iPhone 4 or iPhone 5?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zigywig, Sep 23, 2012.


Which model should I get?

  1. iPhone 4

    6 vote(s)
  2. iPhone 4S

    2 vote(s)
  3. iPhone 5

    2 vote(s)
  1. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    Since everybody I know now has a smartphone, I've been thinking about getting one as well since I don't have one, preferably an iPhone. With the release of the iPhone 5, I've been thinking now would be the time to get it, but after doing some research about it, to me it doesn't seem all that different from the iPhone 4. All I know is that is is thinner than the iPhone 4 and that it can take better pictures, but aside from that it dosen't seem different at all. As for the iPhone 4S, even though it can hold more GB, I'm not exactly sure how useful Siri would be to me.

    Pretty much, I'm absolutely confused as to what model I should get. The regular iPhone 4 costs about $50.00 I believe, and the iPhone 4S is slightly more expensive. Since it just came out, the iPhone 5 has a price of (I believe) $249.99.

    So what are your opinions? Should I get the iPhone 4 for a low price or should I get the newer model for a more expensive price? Leave your thoughts down below.
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    If you MUST get an apple product, iPhone 4. There is literally NO difference between the 4s and the 5 other than the 5 has a slightly larger screen and is less than a millimeter thinner. The software and speed is exactly the same since the most recent update.
  3. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    4 or 4S. The 5 is just bigger with shittier maps and nothing else. You don't need the 720p front camera.
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I don't like smartphones. Sure, they can be nice in a pinch, but that occurs so rarely for me Its not worth the 30$ per month fee. So I say to Apple, give me a wifi only (or no internet) iphone, don't salp siri on it (waste of space), and give me that so i don't have to pay my phone carrier a monthly fee for a service I'll hardly use. I still use and prefer the old non-internet cell phones.

    Also, they aren't smart (its only as smart as the man who made it) and they aren't phones (a phone is a single device, not 30 with add-ons).
    #4 Audienceofone, Sep 23, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    It is also worth knowing what your carrier is. The iphone 5 has LTE support so if you are under Verizon or Sprint or AT&T then your phone will download, upload, and stream things much faster than prior versions what could only support 3G.

    The iphone 5 is actually much faster (it has an A6 processor as opposed to the 4 and 4s's A5 processor) than the prior ones. Not sure where people are getting these "they're the same speed" statements from. Better processor equates to better speed.

    In the end it is all about you. Do you stream content a lot? Do you want very processor intensive apps such as graphics apps or camera apps etc more often than just calling or texting? Is price not a significant factor to you? If the answer to all these questions is yes and you are set on getting an iPhone and not other well qualified android phones than I would suggest the 5. Otherwise the 4 is fine.
  6. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    I was gonna ask the same question, also because everyone I know has a smartphone and I don't. (I probably wont get one anyway.)
    If you just want an smartphone, you should get the iphone 4, theres not really a difference between 4 and 4s, except for the siri function.
    However, like Pac said, if you stream stuff and download stuff a lot, then get the iphone 5. Its faster, and if price doesn't really matter, you should get it. Personally, I just want a iphone 4, as its $0 with a contract.
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    4 = phone, music, apps, two cameras (unnecessary imo), internet, touch-screen, shiny, etc. etc.

    4S = " " + Siri (not sure how useful or practical it is.. up to you)

    5 = " " + a lot of smaller differences

    Also, you get the ios 6 update when you buy a <5 phone. You get the new maps, new layout, some other stuff. iPhone 5 really, really is not worth $200 extra. I'd at least wait for the prices to go down for the 5.

    Whatever you do, just don't buy it because it's the cool thing to do. Get it for the features, for practicality, and actually use it. Can help in staying connected with friends/family, checking emails, finding nearby restaurants, going on the interwebs, listening/sharing music, etc.

    Imo 4 has a ton on it, and don't be discontented just because you didn't get siri or 5. It's marketing at its best or worst, depending on how you look at it. Anyways, good luck :)
    #7 Monolith, Sep 23, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
  8. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I've been looking at all models under Verizon, but recently I've been thinking about looking at Sprint or AT&T. As for my usage, I'm not really an app person. I have an iPod Touch, and I only have the Bungie Mobile app. I mainly use it for music, and with a smartphone, I'd have it for more personal uses (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Also, I don't stream a lot. I'd like to use it as an actual phone with very easy access to all these social networks.
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    With that description, I'd suggest 4.
  10. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    There's an apple store on the way to school. In the morning, right before it was released, I walked past all the people waiting in line and screamed things like: "you're waiting in line for a ripoff!" and "You guys are all chumps!" I think at least one guy left the line and an apple store employee got mad at me
  11. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    iphone 4s all the way, it seens that is really more pratical than 5 would be :S
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    ...you think someone left the line because some kid (you) yelled things?
  13. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    My only explanation for people being in line for that would be one simple fact. There are a lot of stupid people out there. Even if it were worth getting, it's not like they will EVER sell out of them. It'll still be there when all the other sheep have left.
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Well...a couple of things. First the product can run out (as they did from those apple stores, they can only fit so many in a store at any one time) and also that logic is the same for virtually any product when it releases. Why do people wait in any line for anything? For a midnight movie release, for a game release, etc? Because they want to be the first to have one. I don't blame people for doing it.

    I'll probably get an iPhone 5 eventually just because I currently have a first gen ipod Touch and an a 2 year old Droid Incredible phone. I would like to combine phone and mp3 player and as a heavy app user the faster speed of the iPhone 5 appeals to me (the shared data plan of Verizon does not, but I can't do anything about that as the alternative is a shittier AT&T service or the other carriers who either don't have 4G coverage or very little of it).
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Make sure that there actually IS LTE in your area before you buy it, otherwise you just wasted $300.
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I wouldn't say "wasted $300". It still is 3G and wifi compatible. If that is the sole reason for choosing it over earlier versions then sure but still hardly a "waste"
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The processing power is hardly an advancement. The next iPhone will be "faster" as well, just as the next will be. The biggest improvement to the iPhone 5 is the LTE. Everything else the iPhone 4/4s has.
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I'm getting the iPhone5, on Sprint.

    Unlimited plan, LTE planned to roll out nationwide starting this year (with a ton of service supposed to be ready to go by the end of this year).

    Better in-camera video stabilization. Better low-light imaging. The better screen coloring makes it easier to balance the light during shoots so that there's less to fix in post.

    I'm not one of the people that already has an iphone, so it makes it a semi-moot point, but the LTE is not the only deciding factor in buying the new edition over the old.
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...I'm detecting some heavy bias here. So why do people buy new computers with faster processors? Are they not "the same thing" with better processors. The point is that it has a better processor, therefore faster. Of course the next one will probably be even faster, saying what the next one will have is no reason not to get a current one or else that game can be played with literally anything. Why purchase anything at all when that thing will just become obsolete within a year anyway.

    Look, the whole point of this thread was to give advice to zigy based on his specifications on which of the iphones to get. According to his needs that appears to be the iPhone 4. The point was not to argue whether you feel the iPhone 5 isn't worthy or whatever.
  20. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    You should take a look at the Samsung Galaxy S3. I got it Sunday and so far, I love it. It has far more features than the iPhone 5, and isn't as weird looking. Also it is cheaper.

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