It also apparently sprays like a shotgun (horribly inaccurate) if you don't scope in. They've tried to add a lot of negatives to this gun, like the one's you mentioned, but it's still going to be really over-powered. I wouldn't expect to see it on too many maps, or in anything really competitive.
It looks like they've combined a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle. If you think of it in the context of being like a rocket launcher, it doesn't seem so powerful. And am I noticing a trend in the Promethean weapons? I mean, the Boltshot fires single shots, and the charge-up looks like a mini shotgun blast. The Light Rifle fires single scoped in and a shot that splits into 3 bits unscoped. The Scattershot is the Scattershot. Even that big Incinerator Cannon looks like it's firing off a flame-y equivalent of a shotgun blast after impact. I think 343 has a thing for shotguns.
If you think of it as a hitscan rocket launcher then it suddenly becomes powerful again. The travel time of rockets is the main nerf, which doesn't apply here.
That Binary Rifle still looks like 1 free kill per shot. I'm not even all that great with a sniper. I always thought the Beam Rifle was the best sniper mechanic. You could fire off 3 rounds very quickly, but it cost you overheat time afterwards, so it encouraged slower precise shots without forcing it.
LOADOUT NAME: Promethian Scout PRIMARY: Light Rifle SECONDARY: Boltshot GRENADE TYPE: Pulse Grenade ARMOR ABILITY: Promethian Vision TACTICAL PACKAGE: AA Efficiency SUPPORT PACKAGE: Stability LOADOUT NAME: Promethian Infantry PRIMARY: Surpressor SECONDARY: Boltshot GRENADE TYPE: Pulse Grenade ARMOR ABILITY: Thruster Pack TACTICAL PACKAGE: Shielding SUPPORT PACKAGE: Dexterity
Those Promethean weapons look twice as awesome after watching the ViDoc. I have a new kit to make: Bromethean: PRIMARY Light Rifle SECONDARY Boltshot AA Thruster TAC PAC Shielding SUP PAC Dexterity
The AR is a secondary? I think it would make sense, considering the sandbox of H4 and previous games, but when did we find that out? Also, Whacky Gordon seems to be right so far, every Pro weapon including the grenade, except the surpressor (I don't know if it will be precise, regardless of the speed of its projectiles. It might replace the spiker) is certainly like a shotgun, at least in the sense that each has a large area of effect, and thus rewards a player's reticle accuracy less, and inaccuracy more.
No, he just has the Tactical Package Firepower, which means you can put a primary into the secondary.
I wouldn't call the Light Rifle like the shotgun at all. It has a burst fire mode unscoped, very akin to the BR and a DMR-like sniper shot scoped. I don't see how that is inaccurate, or an AoE weapon. The Boltshot has a shotgun-esque fire mode, but it also has a more standard pistol-like shot that looks more like a Plasma Pistol shot. It's only AoE on a charge, and even then you have to be right on top of them to use it. Not all of the Promethean weapons look so nubish. Some do, sure.
It's been on the list since I made this thread... it's even the first weapon listed under Covenant. lol
Whoops, thanks. I wasn't paying attention to that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You're right, not necessarily like a shotgun or AoE, but the slightly inaccurate burst spread of the Light rifle, which was characteristic of the BR, was actually considered to be a problem in terms of randomness at long range by a lot of H3 players (at least since Reach came out) before I realized that the BR wasn't perfect. When you factor in how you'll be knocked out of scope with the light rifle (without Stability) in a duel, and how the burst needs to be innacurate relative to the DMR at long ranges , it's still an unnecessary (if the sandbox wasn't the way it was) factor of randomness. So, not AoE, but a slight amount of intentional inaccuracy which makes long range duels random. I hope that the charged boltshot isn't as powerful as the mauler. It wouldn't be terrible though, because the likelihood that the user would get killed soon after wouldn't make it appealing to all players. I wonder if the PP can work like that. I never figured out why, but it would seem like the PP full charge disappeared at melee range in H3. In reach it was more reliable.
LOADOUT NAME: mazdak is awesome (of course) PRIMARY: Light rifle SECONDARY: Boltshot GRENADE TYPE: plasma ARMOR ABILITY: Auto-sentry TACTICAL PACKAGE: Resupply SUPPORT PACKAGE: Stability Don't you think spawning with plasma 'nades screws everything up? I mean, everyone's gonna choose it, and it's gonna turn into elite slayer.
i wouldnt, in most cases. sure, theyre a bit more powerful, and obviously better against vehicles in BTB. but frags are the better choice (for most) in 4v4 slayer or lone wolves, especially when starting with precision rifles. gotta get those corner grenade throws for the shield takedown, followed by an easy headshot for the kill. stickies arent as effective for this because of lack of bounce, the detonation time, and obvious glowing blue ball in front of you (although the grenade indicator kind of nulls this).