I've just watched several trailers / interviews about the game, but they didn't talk much about ranking. I found a link about it though, but I'm not too sure about how valid it is. Halo 4 Ranking System Confirmed. (actually old news, forgot to tell) - Match Making - 343Industries Community Forum It doesn't really matter now, but I'd like to take the opportunity to talk about Halo Reach's ranking system and what I thought about it. I played the game from day one with this friend of mine. I was way, way better than him and often got double the amount of kills. Yet I found myself leveling up at a slower pace. I didn't understand why and I guess I still haven't really figured it out. While Halo 3 rewarded you for winning Halo Reach rewarded you for, well, everything. There are medals for killing a guy while he's reloading. Am I the only one that think that's seems... tacked on? You didn't get any major points for capturing flags or kills for that matter. Most of the points seemed to come from medals and other stuff that didn't really matter, so you got them anyways. Now, maybe I got this wrong, I haven't played Reach as much as I have other Halo titles, but that's what it feels like. Also, a random credits generator... Seriously? It's like if Bungie said: "****. Players aren't getting enough credits. Well, we can't lower the cost on thing in the armory and we can't go in and add more credits for kills. I know! How about a random thingamajig that gives players a random amount of credits! That'll solve our problems!". I know it's used for players that doesn't quit out often, but still... Well, that's my 2 cent's. I'm sorry for not exactly staying on-topic. Maybe I should have create a thread of my own to discuss this. But I really hope Halo 4 has a better way of rewarding players.
Just wanna point out leveling system=/=ranking system. Arena is halo reach's ranking system, 1-50 is halo 3's. I remember there been some leveling system in social slayer in halo 3 for non ranked games involving total exp or something. The specifics aren't important but there was a leveling system and ranked system. Im 99.99% sure there will be a ranking AND a leveling system in Halo 4 to. "Frank O connor said that there will be no ranking system, but that they are going to try to figure something out, be it invisible or XP related where people can be matched up with those who have the similar skill or time in game." (I couldn't find the original Frank O conner source) But to be honest I like they give you credits for other things then K/D, Maybe someones an amazing vehicle expert but can't use a DMR to save his life? His not allowed to level up? Leveling up in different ways is a good thing. Maybe you got a better K/D so in general you got more Cr but he was more diverse gaining him more Cr. Can't judge a system from 2 isolated accounts. Spoiler Game Complete - Simply finishing the game. Halo Reach awards these credits or cr to encourage people who are leaving the game to stay until the end. Yes, even if your team is getting killed, this should encourage you to stick through it. Besides if you leave the game you won't be awarded any credits at all! Performance - This number is based off of your k/d ratio and # of assist and deaths. I don't have an absolute calculation for it, but I know that the better you did during the game, the more Performance credits you will get. This number is significantly higher if you win. Commendations - Pretty much your medals. When you get medals in the middle of the game you might notice a small + 6cr or +4cr come up. These are all tallied together to bring you your amount of credits earned in commendations. Slot Machine - This is still a mystery. I do however know some aspects about this. Pretty much a certain amount of credits are added up at the end of the game by some method and they are randomly distributed to the players on the team. If you are partied up with a group of players you will all receive the exact same amount of slot machine credits.However, If you are going in solo you could potentially earn more or less. I have had matches where I earned 700 + credits and some where I earned 50 credits. This is not performance based at all.
Yes. I do think they should reward other things than kills. But capturing flags, territories or planting/defusing bombs never seemed to give you a ton of credits either. Well, thanks for clearing up the 4 different categories of gaining credits Also can anyone tell me exactly how you get an assist in Halo Reach? Is it for taking out parts of the shield, taking down the shield entirely or by hurting him once his shield is down? Can multiple people get assists on the same guy? It just seems so random to me... ****, I'm sounding like a 10 year-old that haven't even played the game :/
This is what I want and personally disliked about halo reach credits(and the game in general) to much emphasis on K/D and not enough on winning. I honestly hated the Halo 3 system so I don't want it back people buying and selling accounts and boosters and cheaters left right and center horrible system imo. But for assists its "Do 40%+ damage on someone and have someone else kill them within 4ish seconds" Gets a little complicated when get recharging shields/health over long fights involving multiple people.
Yes, the Halo 3 system was way too... Basic? You could have had 40+ kills, captured 2/3 flags and lost in the last minute in some games, and the game rewards you with: Nothing... It's an old system that shouldn't be used again... Thanks for clearing that out. I feel stupid now...
Well... the "ranking" system linked in the second post isn't a ranking system. The game needs a ranking system. All games on Halo: Reach are pretty much pointless. They have no overall purpose other than you sitting there and playing the game because whether you win or lose, it doesn't matter, you've still accomplished exactly the same thing regardless. In Halo 3, like previously mentioned, you can contribute solely as your team's MVP, score the most kills of the game, capture 2 out of 3 of the flag caps required, and you can still lose and your hard work and effort equates to 0. My personal opinion on a levelling/ranking system What they need is a ranking system based on Halo 3, but integrate it with Reach's Arena. Therefore your number isn't 1472, 1576, 1433, 1322 etc... it's just your skill before you enter the game; 7, 28, 49, 33 etc... Your calculation is worked on your ingame progress against your opponents. So, if you're playing against four 50s and you're a 20, you're expected to lose. However, each of your kills would be worth 2.5x the amount of experience/skill than it would be if you kill another person the same rank as you. Each kill the four 50s get on you would be 2.5x less the amount of experience they'd generally get against other level 50s. The top four players of the game based on their experience gains achieve the skill increase. The bottom four players of the game receive a skill decrease. The team that wins should receive a 'bonus' experience which is proportional to the skill gap of each combined team plus, the overal skill rating of the combined team e.g. Team A: 50+50+50+50 v Team B: 50+50+50+20 = A:200 v B:170 Team A Win = +140exp, Team B Win = +230exp. Big experience should only be rewarded for significant doings within each match. E.g. A flag Capture in CTF should be +50exp, A Flag defender award should be +30exp, A Kill should be +10exp, Assist +5exp. Then in Slayer, a kill could be +20 exp, Assist +5, Killing spree +5, Killing frenzy +10, Running Riot +15 etc... Medals or 'rewards' for doing random things like First Strike or Reload this!, or Skyjacker shouldn't be so high in rewards.. +5 at the absolute most for all gametypes. In the case of Reload this!, it shouldn't provide an experience reward at all as players should capitallise on these moments anyway. The 1-50 skill rating would filter the games to match players more closely to their skill. The experience gains in game would cause players to contribute to the game's objectives more. The Match Win bonus will allow full teams of four to all receive the rank up bonus if the games were closely matched and this will motivate players to aim to win the match. If individual player's were let down by other individual player's performance within the team, their entire games performance would not necessarily be so badly affected and they still may rank up from the end result based on their own performance.