I recently started a linear infection map for the Hub of the Dead Contest. I came across a problem with safe havens that I need to fix before I can even continue. I have a safe haven around a scorpion tank. The humans are supposed to stick with the tank and protect it all the way until the end of the map. The only thing is, safe havens change. How do i make it so there's only 1 safe haven for the whole map. It should never change. The maximum duration of a safe haven is sixty seconds. I'm starting to wonder if this will even work. I might have to find another way to pull it off. I have tried only having one safe haven spawn, but then when the hill moves it just keeps saying Hill moved Hill moved Hill moved... Because there's no other safe havens to go to. HELP. Preferrably someone from BIOC, ForgeHub Staff or anyone who knows what they're doing or knows the answer to this question. Am I able to have a Safe Haven that never moves in an infection gametype?
As far as I know, this is unfix-able. You will need to create a second hen somewhere else. However, what you could do is create a CP that allows only one human at the start to drive the tank. Couple it up with an AA (probably hologram), and you successfully create a movable haven around the tank. All you do is label the AA haven to be second in line. Then, the havens will alternate between the tank itself, and the tank driver.
I knew you'd eventually help me That sounds like it will work but I don't quite understand how you'd give a safe haven to the tank driver. You're most likely gunna have to show me how. Give the AA itself a safe haven?
I think if you make a second haven set to never respawn and not spawn at start it will try that then immediately switch back to the tank.
Nope, i tried that, it just glitches and says hill moved hill moved hill moved hill moved hill moved...
Problem is, that if you use Berb's idea, you can't give the other players the Sprint ability off spawn but you will have them pick them up instead. (That is, if you have weapons on the map.) The player that spawns on top of the custom powerup needs to immediately pick up that AA before someone else does, otherwise the whole concept will get screwed up. AA's count as weapons, so you need to have weapon pick up enabled in order for someone to pick up an AA. However, like I said, if you have weapons on the map you'll probably want all players to be able to pick up weapons. I suggest making the tank driver spawn in a different area next to the tank and on top of the custom powerup and AA, and have the other players walk through a corridor where they'll be picking up the sprint abilities before being able to continue, e.g. by jumping down to the tank. Oh, and don't forget to enable driving when you are in the safe haven. The custom powerup will run out eventually so you need the safe haven to allow you to drive.
Ok REMkings. Good advice, but you still didn't answer my question. Is there a way soo safe havens never move.. and yeah, I already did everything you mentioned. Sadly I'm gunna have to ditch the idea for now, until halo 4. The idea works. But with reaches budget there's no way you can make a four minute linear map that's long enough for the tank to keep driving through, while still incorporating the other 11 survivors that won't be in the tank. You would need like 300 wall coliseums to pull it off properly. Otherwise they only get to drive the tank for sixty secondsbefore reaching the end if the map. I'm still finishing the map but the gameplay will be all on foot. There's just not enough budget or the right gametype options to make it work. Now I can make a more detailed city map, instead of making the map as big as possible and failing the tank idea.
I don't think there is unless you use two stable ones at the same place. I'm not sure but I don't think you can do it with vehicles / AA's / etc. Too bad you can't make it in Reach, good luck in Halo 4! I assume someone could lock this thread now.
maybe put a safe haven on the spawn point for the tank driver? Not sure if it will work, but it might.
Nope, doesn't work. It won't appear. And it wouldn't give the safe haven to the "owner" of that spawn point anyway.
I have no problem making the safe haven. That's the easy part. All you have do is give one safe haven to the tank driver and one safe gaven to the tank. It works. Thats not the problem though. The problem is how are you supposed to make a linear infection map massive enough for the tank. A tank drives through hemorrhage in like 30 seconds.. Thanks guys though. Hopefully nobody steals my idea before halo 4. Then I'll make the first ever linear infection map that is based off guarding a moving tank.
Lol that you're worried about someone stealing the idea. It's been around for a long time and a few people have even tried it including me. Here are a few ideas I had for extending the map. There's a certain angle ramp where the scorpion's max speed is about a meter per second. One of those can make an artificial holdout point. I also made a section where the tank split off from the infantry into an area with a low kill-zone (radiation area) and the infantry moved through an area blocked to the tank. There was also the option of using it to make players ride on the tank which was quite interesting. Using timed gates and switches that required either the tank or infantry to hold out while the other moved forward were effective too.
Pyro's right - a lot of people have tried it. I've tried using a tank safe haven before. But I was new to forge at the time, so I just gave up at the "hill moved" "hill moved" part. What I did have was a long windy road with power weapons spawning on some smaller side streets/alleyways for balance. And sorry paints, but I have to grammar **** you: It's "based on", not "based off" or "based off of."
I had the cannon of the tank disabled. So you could either drive the tank or use the machine gun turret on it. No main cannon. I thought it was a new idea.
divide the canyon into two sections vertically, or three, so that the tank has to turn around and go back. Also, make it so that maybe they have to stop and wait to get to the next part? And, also, lots of people have tried this (even me) and it's very difficult, so congrats if you get it to work.
Having a turretless tank would be a bit less trodden, but your best hope is still to learn from all the mistakes of those of us who have tried it. With a turretless tank you could try making the haven only affect people standing on the tank to make the game more interesting. This late in Reach and Forge, you can't expect something like that to be a new idea. Some of use even tried it with VIP in Halo 3
It's not impossible to come up with new ideas at all, even this late in Reach. I have about 5 maps (minigames and infection) in my mind that I'm 99,99% sure will feature completely new ideas. Point is, I don't have the time to forge them so I might just wait for Halo 4, so maybe I can even improve the ideas further on.