Priority is a free-roam infection map, and also a canvas for an experimental gametype. The map's key feature is the concept of wounded survivors. Some survivors spawn on top of a custom powerup, which makes them significantly slower and unable to jump, but have increased damage and spawn near power weapons. The dynamic of this map is whether the mobile survivors will protect the injured, or leave them to fend for themselves. Priority plays great, and looks good too. It is meant for 12-16 players.
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map. At least a brief description. A download link that points directly to the file on - NOT your fileshare. THIS THREAD WILL BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN THE ABSENCE OF A FIX. Do you need help embedding screenshots?
Your thread is now up to standards, good job. No further discussion on the subject needs to be had. Continue with the cool work!
Okay, I added more pictures. Sorry for the trouble; this is my first post on this site, and it confused me a bit.
It seems like a really cool idea. If it catches on I bet people could make a bunch of cool maps for it
I can't say much for the map itself, but the gametype seems unique and interesting. You might want to change the recommended player count, though - A two player infection game seems rather boring.
I couldn't get an overview that didn't show a lot of the outer inperfections of the map, but you can see most of the map in the pics given. As for the gametype, it's essentially ZM Outbreak with the addition of the "wounded" powerups. [br][/br]Edited by merge: 2 Players are what's required for the game to function at all. It asked for the minimum, not the recommended. If you want a recommendation, I would say between 12-16, otherwise there may be leftover powerups that anyone could accidentally stand on and become "injured" for no reason. Also, what do you mean that you can't say much about the map itself? Is there something specific that you think is wrong, or are you just not a fan? I won't take offense, I just want to fix any problems that I can.
@sweeps Practically every gametype only "requires" two people. In that sense, it's recommended. I would change it to twelve players if I were you. As for not being able to say anything, I'm not some kind of infection expert (what is purple bunker?) and you only had one pic up at the time. (where is that pic?)
A social experiment and an infection gametype wrapped in one. I've been thinking about making a gametype similar to this, wherein one group of survivors spawns on custom powerups that enable them to pick up weapons, so they can betray fellow humans for ammo or weapons if need be. I don't know about that, but your idea seems really solid, I can't tell much of the map, but I'd love to see some more incorporating this gametype.