Even Frankie said that the prefab buildings are in Forge - besides for being used for remakes - for casual Forgers who quickly want to make a silly map without going through the trouble of making towers with small Forge objects and stuff like that.
I'm not saying buildings are perfect - but they're just as viable as any other object if treated the same way. I mean, a platform XXL can be just as out of place and disruptive. I look at it like using natural terrain. It's not so much that "your map is predesigned" as it is "you have to work a tiny bit harder to make sure your design fits around the chunks of stuff you can't move/change". Obviously they're not easy to use well, but I honestly think the "you didn't design it" aspect is what's driving the general dislike of them. If Forgers were more open-minded, I think buildings would be far more popular. As for ditching them - they're obviously not going to, as they are already confirmed. Maybe the greater complexity of Halo 4 will allow forgers to feel less offended by the concept. I mean, it's not like you can't add anything to the buildings. Hopefully there are more smaller objects that will allow for detailed additions and more subtle ramps. And I doubt we'll see anything like this, but if they had a volume that makes it's contents invisible and turns off their collision detection, that would be really sweet. Being able to add doorways to buildings or in the middle of big wall objects would make for much cleaner maps.
So I know that the conversation has switched over to forge, but concerning yesterdays conversation about the remake, it isn't going to be last resort or terminal. A guy at Reborn asked if any of the maps were going to have moving hazards like waterworks and they told him no.
I liked Terminal OK but it's not a map I especially I want to see again. It was really only good for 1-flag, IMO.
Wait wait wait, so on top of not being able to drop the flag, there's auto pickup!? FFS, I make this pledge here and now: **** running flag, or even going anywhere near it, ever again. They just turned it from an awesomely fun objective role in to an utter curse. Fighting near the flag and accidentally strafe in to it? YOUR PROBLEM. I can only assume that whoever made this decision has a railroad spike shoved through their head, and if they don't then doing so should be the first order of business on Monday.
Oh my. I don't like the decision either, but I figure the most flag games I'll play are in custom lobbies, which will probably be different than MM flag settings? In any case I don't think it will bother me much when I play the game. I feel like a flag map is often open, and so you will have less opportunity to bump into the flagnum.
i think all of the objective items are auto pickup. the oddball and grifball looked to be autopickup in those videos where they were showcasing them. to be honest, it doesnt bother me a ton. they did say you have to be directly on top of it to pick it up, and i can remember in past games trying to pick up the bomb or something but picking up an AR instead happening a lot more frequently than me standing on top of the bomb for no reason not trying to pick it up.
The implication of the quote from zepp's post is that CTF will not have options to disable any of these mechanics upon release. They said they might introduce them, but frankly I have no time for that approach. If you don't feel it's a necessary addition at the time during which your biggest job is to convince people to have faith in the game, it's sure as hell not going to become necessary once they've already bought it.
Yeah, that is all... ewwwww. I love CTF (to me it's the perfect summation of everything great about Halo), but if CTF had a problem in the first Halo, it was auto-pickup of the flag. They fixed it and now 343 wants to go back..? And not even let you drop the flag, on top of it? Why? This is seriously retrograde.
Peg, that's seriously a downer on Halo 4... I don't care so much what they do to MM, but no option to change it in customs? That's just annoying.
I actually kind of understand why they want to keep game options for basic mechanics kind of simple, because messing with all the options we already have is kind of exhausting - I can't tell you how many times I started a custom game only to realize that one setting was wrong and it affects the entire game in a negative way. But it just seems to me like they're making the wrong choices here. The existing mechanics work so well and allow good objective runners to perform some amazing feats - why change them in such a limiting way, that makes the game demonstrably less interesting and complex? Blah. Only the flagnum thing is interesting to me, but you don't need to turn off manual flag pick-up and drop to do that.
Nutduster, I agree. 4v4 CTF Halo is my favourite gaming experience ever, hands down, and that's true of any of the past titles (even including CE, which you correctly point out as flawed). This displeases me greatly. Audience, I agree also. I see no reason to hinder customisation, especially in such a basic, gameplay affecting way. One of Halo's greatest strengths has always been customisation. EDIT: Nutduster, I'm not altogether sure I agree. I see the logic, and it's affected me directly too, but I'd rather have the chance to make mistakes if it means the chance to make more decisions.
