This is one of the maps that can provide the most color imo and this map summons that color like it is its *****! Good job the map looks awsome
Did you actually save a new version of the map 95 times? Or is that just to make it look like it has been through lots of changes. Why not just stick with 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on.
Lol, my version numbers are mainly for me to understand. For example, a version 1 map, is the first version... a V2, is where the map has structurally gone through a major physical change (like layout changes, size expansion/reduction), basically the playspace is completely different altering the core gameplay. A v1.2 version would be the initial version with significant changes to improve the core gameplay. For example, relaying existing weapons in alternative locations, modifying teleporter pathways, increasing respawn timers, including new weapons etc... A v1.43 version, would be version 1.4 on it's third incremental change. These changes are basically minute and rather insignificant, but still improve the map over it's predecessor. A v1.5 would replace over the top if a significant change occurred. As every time I exit Forge I save the map as new (So my hard drive doesn't corrupt the files, which many people have lost countless hours from), that's the reason this version number is so high. The v1.95 is currently in it's ninth significant variation over the top of it's original V1 (As shown in the first pictures) and while the layout hadn't changed (besides the inclusion of an upper floor in Blue base) I didn't feel it qualified itself for a V2 layout. The aesthetical improvements above all increased the map into it's higher versions, and thereafter the spawn system amendments and weapon refinement caused me to reach V1.8. A final modification of the spawn system to make a balanced, yet almost predictable spawn system allowed me to reach V1.9. From there, each incremental was a minor adjustment (Z-fighting, additional gametype set up (that uses the same spawn system obviously)). Basically, no it doesn't have 95 different versions, but it's so I can track my progress and if (For any reason) I need to revert back to an older version and start my progress again, I can pick out which version I specifically need based on the version number. Thank you Edit: I've also added an Overview of the playspace in the original post (and the v1.95 post) if you want to see the layout.