I saw on a video of ducain, that if you seek that name on google you get an pizza place or somenthing, and if you see where that is builded. You see somenthing like sandtrap, i know this is very unclear. I try to find the video.
That'd be sick. Yeah in my opinion the off camera forge demo doesn't really count. So an official vidoc for forge would be epic
Meh. I told myself I wouldn't watch anymore campaign footage to keep from spoiling the storyline. It's so hard to hold back, but I'd rather wait and be excited when I'm actually playing the game. What they really need to do is release more info on forge and the remake.
Campaign demo's are meh IMO. They've gotten the basic premise out there, they've done some epic trailers, they've shown the cool, new enemy and crazy Cortana. They have the hook. Now move on to things that aren't gigantic spoilers.
New map being talked about over at neogaf called 'Complex.' Apparently we will probably see some pictures of it this week. There haven't been any other details. edit: map description
Agreed. I'm not gonna watch the demo, I never do for anything SP. I'm generally the kind of person that plays once for the story, once for all that Legendary achieveableness, and then only touch the campaign again once in a blue moon. Like I do for movies: play for the story and don't ruin the impact by playing it too many times in a row.
Sounds just like exile... but better i hope, exile seems lame to me. Like a grave yard/junk yard. Didn't have that halo distinctiveness like valhalla or Terminal...
i don't know haha, I'm not saying its exile, i don't think its exile. But the description could be applied to exile, which prom what I've seen, i don't really love. IMO
No guarantee that's the remake though, could be a new map. At least it's asym. Sucks that it's yet another large map.