This^ I never really played CTF in MM. It was always in a TCOJ lobby. And there were many mistakes made (mostly Nutduster) when the games were started up. And sure it was annoying as hell. But like Peg said, I would rather have to stop the game, fix the setting and restart it. Just give us the options. I like the idea of the Flagnum. But not being able to drop it makes me not want to ever pick it up. I always preferred being a support role and following the carrier anyways. And auto pick up is going to be stupid. It was brought out already that if youre just fighting near the flag and accidently pick it up, it will likely result in your death most of the time. I dislike these changes. I will most likely never play CTF in MM. But most definitely will be in customs with people who will (like myself) prefer a more classic experience.
I wish it was toggleable in the game options. That way, everybody is happy. In other news, i've finally pre-ordered my copy. Getting the LE because, H4 will most likely be my last haloz. Will be at uni by the time it's out (unless they really are pulling a cod and releasing one every 3 months) and i'm not forking out for another console.
I know I am a serious minority voice on this basically every time it comes up. But I think there are benefits to keeping the game simple in certain respects. The overly complex game settings thing is just part of it; another part is the deepening divisions in the Halo community, which seem to grow with each game. I've harped on this a lot, but to recap briefly, Halo CE had basically two pockets in its community: regular players who played with trackers and default weapon starts, and MLG who played with no trackers and magnum starts. Every other game setting was basically the same because most of them that mattered were out of the players' control. Since then the divide between MLG and casuals has gotten bigger, to the degree that MLG Reach looks and feels entirely unlike Vanilla or even TU Reach - you move differently, aim feels different, damage settings are different, there are few or no AAs, the map layouts are different even on the maps that are shared between the two, etc. And we've added lots of new little pocket communities - some through playlists like Anniversary, though a lot of them are just playing customs. And the weirdest feeling is when you randomly get pulled into a game hosted in a community outside of your usual one, and you spend the entire time just trying to get your bearings - figure out if you can or can't juggle the flag, how many shots it will take to kill you, whether the flag is a 1-hit kill or not (this is a pretty big deal for flag-runners, trust me), where the power weapons are, where the power-ups are and if they do anything worth bothering with... on and on and on. Or when someone from another community ends up in your customs lobby, immediately bitches about the game settings as if using flag juggling or not was the dumbest decision in the world, and quits out leaving you short-handed. A lot of that stuff is fine of course, and I don't want to be accused of arguing against any kind of customization. That's not true. But over time I feel like Halo has tried to be all things to all people - Bungie wanted to keep everybody (CE players, Halo 2 players, Halo 3 players, and the MLG players from all three games as well) reasonably happy. And I think ultimately their inability to say, "This is the game, live with it" has actually hurt the community around the game, and perversely made people less happy. How weird is that?
Late to the party on that one peg There have been a few questionable decisions over the last two halos that involved changing mechanics that worked. A limit of ghost boost? It never made sense to me that in addition to adding more vehicle counters and making the vehicles weaker they added a further hindrance. Flying around in ghosts was always fun and never OPed but for whatever reason they added armor lock to counter splatters and then reduced boosting too? And left limited boost in this game too? Annoying.
^ I see where you're coming from, on paper, but in practice the ghost boost meter is so long and recharges so fast that it hardly matters. You can boost practically all the way from one end of Hemorrhage to the other. In that case it seems more like something they added to be consistent with the general recharge idea they were trying to implement in so many aspects of Reach. The meter has a lot more impact, and makes a lot more sense, for things like the wraith, the banshee, and armor ability usage.
To be honest, I think the series probably would have been better off done after Halo 3. Of course, M$ wouldn't do that, so instead we're going to get to watch Halo eventually run itself into the ground, similar to how CoD is inevitably going to fall. It's sad really. They were great games, but sometimes it's best to move on IMO. CTF was also my favorite mode. Not anymore. Objective has been dying in Reach and I assume it will in Halo 4 too (besides Grifball). I miss the more objective-focused trilogy games. And ND, I agree, this community has been slowly splitting itself apart. There are so many ways to play that honestly, I think it's TOO much. 343 needs to focus more on the core (as much as I hate some of the new additions) if they are to keep the community remotely close together. I have a bad feeling about this...a loose community, very controversial changes and (if they continue the trend from the TU) a refusal to commit either way seems like a recipe for disaster.