Wait, what? Dominion, wheres the footage...and NOOOO! not a symmetrical semi large team based map! NOOO!
I wish they would bring back allllllllll of the weapons.. but had tiers.. Alpha Weapons would be the normal weapons that they want in the game. and the rest woul dbe Bravo weapons, only available in custom games [br][/br]Edited by merge: It was on Spike TV at midnight (central time). But I would say any images of the map Solace that were leaked can be posted, now that the map isn't secret anymore
Did the SAW really just get a double kill on two fully shielded Spartans....? The map looks absolutely gorgeous.
Yeah my initial reaction was like 'that looks like **** covering all the walls'. The rest map just looked really dirty and horrible.
No that is certainly recruit, ODST is not in the game. But i does look very similair, so it can be used to look like ODST (Machinimas) And why are people complaining about Solar, it looks pretty nice, what is exactly ugly about it? Here is the dominion footage on longbow, someone asked for it. Halo 4 Dominion Mode Multiplayer Gameplay with Aplfisher (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube
Wow that looks pretty interesting. I don't mind the kill cams since its only for specific gametypes and looks like it'll aid to this one. And the other map is called Solace, Solar is the most recent Smackdown map. Lol.
I wouldn't mind if there was final kill cam in every game type, That's pretty cool feature that doesn't effect the actual game just fun to comment after a game for after game banter. But in game kill cams I really don't see need for them in any gametype reason they work in COD is because you don't know how you died without them. Idk if its just what I do or if its a actual feature but when I die my cam is always rotated towards direction i got shot from so i can scope out what actually killed me or what potentially killed me and also get to continue to view the battle field to see whats happening in game And not only does kill cam remove the potential for vieiwng battle field when you die(extremely valuable imo,Unless its skipable) I feel like it would retract from the immersion in Halo when you die its like your watching the fight with your last dieing breath till you pass out now its like "kill cam its a game"
its overgrown dude. i like that not every map is perfectly shiny and clean, more diversity. and more importantly, the layout/design looks solid.
Solace looks amazing. That and Haven and Adrift i can see becoming competitive favorites. as far as it looking dirty/horrible?? idk, i think you are insane. it looks awesome. i think adrift is my favorite so far. did anyone else find it kind of weird / disorienting when the camera pulls out to 3rd person when someone uses the thruster pack? dominion looks like it will be a whole lot of fun for Forge maps. imagine building an awesome base and being able to choose where the turrets and all that will be located. theres a lot of possibilities there for customs, if the options are available to us. i can see some really cool tower defense style games coming out of that, as well as a lot of possibilities for infection, if we are allowed that flexibility in forge.
Solace is meh. Might be fun, but doesn't much appeal to me. I have to wonder still what the sentry does... I saw it appear then... it floated?
That was pretty much an attempt to nerf it a little bit, and I think it works well. Evade was always my go-to AA. Would really like to see the thruster pack used to change the direction of a jump, at least that's what I got from what they were talking about in that Solace vid.
yea, im anxious to see that in action too, although i can see it resulting in me constantly jumping off the map, lol
Dominion looks really interesting as well, though I am crossing my fingers for a 1 sided variant. If it can't be done one sided I wouldn't say it quite, "scratches the invasion itch," as they put it. Even if it doesn't though this looks like a fun game mode for play or to design around. NM, better video above. And NM, after seeing all the details one sided also would not make sense. Let's just change this whole comment to a smiley face?