yeah i remember him talking about building from other games, i know you didint mean it in a bad way, i just didnt remember anything similar besides the loading screen. and i havent played borderlands in so long i can't remember what makes a weapon good, in terms of stats
I'm so very excited about this game. Everything I've seen looks like an awesome improvement upon the already great original. The menus look a lot smoother to navigate and look more fluid as compared to the clunky frustrating Borderlands menu. Only if I had a top-of-the-line gaming PC to get the full experience...
I've been going through borderlands 1 as fast as i could since i never got to finish the original. Ive caught up to my solo play through in a few session of co-op. So excited for BL2. Plus i got an nvidia card with phsyX which seems to add alot of graphical bells and whistles to the game. Borderlands 2 - PhysX Trailer [HD] - YouTube
We should do some more of that tonight! Also, Gearbox released the Skill Trees for all of the classes: Salvador Maya Axton Zer0
My Maya build is going to be better than yours. The cataclysm tree looks brilliant, and mixed with motion to really buff her Phase-lock is going to be fantastic!
I'm a little confused about the Thoughtlock skill. It says that it alters the action skill from locking down enemies to turning the enemies on each other. How would this affect the augmentations of Converge and Sub-Sequence?
I'm assuming that with sub-sequence, the thought-lock will shift to a different enemy. Converge could really come into it's own if enemies were attracted to your target, there would be some great strategies that would come out of that if it were the case.
I'm trying to decide whether my first character should be Axton or Zer0... Having the ability to go Invisible as Zer0 is INCREDIBLY useful, but after seeing gameplay of Axton, I'm tempted to go with him instead.
Axton's turrets can stick to the wall and the ceiling. And you can get two of them. With rocket pods.
I'm going to be playing Maya. I played Lilith as my main in the original, so I need to uphold my title as being the sexiest *****.
My Lillith build was ****ing flawless, plus I happened upon an SMG that stacked fire damage over a period of time per round.
I really want to play the game as Maya from an electrical elemental standpoint, but whenever I tried that with Lillith on Bl1, the only shock weapons I found were useless and I could just use some corrosive/burning weapon that was for sale at a dealer. Is there any benefit to taking down shields faster in comparison to health?
you cant just focus on one elemantal type when enemies are so diverse and different elements are effective against different enemy types. shock against shields, corrosive against armor, and fire against flesh. in borderlands 1, you used fire against most bandits, corrosive against skags and those armored military guys (forget what they were called), and shock against eridians. eridians had many times more shield capacity than health, so it was obviously beneficial to use shock against them, but it was pretty useless against most other enemies. you cant just focus on one elemental type, you have to utilize them all to be effective.
What about all of those class mods in borderlands 1? + 56% shock damage and the like.. I can see where you're coming from though.
you can carry multiple class mods. most of the enemies in a single area will have the same weakness, so yeah, you can use one elemental type for a while, but eventually you gotta switch to a different type to be effective (if youre focusing on elemental damage in general).
Surprisingly, I've not thought of keeping the classmods that I'm not using. I usually found one semi-OP corrosive or fire weapon and slapped on the appropriate classmod.
I'm gonna start with Commando, but I have no clue what skill tree to pick, as they are all equally appealing to me... Leaning toward guerrilla atm.
You don't have to 'pick' one, really... You can only get to the bottom of one, for now at least, but you can have perks from every tree active at the same time.
i think i might go with zero for my first character, depending on what my friends who ill be playing with want. he seems really interesting. i wanna shoot for all the way down the bloodshed and halfway down the sniping tree. i feel like it would a pretty cool playstyle.
Definitely Maya. Siren is the only class I played in Bl1, and I plan on keeping it that way, for now. I might try the mechromancer when that comes out.