
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Berb, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Except you have to consider that this is Halo, not L4D. There is a very good reason that in L4D multiplayer you don't play as common infected. If you did, it would be the most monotonous experience to ever exist, even if map design was flawless. Imagine playing L4D where you had to play as one of the 2000+ common zombies that are killed in a campaign, and how impossible it would be to translate that into Halo and make it fun.

    Except the map is designed to where a zombie has at least 4 paths (2 teleporters) off of spawn to approach a human. In the courtyard, if you run straight into the open after entering tele #2, you will die. That however, is no fault of the map or gametype, because you could have either:
    • Used tele #2, and headed left through the covered area onto the rocks nobody watches.
    • Used tele #1, dropped right and entered safely from where the humans came.
    • Used tele #1, dropped left into the corner and charged at the main pack.
    • Used tele #1, jumped off the end and onto someone at GL spawn.
    In fact, and I can get videos to show you, we have at least three, probably even 4 shotguns on the map. There are also Magnums, the turret, DMRs, a GL and the occasional Rocket Launcher, if you really feel you need an alternative to the Assault Rifle. Yes they are ranged, because ranged combat is the proven advantage of the humans. Ranged weaponry is the check & balance to the zombie's power close-range. Also, humans don't mow down zombies, because more often the not the humans who pack together at the holdout get slaughtered like a group of defenseless cattle.

    One of the shotguns is rarely picked up, though many people know of it's location. This is because on Aihab the exclusively close-range shotgun is inferior to the all-around AR. The shotgun doesn't do you any favors against the tank, nor can it be used to help teammates getting jumped on during the stealthy first third of the map. If you personally feel compelled to use it, that's okay, but don't argue that something that has almost single-handedly ruined MM infection is suitable for a Linear Progression. It's just not.
    #41 Berb, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    People need to stop trying to play mm infection and start playing aihab infection.
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've heard about you and your honeyed words...

    But seriously yeah, MM infection sucks a walnut's ballsack all day long.
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    @Berb Skyrim LOLZ

    I share my Xbox with another person. This person plays infection all day long. This is me watching:


    The issue with MM infection is camping. Camping and winning by camping eliminate the feeling that you, as the human, are running for your life.
  5. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    sorry for not looking through every comment, im just saying i find a map quite boring if it dosent have any kind of theme, no matter how good the gameplay is.
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    Yes, but what we are saying is that the theme can't be expressed well through the pics. There is one there, but you don't really feel it until you are there in the game. The game type really contributes to the theme and gives it a whole new feel. I understand how you feel, I get bored with most maps having a very clean feel to them, but Aihab is different. And for all intents and purposes there is a rather decent theme even just on the surface: one can see building tops from the spawn, there are doors leading off in many directions and in general the progression from a rooftop to ground level to an underground bunker feels very solid to me.

    But in the end aesthetic is something we could argue all day, so whatever floats your boat.
  7. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The excitement that one gets from a map isn't at all from the aesthetics. You don't play a game because it has "Ub3R S3xY Gr4f1x!!!1!". If you do, and care nothing for gameplay, you will be constantly wasting money. In all manners, gameplay comes before aesthetics. To be frank, I don't give a **** about how bad Aihab looks, because the forging is very neat and the gameplay is awesome.
  8. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    dude, i was just making my point your friend flyingshoeilr understood what i meant, and i now understand where you guys are coming from. I will be sure to give this map a download and see for myself how everything comes together. however, aside from that you really do need to get better at taking criticism whether you agree with it or not berb.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Somehow I get the feeling that someone here learning to take irrelevant criticism is less important than someone else here learning to give relevant criticism.

    It's funny that you find this map boring before even playing it. My guess is your boredom comes from the fact that you're sitting in front of a computer looking at pictures of the map instead of playing it. If you tried playing halo that might help.
  10. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you play the map and still feel the same, Berb will take the criticism with open arms I am sure.
  11. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    phahaaa what is pyro talking about, god he talks out of his arse :L anyway elliot i can see where your coming from its just i would like to know that all you famous forgehubers would take criticism well, even if you dont agree with it. but yeah, other than that i was just trying to give my feedback on a map i admittedly havent played yet (however im pretty sure half the people who give criticism on forgehub dont actually play the maps they criticise) but i wasnt trying to start an argument :(
  12. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pyro doesn't talk out his arse, but no hard feelings bro.

    Us 'famous forgehubbers' do take criticism well, as long as it is fair and justified.
  13. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
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    Berb, I honestly haven't tested Aihab since a BIOC ages ago. I know you've been testing this map and updating it a lot. My words are aimed towards AR starts. To me it just doesn't feel right in infection. I can live with using it, and the other variety of weapons I knew you'd have around the map, its just I know a lot of players who'd want a shotgun off of the start, but with your gametype it is almost useless with no radar.

    Shotguns aren't really a problem in matchmaking, the map rotation and the stupidest spots in maps to camp wrecked matchmaking. And the fact that theres no incentive to do anything else but go off and camp since theres no pickups other than what you spawn with. However in Aihab zombies are constantly on your ass and theres a good palette of weapons so this isn't a problem. If only matchmaking had more infection maps like this. I hope Halo 4's infection playlist is updated a bit more, and that we get a chance to submit our own works for MM.
    #53 SIERRA420, Sep 14, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  14. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    okaay well, fair enough. i was just trying to give my opinion but.... maybe im just a rookie ;)
  15. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    Ok, so I've looked at the map in forge, and I feel like the first part is very bland and is mainly colosseum walls. As you progress through the map, it seems to get better though, and it looks very fun. But why is their a tele that brings you across forgeworld? Is it to kill off campers? If so, just teleport them forward a bit.
  16. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I believe the teleporter is to kill people that do not make it to the safe room, to kill them as if they are killed by the nuke.
  17. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol Paints. :)
  18. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    Who are these people again? ;p
  19. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The teleporter fits within the backstory and serves a very important gameplay purpose. The main concept behind the gameplay is that humans must reach the safe room to get points, so a nuke kills anything that hasn't made it in time. This happens with only 10 seconds left, so humans can take their time and still barely make it. Together with the fact that humans only get points from survival, camping or trying to abuse the map is essentially useless.
  20. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    wow, that's actually really smart. I can't wait for the final berbsion! (see what I did there?) I'll definitely get a game on it when it comes out. So now, the only thing I can say that needs improving is the beginning part. Just because it's very bland there.

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