oh dae su... also, to the conversation earlier, The Master is glorious. Paul Thomas Anderson is an artist.
If it wasn't for shuman, CHUCK's favorite Revenge Thriller would still be Rambo: First Blood Part II.
If you want to annoy someone, you should really try being clever. Being clever can also make it so you're one of two people on a date.
what he did was kinda uncalled for as well, but in any case, if you do feel so strongly about it,then I will stop.
I don't know what he did, and if it was in the PPC, I must have overlooked it. I'm just not a fan of people releasing personal information on the internet without the other's permission. I don't want somebody googling my name and seeing some of my first posts on Forge Hub through a chain of links. lol.
Yeah I don't know what I did to provoke him doing the whole "hey your last name hurr hurr hurr" either. I'm not sensitive about it, it just makes whoever does it fair game (since, objectively, as furry said, it's kind of a **** thing to do on a public forum).