Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Stevo, Splatterman...

    Your views are horribly, horribly outdated. It's beyond anything that could be described as merely societal, as I mused earlier, and is pretty perverse at this point.

    I do thank you for clarifying the matter though, as terrible as said clarification actually was.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    me and my best friend talk about the hilarity of how stupid some women can be all the time.

    she's the best.
  3. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Your sister?
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Holy christ, I seem to have time-traveled back to the 1950's...
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not so sure it's "horribly" outdated.

    I don't hate women as most of you think. I hate one particular girl for all the reasons listed above (somewhere). But, because of this, I now see all of her actions from a subjective point of view (like everyone else who told me not to bother with her) and I see exactly what her intentions were, she wanted me for a great sex life (not being big headed) and she wanted another guy to spend money on her and pretend to be his exclusively, and like another guy for flings etc... I apply this same 'subjective view' to about 90% of the girls I know and see it's the same.

    You may be very lucky to be surrounded by intellectual girls that don't feel the need to do things for attention to make themselves feel better, or alternatively I might be extremely unlucky to be surrounded by the girls I am surrounded by.

    Either way, we live in two entirely different locations with entirely different people... There is a possibility we're both correct in what we say.

    All I know is, I dated a liar and a cheat. She would constantly tell guys she was single to sleep with them so she could feel "loved". She'd talk about how much she wants to settle down and start a fresh with me and how she's cutting everyone bad out of her life, but she'd be texting another guy arranging to meet up with him the very next second... She was legitimately an awful person, but all of her known actions to me is replicated throughout a lot of other women I know.
    #765 Stevo, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    You would not have had a female prime minister if western society was so different on this matter depending on what side of the Atlantic you're on. There are indeed misogynistic attitudes in society as a whole, which I mentioned earlier (workplace salaries, social norms, etc), and they can definitely be found in both countries. I mean, if you look at the cause of Woman's Suffrage, the US was actually behind the UK in granting the right to vote to women by about two years (the land-owning bit notwithstanding). So societal thoughts on the subject are pretty similar. Anyway...

    That is misogyny. Exactly that. The "subjective view" that they are inferior (even if it's just in terms of being moral human beings) as a whole is extremely prejudicial and wrong.

    Regardless of its origin, which I know is horrible and it's shitty that it happened to you, it's still completely outdated. There are always going to be shitty people who do increasingly shitty things, but it's not like one segment of the human population would have a higher incidence of it if everyone was on an even keel.

    I understand wariness, especially in regards to being in a committed relationship again, but the extent you've taken it, to sum up "90%" of women that you see that way is just wrong. It's clearly a case of, and you even admitted in your own words, seeing everything through a foggy lens you got from your experience with one person.

    As a result, you're closing yourself off to a wealth of incredible experiences, some of which you've probably already experienced and in all likelihood many, many more that you haven't.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oops. My bad, I meant objective. Like, an outsider view, looking in...
    I always get the two of those muddled!

    However, judging someone based on previous experiences when they're showing the same signs or traits of lies/deceit isn't necessarily hating on the person or even their entire gender/race/religion etc... Like I said, I've got some lovely girl friends that don't fall into the self-absorbed, attention-seeking, lying category. I'd also probably state that most of the girls that do, probably don't tend to lie it's just a stereotype for now as I don't know them that indepth but I wouldn't be too quick to consider them for dating simply because warning bells would ring to say "Could you trust someone who's self-absorbed and requires that much attention from anyone or anything at any given point?" to which the answer would be; No. I'd rather just wait it out to meet a girl who isn't that and who is considerate, caring, and would put me before them as I've always put the girl before me.

    Or, maybe that's just why I fail at relationships. I put them before me, and maybe love has to be selfish to exist these days...

    I don't intend to have this same outlook forever. I'll probably cool off after a few weeks, it's just bitterness hanging over the fact I have to see this girl every single day.

    It just appears to me that society has gone extremely downhill. A lot of women try to take over the independant male role and it's messing with how everything operates. Women are working, taking up places in power, trying to outdrink men (despite the physical incapabilities in most cases) and much more, it just left me thinking how an 18 year old girl can have so little self-respect, she'd do anything just for a bit more attention.

    The above paragraph does sound like I'm blaming women for this, but I'm not. It's just we've given them just about everything we can now. They're on an actual equal playing field when it comes to any beneficial things the male population previously had, the only things they don't have is the ability to be completely cleaned out (knocked the F out) by a guy without having society automatically side with the woman because she's inferior physically. If society were so evolved for the better to remove the boundaries for women, why has it remained to force boundaries around the male population? Basically, the only thing left in society males have over women is simply the natural physical attributes we possess, but that isn't even society dependant it's natural evolution... If anything, I blame men for taking the easy way out of the hassle by allowing women to get exactly what they want, the trouble is... women don't know what they want so they're never going to stop taking.

    Eat that for a generalisation ;)
    #767 Stevo, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I hate when I'm wearing shorts, and I sit on a plastic chair for a long time, so that when I get up, by butt sticks to the chair.
  9. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    That's what I'm saying, you're seeing all these people through the same post-cheating view, as if most women you meet are going to be that way. It isn't simply you looking for something above-average, which would be "waiting for the dream girl" but you're actually seeing most women for less than they are. You are definitely being misogynistic, I'm glad you're at least self-aware enough that you're willing to change in the future, but you're still not seeing that your viewpoint on women is totally wrong by modern and moral standards.
  10. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I could rage at severaly people, multiple times a day when I look at facebook, but today, it's even worse.
    About 15 people, constantly posting about the new iPhone and how cool and new and awesome it will be.

    I own a iPhone and a iPad myself and I love then, I just can't stand Android. But I don't see the reason to wet yourself over something you have no information about yet ..
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, sorta...

    But, at the same time, it's still plausible for the standards of women to have actually lowered and the chances of finding a woman of the high standard you expect could be non-existant (not saying that it is, just it's a possibility).

    It's entirely possible that a lack of a misogynistic viewpoint in men has caused the 'overall standards' of women to drop because they've no longer got these expectations to become the perfect housewives and mothers, instead they have their own personal ambitions which has no room for anyone else.

    Obviously, I understand the stereotype women often give men. A lot of men are dicks, and cheats. I'd like to think I don't fall into that stereotype so believe I shouldn't be painted with the same tarred brush I always get painted with, but who knows... maybe I'm just too biased towards myself because I'm really the only person who truly understands me, and yet, I don't understand myself at all sometimes.
  12. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    So women shouldn't have personal goals and ambitions because that interferes with their ability to do what a man wants?
  13. BasedGod of Grunge

    BasedGod of Grunge Halo Reach Era
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    I'm going to stop participating in this discussion before it causes me to kill myself
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Maybe we should get off the subject of Stevo becoming a misogynist as a result of getting played by someone he though was "The One" (lol).

    I hate when people poke me on Facebook, I don't see what it accomplishes. Anyone care to chime in on this?
  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and dismissing them as nothing more than nonsense.

    That hurts.

    Also, pokes are meaningless.
    The only reason I poke people is to annoy them, because more often than not, they refuse to just hide a poke and instead, they just have to poke back... in which case, I poke them back again.
    #775 Stevo, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I believe you're saying that women should limit their personal goals and ambitions so as to fit a faithful marriage (with a man) into their 'lifelong equation.'

    I can see how this makes sense... but isn't it possible that you're thinking about this too early? Today, people in the US get married at an older age than it's ever been (2010: 28 yrs - males, 26 yrs - females link). You're in high school someone said? Yeah, I understand the frustration, however, most girls aren't in the "husband mode" until later. I vote: wait a couple years, realize that you shouldn't take adolescent relationships too seriously, enjoy the ride to maturity, have a spectacular relationship with a woman, not a girl.

    Hahahaha wut
    #776 Monolith, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  17. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    for me, its the real assholes at high school, you know, the ones that are up themselves and treat everyone like ****, piss me off sooooo much. you just wanna drop kick them in the face. Oh and coleslaw, seriously who in their right ****ing mind likes coleslaw, it tastes like ****.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
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    I hate it when Romney is an Ass-Hat.
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nah, I'm 22. I'm just immature.

    I don't intend to marry unless I've been with the right person for a good few years. Six at least. I lol'd at Shanon's comment really... I never thought she was 'the one'. I just enjoyed spending time with her and it really pissed me off that it was all a lie really... just some bid for attention. I had a bad feeling in my gut when I first got with her, something was telling me she was a bad person. I should just trust my gut feeling a little more next time.

    Anyway, I wasn't saying women shouldn't have ambition. I was just stating a point - women seem to walk out on just about everything these days unless it's keeping them happy enough to stay as they are. There's no effort into working things out basically, and divorce statistics are good examples of this, as well as the increase in single parenting.

    I like coleslaw.
  20. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I hate how one of my Profs is like "Email me if you have any questions about the assignment or the lab tomorrow", I emailed him 6 hours ago. No reply.

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