we awesome. If they brought back Foundry but with that whole outside dock area playable and forgeable as well. That'd be intense.
I dunno. I think it's more of the nostalgia that's getting to you. Objectively, with "different" objects. Reach forge is H3 but with awesome terrain.
I don't know, an extended H3 forge palette would be loads of fun. Perhaps that's partly nostagia, but I do think it would have a certain appeal, with new toys of course.
Nostalgia compelled 343 to release half a game and stunted the development of halo 4 (maybe they would have been able to throw together a beta if they hadn't ****ed around with CEA) It's a fact. Nostalgia ruins games.
the foundry objects were better if you ask me. they had more variety. and despite all of the improvements in forge 2.0, i actually preferred forging in halo 3. meticulously geomerging and interlocking everything and counting how many rounds you had left to the game over was half the fun. plus you could actually play customs on forged maps in halo 3. a combination of the palette, easier way of forging (while i did prefer halo 3 forging, that doesnt mean i dont think they should have improved it. just a preference), and lack of customs ability led me to only forge about 3 maps when reach first came out, and never quite finish or publish any of them. after that i just gave up.
I'm talking about maps, though. The only thing sandbox was good for was its skybox and flat surface. Reach has that as well+ other awesome ****.
well they already said theres gonna be multiple forge environments. multiples re-skinned forgeworlds would be pretty pointless, and theyve already shown off one that looks pretty similar to it. i think a forge map with the rolling dunes of the outer area of sandbox would be pretty cool
I pretty much play nothing but customs on forged maps in Reach, and it's not that hard to get a lobby going even now and even for BTB. Not sure what you are talking about here, maps are easier to make and easier to make better in Reach all around.
My point was that almost all of the forgeworld maps that did use natural terrain looked the same and the maps that didn't use natural terrain looked the same. Basically no matter how many variations of maps you had it still felt like playing the same two maps. It was either gray on grey or grey on green. Foundry had different coloured objects and believe it or not a larger diversity to it's pallet so that even though the colours often didn't match and you couldn't really make a map look like something other than a collection of random stuff they were still more interesting to play in. That is what made them more fun. Hopefully we get some of that diveristy back in the different forgeworlds in H4. Even if it is a majority of the same objects on each map I hope there are at least a few map specific ones and they are actually skinned differently on each map as well. We've seen the Reach Forgeworld based one, I'm hoping for a earth based pallet like Foundry but bigger and better and perhaps a covanent based one. That way we don't get what happened in reach where no matter what map someone used as a base it still felt like forgeword because all the bits looked exactly the same.
i agree with waylander and i also want to add that i think its silly as **** to miss geomerging and interlocking. that **** was the biggest pain in the ass ever.
Remaining optimistic, but I'm afraid the objects will stay grey scale based on what was shown in the forge demo a while back. Given that the dynamic lighting will make most indoor maps dark, there will probably be a variety of different colored lights to mix things up a little though.