99% of my games where BTB in reach I had more vehicle kills then headshots for the longest time and It was different from Halo 3 BTB but it was still fun and competitive. But sandtrap was lolBTB just fun for elephants and spartan lazers and chopper splatters I really doubt its coming back but if it does I hope that isn't coming back exactly the same way but if you modify it in some way or with advanced forge or just a spiritual successor or been able to forge elephants it could be fine not really worried on this front.
I misspoke before, I meant Cawk Patrol, not Cawk Blawkin'. Cawk Blawkin' is obviously too old hand for people to get into, but Sumo Hogs? Rocket Race? There's no learning curve there. They could start by coming up with their own idea, instead of mending one that the community made. I would've liked 343i to have stood on their own two feet and shown they have the creativity to bring something to the table gametype-wise. Sandbox it is then.
No Sandtrap please. The only thing preventing it from being the all-time worst Halo BTB map is the decision made in Reach that campaign/invasion-style maps were fine for BTB play. Actually I might even like The Spire better than Sandtrap. I have no need of Sandbox either. It's retrograde as a forge space and the default configuration was an absolutely terrible BTB experience (just like the default Foundry was a terrible 4v4 experience... hmmm, I sense a theme). Burial Mounds is a better option than either of those but my memories of it aren't all that fond really. It was a tolerable 1-flag map, a pretty dull slayer map. Whatever Frankie's clue means, I hope we end up with Valhalla.
Guys the clue is so obvious, here me out. La Carta de Oaxaca is a restaurant in Old Ballard, Washington. It's nearby a river that flows through the town. There are a ton of rivers in Africa. Far Cry 2 is based in Africa. Ubisoft developed Far Cry 2. Ubisoft has seven letters in it. The number seven is often considered to be a lucky number. Four-leaf clovers are lucky as well. Four-leaf clovers are a type of vegetation. The map Valhalla has lots of vegetation on it so that means it's the map they're remaking! But seriously, I hope it's Valhalla.
Is a Mexican Standoff too much of a Reach? Gotta say that I'd much prefer Valhalla to Standoff, though I'd prefer either to Sandtrap.
I dunno about that, the pictures DO have buildings in it, so it might be the Pit or it could be lockout, they both have skies and floors
I thought they specifically stated that it was an outdoor map. If so Pit is out, Lockout seems unlikely. Whilst it is technically outside (as I guess Pit is too if you want to be a real pedant), it's not really an outdoor style map. Plus wasn't that blurred pic from a while ago meant to be the remake? It had like grass and cliffs, so I don't see Lockout being on the cards, especially since they already remade it for 3 and it did not go well.
Lockout will probably be really simple to remake with H4 Forge since it looks like a lot of the pieces (if not all) are returning from Reach. Hmmm... I just realized... Lockout was one of the simplest maps to remake in Reach's forge considering that a ton of the buildings were actual Lockout components... why was it never in Reach's matchmaking (aside from the original Classic Playlist)?
Who knows, it was a good map, something I would much rather play over Uncaged any day. But to the best of my knowledge, the original map that was featured in the playlist was lost over time.
This, pretty much all the remakes used in Classic have been lost, which is sad because (as you rightly point out) many of them run rings round original forge maps like Uncaged. The Midship remake was very solid as well, and TS/SS are lacking good forged symm maps.
I can see Longshore. I've never even to Seattle but I imagine it can feel similar to the seagull chirping, bay theme that is Longshor. I enjoyed the map don't get me wrong, but I don't feel it was popular enough to be remade. They need to bring back something every Halo fan will recognize.
I thought that too. I dunno though, seems a bit of a stretch. Maybe it's just me but I think people are reading too much in to the waterfront thing. Could well be wrong though, and I'd much rather see Longshore return than Sandtrap, and probably more than Standoff as well.
Longshore really didn't get much play in H3 and it was a pretty decent map so I could see them feeling bad and wanting it to return. It's not Forerunner, so props to it lol. However, I'm still holding out hope for the Pit. I'm not putting too much stock in the whole "outdoor" comment because pretty much any map can be switched to outdoors and technically the Pit was pretty close already..that hanger doesn't much count. If you focus on the "not causing drama" comment, the Pit is one of the most likely IMO. As well, as Shad0w pointed out when we were discussing this last night, 343 has been doing their best to cater to everyone and so far they haven't done too much catering to MLG. Sure, maybe MLG would rather Midship, but the Pit is something they can use and still does double duty as a very good map for the rest of the community that can play slayer and objective. PLEASE BE THE PIT
I still think the Pit is pretty unlikely, but it was easily my favourite map in Halo 3 so obviously I'd be pretty psyched if it returned. To be fair, we don't really know much of what they've done for anyone yet. We've seen 4 maps, and yeah only one of them has looked particularly MLG friendly if you consider Haven to be that (and I really like the look of it), but we don't know what the rest of the map lineup will contain enough to say that they're not catering to MLG or classic competitive folk much. This.