To be honest new food and pig riding has me kind of meh. Just means more farms to build and never use just like the ones I already have. I really just want more blocks. More blocks means more design possibilities.
This. perhaps a few more decorative blocks wouldn't go amiss. More specifically decorative brick and maybe a second decorative stone block.
You do realise we already have on PC apples, watermelons, and chicken. If that's what your previous post was about. As for more blocks we have every color of the rainbow pretty much specially if you include not wool blocks. If you mean practical blocks we all want that its just a matter of time and when/why/if/what they decide to implement in vanilla minecraft, (Because with mods you can already do pretty much any kind of practical block) The item frame is pretty cool for design though, Ive seen people edit/mod(idk if it was a simple .png edit or how) maps in the item frame to add custom pictures into minecraft is gonna be so cool.
Right, but this was known when Minecraft for xbox came out. Saying such a comment after I post a video detailing an up coming update was confusing. Also expecting a perfect port with absolutely no differences between versions was completely unrealistic. Microsoft has strict rules regarding file size of xbla games and how much RAM these games are allowed to utilize. Many people don't own Minecraft for pc or can't run it effectively so the xbox version is their only exposure to it. For that reason I wouldn't call any of it "shitty" or whatever. I mean sure, for people who have both, or only play on the PC version it might seen much worse by comparison, but that's putting a lot of bias into such an opinion.
just because a person is slow doesnt mean theyre retarded or any less intelligent than us guys, where is your minecraft political correctness? Spoiler here is holden and i winning some hgpvp games because of sarge's sacrifices
I was more talking about carrots and pumpkin pie and that kind of stuff. Pointless bullshit to me. Cobble fences, and item frames however...... [br][/br]Edited by merge: Never said the Xbox version was shitty. Was more of a comment on how you guys are getting a relatively shitty update that didn't actually add much to the game other than make survival easier. PC's next update gets command blocks that give you an Area effect, cobble fences as mentioned, more aggressive mobs and a host of other things that can be used in a creative way other than their intended use.
Okay, so what would be the point of adding area of effect potions if they haven't added potion making first. They have to build the game again, and look at it this way, their catching up to the PC version so they'll be equal soon enough.
They wont ever be equal, I'm almost sure it was mentioned somewhere that the Xbox version is only getting a few of the updates for free. I can see stuff that comes after 1.8 being dlc, simply because updating a 15 dollar Arcade game constantly with new content for free isn't microsofts way of doing things.
Courtesy of Minecraft: Xbox 360 1.8.2 New Structures - YouTube Minecraft: Xbox 360 1.8.2 New Food - YouTube Minecraft:Xbox 360 1.8.2 New Mobs - YouTube
Yes, this has been asked a hundred times before, but just in case stuff changed: What servers do most people play on?
whenever i click "texture packs" minecraft crashes. it never used to do this, does anyone know what could possibly be the problem?
Dinnerbone has decided to postpone the new lighting system to 1.5. There are too many bugs in it right now. Also, Wood Wonk, if you have any texture packs over 16x16, it may be because you need to update your McPatcher. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Awesome! 1.8.2 has been sent to microsoft certification testing! Should be released in a few days! Things they added not in PC: Superflat nether in superflat world and you can use shears on tall grass. sprinting will be achieved by pressing forward on the left joystick twice rapidly. full list of changes
Every detail about what will be in the new minecraft for xbox360 update. » Check Out What’s Coming In The Update For Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition!