Those animations for Promethean weapons look sick. I foresee many TRON minigames making full use of the "De-Rez" effect. I'm assuming you can de-rez players; they demoed an Elite getting de-rezed in the ViDoc. I really hope the Light Rifle is as versatile as they play it up to be. I'd totally take a BR/Carbine hybrid. The Boltshot looks like a cooler, actually useful Mauler. I think I'm going to run a Loadout named 'Bromeathean' making full use of these shiny new toys. If they don't get nerfed to the ground in favor of human weapons, at least. As for the remake, I now officially have no idea. I think I'll stop guessing and just wait for it at this point.
Silly Cluck and your live streams. My time machine has been broken ever since that night on Hoglaunch! You were supposed to put the explosives under the Warthogs only!!! RIP Tardis, 2012. So Boltshot. Yeah. I think I found a new friend if it plays like it looks it does. As for the remake, it's obviously Snowbound.
At the time it was a livestream of some Halo 4 CTF on Exile. Good onscreen footage for once. Hopefully someone captured it. Spoiler
I think it's more to do with brand protection than they're actually determined to make a third trilogy of Halo games. At least, I hope so.
Well, 343i does have a huge budget and team for these games. And at least that will give them double the time that Call of Duty gets for polishing/testing/etc. And the Call of Duty games, while no the height of good game design, do at least seem to be fully finished games.
It will get them the exact same amount of time. As opposed to Call of Duty, which is just three guys sharing one laptop.
haven't you already smelt that coming? we haven't had a new halo this fast since never. along with the new changes to the game that make it more similar to popular mainstream shooters... yea i'd say it is definitely heading that way. but i'll wait and see how it plays, i'm done being mad about it, i know it's gonna be fun.
I'm probably gonna make this one my swan song. Not gonna put up with slowly watching the series die, or getting a 720 just for Halo. Especially if the former reason is true, I really won't be needed a new Xbox. I'm slowly but surely joining the PC master race.
I'm thinking that if Halo 4 doesn't offer a significantly improved Forge, I'm not buying it. Even if I buy it, I'm probably not going to be playing matchmaking anyway... I can sense the PV noobs coming...
With a new Halo coming out, I wonder if Microsoft will release some of the older Halo games or Anniversary style games for the PC, considering CE and 2 are already on there. On one hand they could make a decent profit. On the other, it destroy s the Xbox exclusitivity.